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Wiping blood off my hands with a handkerchief from a soul removal earlier, I hum a jazz tune, strolling in the direction of a nearby store that carries the desired substance I need.


Granted, I despise the stuff and it makes me sick to my stomach to think about. But... Angel likes it. And for him, I'm willing to do anything. Even buy the disgusting, deplorable, and sickening sweetness that is chocolate.

The memory of the last task Angel gave me before I said that foul phrase, rises in my minds eye and warmth spreads in my chest. That was the night I gained his soul, freeing him from Valentino. That night as I carried him upstairs, holding his body close, I was able to finally breathe. Knowing that he, in a sense, was mine for eternity.

I may not have known he was Anthony then, but I still carry that memory close. Not the pain of his soul being torn asunder, but of the fleeting moment of pure happiness in his eyes of finally being freed before he passed out.

He's been off lately - moodier - and I want to do something special for him. Recalling the brief disappointment in his eyes when I refused to eat the chocolate he held out for a task, my determination hardens.

I will make it up to him. Starting by buying all the chocolate I can get my hands on, in liquid and solid form, and stocking the cabinets with it. If I must, I'll even eat some from his hand, I don't care.

I whistle softly as I enter the store, and like roaches when the light is turned on, demons shopping in the store, flee in all directions at my presence. The tang of fear perfuming the air.

Inhaling the delicious scent, I casually walk up and down the aisles, the bottom of my staff tapping lightly against my foot in rythmn to the tune I'm whistling.

Coming across an entire shelf of chocolate, I suck in a breath to keep from smelling the putrid treat. I grab two bags marked Lindor, remembering the name of the chocolate Angel likes, and jerk in surprise when one of my entities appear, mouth turned down into a frown and eyes narrow with worry.

"Why are you here? Your job is to protect Anthony!" I hiss, swinging a bag of chocolate at its head angrily.

"Ssssssthing isssss wrrrrong. Wwaasss ssssent ttto getttt youuu." It says, causing my heart to hammer against my ribcage in dread.

Darting towards the front of the store, my shadow disappears to rush back to Angel, and I fish in my pocket for the stack of folded bills I brought. The intention to buy out their chocolate supply.

I quickly pay and run out the door, skidding to a stop when my shadow reappears in front of me.

"Eeeeveryythinggg issss fiinne. Nooo needdd ttoo rrreturnnn immeeediiiatelyyyy. Hhee wiiilllll beeee aatt ttthe Hoteeelll." Its expression looks relieved and static rises as symbols retract from my body, eyes flickering to radio dials.

Part of me wants to give the entity temporary solid mass so I can throttle it for scaring the daylights out of me. Eventually, I take a deep breath to relax.

Knowing that Angel is okay, there's no rush to hurry to the Hotel. I'm confused as to why he's there, but I don't question it. Knowing him, he probably just wants to spend time with the staff he's grown close to.

I'd much rather move to a secluded location no one knows of, and live out our afterlife's together. Never letting each other go.

I've had this discussion with Angel before. He wants to be close to the city, and his sister. To which, I can understand... to a point.

The topic of his sister is a bit dicy. He forgave me for tossing her bodily against a tree at our wedding, but she however...

I understand why she's hesitant to visit, but I know she wants to after overhearing Angel tearfully talk to Molly on the phone shortly after returning to Hell, the sound of her sobbing evident on the other end.

All is quiet on the Heaven front... for now.

But I know it will only be a matter of time before they attempt to do something about one of their executioners returning to Hell.

And when that time comes, I'll be ready.

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