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Arms loaded with bags, I push open the front door with the toe of my shoe. Grunting, I walk into the lobby and over to the sofa, carefully depositing the bags on the soft red material.

Blueberry comes in behind me - unfortunately freeing himself from the shadowy web I left him entangled in earlier - heaving four armfuls of bags, eight eyes wincing as he struggles under the weight of clothes, bottles, toys, and more.

"Ya both know I'm capable of carryin' bags too." Angel steps over the threshold, mouth thinning into an unamused line.

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should Mistress." Blueberry says and I nod.

"For once, I agree with him. Don't overexert yourself, my love. Allow us to carry the heavy stuff." I snap my fingers, the rest of the plastic bags appearing at my feet.

When Blueberry started carrying bags, not using his magic, determination had me bending to scoop up bags as well. It sounds childish, but I refuse to be one upped by him. If he carries bags the entire way home, I do as well.

We only were able to bring back what we could load on our arms at the time, leaving the rest of the bags there to retrieve once we arrived home. Hence, the snap of my fingers summoning a void to open up below the bags at the Baby Gap, effectively placing them at my feet.

I was uncertain of what we needed, so I bought out almost the entire store. Much to the customer's dismay.

Angel said we didn't need that much baby stuff, but I wouldn't hear of it. Our baby will never want for anything or run out of the basic necessities. My baby will be spoiled with toys and affection.

Before and after every radio show I do. After collecting souls I'm owed. After my nightly hunting strolls. When I wake up and when I fall asleep. They will get every bit of time I'm able to spare.

Including after time I spend with my beautiful Angel. Or during, should the baby start crying and need something. I will drop everything to hold them in my arms. No matter the time or what I'm doing, they are priority.

Blueberry sets his load down and stretches four arms above his head, back popping. With a light tap to his broach, he morphs from an arachnid, to the annoying blue version of me I've grown to absolutely loathe.

Eyes straying over to Angel, my gaze slides down his lithe body as he pops a hip, one hand reaching into his chest fur to withdraw his device, light dancing on his face as he scrolls through whatever appears on the screen.

Since last night, he hasn't given Blueberry or I any more tasks. But I know it's just a matter of time. Knowing Angel, he will most likely give us a task without warning.

Not that I'm complaining. I'm not. I just want a task that has to do with just him and I. Like how it used to be.

Watching Blueberry snap his fingers - maid costume replacing his blue suit - through narrowed eyes, static hangs thick in the air.

"So... Al. I may have a task fer ya." Angel says with a sly smile, gaze on Blueberry, and my heart plummets.


I refuse to do anything else involving whoopie with my bothersome twin!

I open my mouth to object, not caring if the points I've made so far, drop to zero.

"I want ya ta wear Blueberry's maid costume and meet me in da bedroom. Blueberry, here is yer task." Angel steps closer to him, reaching up to grab his ear, yanking him down to whisper something in his ear.

A blush pinkens his cheeks and a small smile curls his lips. "Y-Yes Mistress."

"I'll know if ya did or not." Angel snaps, giving him a warning look.

Blueberry nods, undoes the ties of his costume, eyes never leaving Angel's, slips the outfit off and holds it out to me. Pinching the fabric between two fingers, I sigh, relief flooding me at Angel's request. Judging by his request, it sounds as if my twin won't be joining us.

Blueberry turns and walks away, heading upstairs and disappearing in the direction of the spare bedroom, confirming my assumption.

I wrinkle my nose in disgust as I slide the maid dress on, the silky fabric settling over my sensitive skin, pale scars standing out starkly.

At least it's clean... as far as I know.

"Meet me in da bedroom and I'll give 'notha' task once I'm there. I gotta' fire a text ta Molls real quick." Nodding, I turn and climb up the stairs, walking into my bedroom and sitting on the bed nervously.

Excitement soothes my frazzled nerves and the strained smile on face, becomes soft. Genuine.

It's been awhile since Angel and I were intimate. I crave his kisses. His dominating aura. His expert fingers melting me like butter. I crave Anthony.

Tasks or not, I will do whatever he asks when he steps through that door. Knowing it will be just us, makes it so much easier to take pleasure in my Beau's presence.

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