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WARNING: This is both a fluff and NSFW chapter that may or may not include spanking. Read at your own risk!


I'm speechless.

There are no words to express the shock, the sheer adoration I have for this man that swells my dead heart, upon looking at the gift he bought for me in his hands. Bonsai Roses.

Perfect in every way. In all my years while alive, I never could find seeds to grow purple roses. So I just made do. Now here they are, just within reach. Given to me by my doe. My obsession. My true love. My soulmate. My everything.

Daring to reach out, my finger hovers mere inches from the closest petal. Not quite touching it, but feeling the softness nevertheless. Oh, how I long to touch it. But I dare not. I will not watch this precious gift from Mon Ange wilt to its death.

"It's okay ta touch it, Al. They're fake. Pretty ta look at, and will last a long time." Even though we are back in the relative safety of the temporary room I'm staying in, Angel still whispers as if afraid of being overheard.

Fake? Then that means...

Releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding, I graze a finger over the petal, eyes beginning to gloss over. I'm touching a flower again. I'm touching it! Regardless of the realism of the plant, the point is still the same. I'm able to stroke a finger over petals - although fake - still feel real to the touch.

Gingerly taking the potted plant from Angels hands, I hold it close to my chest, breaths whooshing out of me in tremors.

"Al? Are ya okay?"

The only answer I'm able to give, is a keen full of distorted static as I sink - once again - to my knees in front of him, plant cradled to my chest as if protecting a cherished bauble. For that is what it is. A precious gem of value I shall never part with. Body curling over the plant, I begin to rock back and forth, sobs wracking my slim, boney frame.

"Shit, I knew da fake ones were cheesy and stupid. I'm sorry, Al. I'll go back and get ya some real ones."

Through radio static and choked sobs, I manage to force three words past quivering lips. "Don't you dare!"

"Wha- ...mrmph!" Without realizing it, I shoot to my feet and crush my lips against his to silence his argument, one arm cradling the plant, the other curling around his waist.

"I'm sorry-"

"Please, forgive me-"

We speak at the same time as we pull apart to breathe, and a chuckle manages to slip through my crumbled façade.

"Hush, there is nothin' ta forgive." Angel whispers, fingers going up to press against my lips, halting me from talking. "Ya were right. All I've been doin' is actin' like a spoiled child. I guess, in my dominant stage, I got so used ta ya always obeyin' me... that I became too pushy. Too overbearin'. I forgot that even though yer my sweet, submissive Albert, yer also an Overlord that demands and deserves respect. I'm so sorry fer makin' ya feel less than. No one eva' deserves that."

My heart breaks from his apology. Yes, I meant every word, but to hear him sound so forlorn, so ashamed... well it is positively gut wrenching.

"Stop, please. In my anger, I said awful things. I do not deserve your forgiveness, much less a gift..." Trailing off, I glance down at the plant in my arms, grip tightening, not wanting to let it go. Gritting my teeth, I hold out the plant to Angel, fighting back tears.

"I bought that fer ya, Al. Keep it. It's a symbol of our love."

"Fake?" I ask in confusion.


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