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I can't move.

Everything feels too hot and light around me. Like I'm floating on scorching emptiness. I want to yell. To scream in anger at having my chance at happiness, taken from me. Robbed by the one jackass I never should've dated.

But I can't move my mouth to form any sound. Tears sting my eyes and fall from my closed eyelids, hot down my cheeks.

The soft sound of voices above me seem to echo loudly and I attempt to move my aching body. No luck. All that accomplishes, is searing pain stabbing at my chest and throat.

"Anthony, can you hear me?" A voice calls out and I jolt subconsciously at the familiar voice.


I peel my eyes open one by one, blinking film from my vision to have a face swim into view. One of worry and sorrow. Ignoring the pain battering my body, I shoot up and wrap my arms around her, finally releasing a sob.

"My poor sweet boy, what have you gotten yourself into?" She murmurs, hugging me tight. "I am gone a few minutes, and you go and get yourself killed."

"He was gonna kill Molly, Ma. I had ta do somethin'." I force the words out of my mouth, wincing at the dryness of my throat and raspy wail of my voice.

It hurts to talk.

"I know, and I am so proud that you stepped in to save her. But at the cost of so many lives..." I pull away to look at her questioningly.

"What do ya mean?"

"Your death took a toll on your husband. He threw your sister against a tree. Murdered hundreds in Hell. And holds your body hostage in his house, preserved by a spell. He's become an empty shell of the demon he used to be. More reckless, disconnected from friends. Alastor searches for a spell to bring you back. A spell that doesn't exist."

Al did what?!?!

I glance down at my bare third finger, where my ring is supposed to be.

Guess I can't bring worldly possessions with me ta Heaven.


"Ma, am I in Heaven?" I blanch when she nods with a bright smile. "But... how?"

"Normally, when demons in Hell die, they disappear from existence. Merely becoming part of the scorching winds of Hell. But what you did, saving your sister, made you worthy of Heaven. There is, however, a catch." She says hesitantly, patting my hand.

"Tell me, Ma."

"To remain in Heaven, God has given you a job. A role to fill every year to do your civic duty."

"What is it?"

Judging by the look in her eyes, I'm not going to like it.


Days Later...

Hidden by a cloaking spell, Ma and I watch the oak casket lower into the ground, my body sealed inside.

"Thanks fer bringin' me down here... I needed this." I choke back a sob as my eyes stray from the marble gravestone, to everyone crowded around it. Expressions ranging from grave, to gut wrenching tears.

"I'll probably get in trouble for taking you down here, but you need this. And I'm going to make darn sure my son gets closure."

Charlie stands in Vaggie's embrace, sobbing into her shoulder. Vaggie wears a grim expression. Husk surprisingly looks sad as he raises a green bottle of booze, as if in salute, and downs half the liquor, upturning the rest to drizzle onto the ground beside my grave.

Molly holds Madilene close, openly sobbing, entire body shaking while her husband attempts to comfort her. Unsurprisingly, Pops and Arackniss isn't among those in the crowd. To be honest, I'm glad. I don't need my funeral to be turned into a battle ground between my family and Al.

Shock courses through me at the sight of Valentino quietly crying and Vox awkwardly holding him.

Huh, didn't see that one comin'.

Alastor stands beside a tree about fifty feet away. Smile forced and eyes lifeless. His body language portrays defeat.

"Albert." I mumble, tears streaming down my face as I take in his haggard appearance. Dark circles stand out under his eyes, giving away sleepless nights. His skin appears sickly pale and cheekbones look sunken in, hollow.

It's as if he lost his soul. His will ta live.

Oh, Albert...

"I know it's hard, but you must stay hidden. He can't know that you live or that you now reside in Heaven. Those are the rules." Ma whispers, blue eyes full of sorrow.

"Not 'til my new lil' job." I snort sarcastically.

"Even then, you must keep the mask provided to you, on. Under no circumstances are you to remove it." She warns.

I nod, only half listening as I watch Alastor turn abruptly, disappearing into the growing shadows behind him. Leaving the funeral to most likely return home.

Miss ya too, my love.

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