Alastor (Part 2)

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WARNING: This chapter has NSFW content in it, along with blood and gore!!!


I've never been so erect in my life.

Past and present, I've never throbbed this hard before. Even during my heat. Even during the unbearable days that followed my rut. Never has my length felt like it had a pulse of its own. Sure, giving myself over to both Anthony and Angel was special, but this... this is thrilling.

Because after hearing of the horrors of my past, my childhood, Angel still finds my scars beautiful. Still wants to intertwine our bodies together in scorching passion. My Husband, through everything, sees the beauty where I cannot. He takes a twisted, lumbering, broken monster, and holds it to his bosom, nurturing it with sweet nothings whispered with soft breaths.

What's more, is that he wishes to add to the scars covering me from head to toe. Mark me in a way that shows I belong to him. And oh, do I want that. I'd lay myself, cut open and bloody, at his feet, if he asked.

The mere anticipation of my Beau entering me again after so long, leaves me shuddering like a leaf left in a raging storm, on the verge of hyperventilating as I'm thrown back onto the bed. Angel's eyes flash a bioluminescent red as he mounts the bed, smile splitting his face in two and golden tooth glinting. He mounts the bed as if prowling meek prey, fluid and alluring like that of a beautiful dance.

Lungs swelling viciously against my ribcage at the vivid sight, a moan swells in my throat, channels fluctuating between slow classical music and upbeat jazz.

Angel is striking. Even as a doe, stark colors of red and pink meld together with the pale canvas that is his fur. I've hunted man and beast until the brink of insanity for nearly a century. There's no mistaking the slow poised stalk of a predator.

This doe, my doe, it's in his nature to prowl and fight, hunt and tear into the flesh of the unsuspecting. To watch it unfold before me, is glorious.

It's possible when Valentino took possession of Angel's soul, he was aware of just how dangerous he could be if given the chance. So, he took it upon himself to stifle Angel's beautiful flame. Cut off any oxygen that could feed it and hide it away.

Not this time.

No. After the putrid moth is dealt with, Angel's flame will be free to build into an inferno, blazing brighter than the pentagram that hangs in the blood red sky as everything burns to ashes around him.

Angel slides up my body, teeth finding the skin of my throat. Warbled radio static hisses through the gaps in my teeth in a gasp at the sting of pain. Claws ghost over my skin, causing me to suck in a sharp breath. Belly drawing in tight and scars bunching with the sudden movement, my breath knocks out of me with a whoosh at the feel of those needle-like claws pressing up against the tight skin under my ribcage.

Shouting, I find that I can't arch or move in any shape or form from Angel pinning both hands above my head with one hand, legs curling around mine to hold me in place. A shaky breath has a prick of pain digging into my skin, drawing a drop of blood. The absolute danger of needing to suck in another breath and having his claws right there to pierce my flesh should I dare to, has my erection straining painfully against my abdomen.

Silky white fingers find my throat next, squeezing just enough to have me short of breath, and in that moment, I forget how to breathe. Looming above me, this predator isn't choking me at all, but he may as well have. For all I can manage, is frantic outward motions, lungs heaving.

When I'm finally able to make a sound, all that comes out, is a garbled ngh! More blood wells against the hollow of my stomach with the exhale. A deeper gasp and more needles of pain has the breath leaving me in the form of a whistling kettlepot. Moving and taking me in his masterful hand, Angel presses open mouth kisses to my throat, tongue dancing over the stinging nip he placed there moments earlier.

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