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This chapter is for those who keep pushing me to keep moving forward. The badass readers that have my back who I call friend. As promised, I snuck in the goose in honor of my amazing discord baddies! 💕



Tracy pokes out her tongue to blow a rasberry, pink eyes wide and red ears twitching. Angel lifts his arms to smother her face with kisses, a warm smile curling his lips.

I watch on with a beaming smile of my own. Although sharp, but genuine all the same. Only, not everyone can tell the difference. To them, I'm simply out with a black furred doe that carries a newborn hybrid in her arms. Doting on the babe like a loving mother should. To me, I'm with my Beau and baby, casually walking down the cracked and weathered sidewalk while sipping fresh steaming coffee we just procured from the coffee shop. The name eludes me, yet I can't seem to find a shred of care.

I'm with the only two people that remotely matters to me. That is all I care about.

"Daddy loves ya so much, pumpkin." Angel croons to Tracy, giving her cheek a soft nuzzle.

"Dont forget about other Daddy." I butt in with a low chuckle, tickling her chin with a gloved finger.

"Ha! Ya said it." He bursts out laughing and my eye begins twitching.

"Only I may use the term, dear."

"Al sweetie. Ya are da definition of a double standard." Angel huffs and soon, I'm joining in on the laughter.

"Point taken." I concede.

"I swear ya-" Angel's words are cut off as he suddenly stumbles forward, slamming into me. Hands snapping out to catch and balance him, my narrow red gaze spots the source of what shoved my beloved.

A bee demon staggers forward in a kind of broken gallop. As if hurt and is pushing himself to the limit to get away from... something.

Sudden gunshots ring out, whizzing past my head and raining around the demon. "Oh, crumbs! Where did he go?"

That voice sounds... familiar.

"He went this way, Moxxie!" A small imp woman calls out, pistols clutched tight in both hands.

"Hey, watch it!" Angel snarls, curling his body around Tracy to shield her from flying bullets.

"Crumbs! So sorry Miss... oh hey, it's you!" The one named Moxxie exclaims, flashing a relieved grin at Angel.

Jealousy rearing it's ugly head, I purposely stride over to Angel, hovering close with a pointed glare at the imp.

"Good ta see ya again, suga'. What have ya and da missus been up ta?"

"Oh, this and that..." Moxx trails off when bullets ring out once more in the air, whizzing every which way. An unsavory gaggle of demons converging around the area.

Angel gives a throaty laugh and I barely hold back a growl. His laughs are mine.

"Need some help?"

"If you want. I'm sure Millie will welcome it. She's been so stubborn since giving birth." Moxxie says sheepishly, firing a round over Angel's shoulder to hit a crocodile demon square in the chest as it attempts to sneak up on them. I had my fingers together, already anticipating the sweet crunch of bone my tendrils would cause once snapping, but am robbed of the chance. Sour, a hissing grumble of static escapes.

"Hey now, be nice. I've been on da receivin' end of that and it ain't easy. I'm twice as stubborn and Al wouldn't let me outta bed fer a week!" Ducking to narrowly avoid a stray bullet, Angel reaches into black chest fluff to withdraw a hidden pistol and fires it at the aggressor, easily hitting the demon between the eyes. "Al, I need ya ta take Tracy out of here. Keep her safe. I'm goin' ta help these guys."

Gingerly taking Tracy from his arms, I tuck her safely in the crook of my arm and tight to my chest. "Darling, I thought you said you didn't wish to be in turf wars anymore."

It's a grab, I know. But for Anthony to be in any kind of danger, churns my stomach in the worst way possible. I want to keep my cherished family safe at all costs. Not egg them on into joining in on a fight that clearly isn't ours to begin with.

"It technically not a turf war, babe. That and these guys are outnumbaed. Havin' me help will even out da score. Besides..." Angel reaches down to pull out a wickedly sharp dagger from his boot with a slow, evil smile splitting his face. "I fuckin' miss this."

Pure bloodlust shines in those magenta eyes, begging for permission to be unleashed. It is a pent up feeling I know all too well. And who am I to deny my Husband a chance to let loose on these pitiful whelps?

It's subtle, but I nod. Releasing a whoop of excitement, Angel spins on his heel and dives into the fray, lifting one hand to fire the pistol and slashing at demons within reach.

Dust rises from stampeding feet, and I unbutton the jacket of my suit to securely tuck Tracy behind the silky material, blocking out harmful dirt so she can breathe comfortably.

Strolling a safe distance away to continue watching the battle, I stroke the soft locks of my daughter, thumb brushing against her cheek repeatedly to soothe her as piercing screams and death ensues around us. An icy shiver prods at my spine like fingers, and I glance over my shoulder to see one of my shadowy entities watching the battle eagerly, glowing crimson smile pinched and strained.

"Oh, for the love of Satan." I growl in annoyance, static popping heavily behind every syllabal. "You wish to join the fray as well?"

It nods enthusiastically, the desire for carnage and mayhem apparent in its blazing eyes.

"Fine, I'll grant you temporary form." The shadow wriggles eagerly and I breathe in the glorious scent of death and carnal destruction sadly. I must take Tracy away from here. She isn't safe and more bullets are daring to whizz by ever closer to me and the precious bundle I hold close in my suit. I refuse to risk my daughters life just for the thrilling entertainment of maiming. I'm not that kind of Overlord anymore. I'll kill and feast on the scum of Hell when I'm alone. Cradling Tracy with one arm, I snap my fingers and immediately wrap my hand around the shadows throat, crushing its windpipe as I bring it close to my sneering face. "But if I allow this, you keep Angel safe at all costs. Am I understood?"

Thrashing in my grasp, it nods weakly and I release the shadow for it to immediately jump into the chaos. Striding away without so much as a backwards glance, I cart my second chance at happiness, my precious little one, to safety.

In the smoldering carnage of severed body parts and blood soaked soil, a distant sound can be heard. One not belonging to even the deepest, darkest, reaches of Hell.


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