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"Promise we'll be togetha' foreva'." Anthony says softly, blue eyes gazing up at me from where he rests in my lap, sunlight settling on his skin, giving him an otherworldly beauty. Soft golden light giving the appearance that a halo crowns his head.

"I promise." Brushing silky blonde strands from his face, I press my lips to his forehead, eyes fluttering shut to inhale the unique sweet pollen the flowers give off in the field we sit in, enveloping us in a comforting embrace.

"My adorable lil' cannibal. Our time togetha' gets me through da worst of days." Such beautiful words that has me teetering on the brink of insanity. Amazing insanity that I wouldn't mind allowing to consume me.

"Being with you Anthony, has shown me not all people are bad. That not every person that does horrid things, deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth. You, darling, have shown me a side of humanity that I've never seen before. Through your beautiful blue eyes, I see the difference between scum and true evil. And knowing this difference, I shall eradicate the evil that plauges this world with you by my side. My Anthony. My World. My... Wildflower."

"Wildflower?" His blonde brow raises in confusion, but his smile remains.

"Delicate and needs to be loved, cherished, and protected in order to survive. Unpredictable, deadly, and beautiful. You are, my Wildflower." I murmur, lips brushing the shell of his ear.

"I ain't no damsel, Al. I don't need ta be protected. But, I like the cute nickname... So, I'll let ya call me it." He teases, mouth pinching and nose wrinkling in a playful expression.

"I have enemies, my dear. Some of which may use you to get to me, should anyone find out about us. You can be damn sure that I will protect you from them if the need arises. Anthony... you are the only one who has made me feel the throbbing and stomach churning emotion called love. It festers deep within like an infection and has now overtaken my entire being."

Reaching up to cup my face, Anthony brings my face down with a beaming grin. "I love ya, Albert."

"And I love you, my Wildflower." Giving in to the overwhelming waves of happiness suffocating me, I allow him press his lips to mine, and lose myself in the scent, touch, and sight that is Anthony.

Jolting awake, my eyes dart around the dim room as I blink frantically to clear my blurry vision. I bring a shaky hand up to swipe at my cheek, pulling it away to stare at the dampness. My cheeks are wet.

I'm... crying.

Not tears of sadness, but of joy. The field, holding Anthony in my arms, the warm sunlight on my back... I can recall it vividly. I can still smell the flowers and feel the grass beneath my fingers.

What I saw wasn't a dream or nightmare. It was a memory. A memory I hold close to my heart. A memory, that no matter how awful things may get, still brings me comfort.

Scrubbing my eyes, I look around my bedroom. The red glow of my eyes, show a hollow indent on the other side of the bed where Angel slept next to me. Hand pressing to it, my eyebrows knit in confusion. It's still warm.

Where is he?

Last night we...

Bringing my fingers up, I trace them over my lips, a small smile curling the corner of my mouth.

Last night was perfect.

Our bodies joined together in sweaty passion not once, but twice. I couldn't keep my hands off him, just as he couldn't. Our love burned so hot last night, I'm surprised it didn't set the room on fire.

It did trash the room though...

The thought crosses my mind as my eyes adjust to take in the smashed pieces of headboard on the floor, grooves from my claws embedded in the mattress, and teeth marks on the pillows. Our whoopie became quite... destructive while in our frenzied state.

I'll call Niffty to clean it up later.

The little darling relishes cleaning and our little contract has her agreeing to clean whatever mess I summon her up to deal with. That and we've grown quite close as friends, that she doesn't mind doing it.

Suddenly, a loud piercing yell sounds. Seeming to rattle the entire house.


Ignoring the fact that I'm still in my Pajama's and wearing no shoes, I jump out of bed and snap my fingers, summoning shadows to lock onto his location to get me to him quicker.

The moment I step out of the cold comforting embrace of shadows and into the basement, my heart sinks in dread.

Applesauce! I didn't want Angel to find out about him down here quite yet. I was hoping to squeeze in a few more torture methods I wanted to try out before relinquishing control over to my Beau.

"Ya slimy, no good, sneaky son of a bitch!" Angel stands there, trembling with rage, pink eyes flashing dangerously at my twin. Somehow, he found a long thick pipe and is holding it over his shoulder like a bat.

Blood trickles down a fresh wound on my twin's forehead, a nasty purple bump forming. No doubt, the result of Angel thumping him upside the head with said pipe.

How entertaining.

"And ya." Angel points an accusing finger at me, anger blazing in that beautiful pink glare, and my smile widens at how stunning he looks, bathed in a vengeful glow. "Have some serious explainin' ta do."


Author's Note:

I know this chapter was short, but the next one will be longer, I promise. Plus, it's building up to something! :)

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