Chapter 33

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With a yawn Yellow opened the door of his room before walking towards the place Phos had said to gather. With the signs of sleep still on his face the yellow diamond squinted them trying to stay in the dream world as long as possible and escape the ugly reality that his life had become. Man, what a bad example this way of thinking was for the younger gems.

On his way his crystalline yellow eyes caught the glimpse of something lying on the floor. Although he wanted to ignore it and go to Phos his curiosity got the better of him and with another yawn he walked over it. Whatever was lying on the floor had a humanoid appearance and even seemed to be wearing the same uniform as Yellow- ah no wait, it's just you.

"___. . .what are you down down there?" the gem asked with a motherling worried tone even though he was still sleepy enough to yawn immediately after finishing the sentence. "I didn't had a blink of sleep. . ." you said, making no move to lift your head from the floor. Yellow gave you a pitfull look kneeling beside you "It's hard to sleep in a place where you're not familiar huh?" he said patting you on the head awkwardly.

"You can say that"

With a chuckle Yellow grabbed your arm before trying to lift you up "Let's go come on, Phos is waiting for us" you hummed as you stood up. Right, the raid. After yesterday's events you forgot about it. Walking alongside the diamond you had a small talk with him, expressing your opinions on the comfort of the beds and on the aesthetic beauty of the place. Apparently Yellow really liked it.

You two entered a room noticing that Amethyst and Dia were already there "Hey guys" you quickly greeted them before also noticing Phos in the distance waving at you all with a smile on his face. He seemed really happy "Morning! Is everyone here?!" Strange. It was really strange that he was in such a good mood after yesterday's news. You would never have thought of not liking seeing Phos happy before, but that expression was really strange in the context you were in.

"All right guys! Lets go shatter Sensei into pieces. Right now" he exclaimed still with that creepy smile on his lips before his expression became more serious and the alloy from his arm began to drip down his face. "I don't want Sensei to be lonely"

Holy shit! He definitely lost it. Actually now that you think about it he may have lost it a long time ago.

"So we need to hurry and break every part of him" in an almost robotic voice Phos continued as all of the alloy behind him writhed around the structure like a snake. And before any of you could do anything the structure was compressed on itself like a can causing an annoying 'crunch'. No way he was in the right state of mind to participate in a raid.

"Hey you"

A voice behind the blue gem caught his attention and when he turned he found himself face to face with Padparadscha who with a simple flick to the forehead shattered Phos.

. . .



"Did I hit you too hard? Whooops"

That was quite anticlimactic.

You sweatdropped as a moment ago you feared that Phos would set out to destroy everything in his path and yet now he was laying on the floor, half broken from a simple flick. Kuudos to Padpa for making him come back to his senses. Otherwise you wouldn't know what you should have done.

Immediately two Lunarians headed towards the blue gem to put him back together, you and the rest of the gems following close behind.

"Does anyone on earth know about your plan?" Phos took a few seconds before answering while the two Lunarians fixed his face "I told everything to Cinnabar and Euc figured it out" Padpa hummed crossing his arms "Euc eh? He must have asked Cinnabar for more information and then told everyone. It would be better to organize some expeditions to earth to see how things are progressing"

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