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Long time no see! Lol. No, but seriously. Sorry I've been MIA lately guys. I've been dealing with a lot and haven't had the time to add to this little fic of mine. I honestly didn't think so many wanted me to continue this story...

Anyways, I'll do my best to update this story when I can. Only a handful of chapters left!

This chapter is short, but the next one will be longer.


So intense. Can't... focus.

Brown paper bag held tightly in my arms, I struggle to put one foot in front of the other. Moving only sends wave after wave of molten pleasure through me, but I have little choice.

The groceries seem to grow heavier with each step, my legs tremble, and my smile wavers.

Why in Hell did I agree to put these wretched things back on?!?!

Oh, right. Because he asked me to. My sweet Anthony requested something of me, and looking into those pleading pink eyes, I was unable to refuse. I'm never able to tell him no.

A blessing or a curse?

I'm uncertain. My mind is too fuzzy to think clearly.

Peals of manic laughter sound in the distance, followed by shrill screams of agony. Such glorious chaos that usually brings music to my ears, but they twitch uncontrollably to properly take in the delightful sounds. Sinful mayhem, the delicious scent of death and decay. I want it.

I want it all.

Be the cause of this cesspool lost souls have no choice to cowar in, to crumble to dust. Collapse from the weight of its own greed and misfortunes. Oh, how decadent it would be to tower above it all. Watch the smoldering aftermath wearing a grin and sipping the finest wine, paired with the blood of the purest soul.

A certain princess with the purity to rival even the smugest of angels. Her blood would be the most exquisite yet.

Smile sharpening with the tempting thought of those black eyes fluttering shut forever, I jerk with a gasp at a sudden wave of pleasure as the rings on the base of my member, fluctuates in vibration. The groceries tumble from my grasp and hit the ground, scattering IV bags of blood and Ragu ingredients.


Like a freight train, I'm reminded as to why I'm making constant trips to the store. Why the quest for ultimate power seems less potent than it used to. Them.

My Husband and Daughter.

It's for them that I do this. For them that I hold back on basic instinct that drives me to stake my claim on this bitter wasteland. I chose to settle down. Because not only did I find a love I thought long gone, I also have a family. I will do right by them... by any means nessesary.

Another wave of ecstasy crashes through me, and only grabbing the IV bags for Tracy, I bolt towards home, uncaring of how wild and unkempt I appear to others. I need to get home, and I need to get home now.

Blasted shadow can't do anything right!

Dangerous Desires (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now