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This chapter is a fluff piece that involves bath time and pieces of what happened while Alastor was battling his demons... so to speak.


"N̸O̸!" Alastor spits out with a venomous static hiss, struggling violently in my arms.

"Get in da bath, ya stinky fuck!" I yell, clamping my arms tight around him, hands interlocking to prevent escape. Seeing how I am now shorter than him because of my doe form, it's rather difficult to hold onto my 7 foot Husband, who is trying in vain to flee the bathroom. As if the bathtub in front of him, full of soapy hot water, is the bloody spawn of something horrendous.

"NOOOO!" He draws out the glitch in his voice, counting on the high rise in volume grating against my delicate doe ears to release him.

"Either ya get in da bath that I graciously drew fer ya while ya scarfed down some poor bastard ya bit da head off of on da way home, or I will shove my hoove so far up yer ass, ya are goin' ta taste da mud I trudged through ta find ya in that creepy, abandoned, town." My words don't seem to hold any threat to him, and Alastor only doubles his efforts.

Breaking free, Alastor falls to the floor with a thud, and quickly scrambles to his feet, darting out of the bathroom.

"BLUEBERRY!" I yell, bolting after him. Blueberry appears from a vortex of shadows in front of the stairs at my call, look of confusion switching to one of alarm at Alastor sprinting towards him. "GRAB HIM! DON'T LET HIM PAST YA!"

Legs and arms spreading into a firm stance, blue eyes narrow in determination. Just as Alastor reaches him, Blueberry snaps his arm out like an unmovable bar, slamming it into his stomach and causing Alastor to flip, landing hard on his back.

I skid to a stop by Alastor's head, gazing down at him with a raised eyebrow and a look of unamusement. "Ya done?"

"Would... it make... a... difference if... I was... or not?" Alastor wheezes, pinning Blueberry with a glare.

"Nope." I hold out my hand for him to take, but he shrugs off my help, shakily getting to his feet. "Why are ya so against baths all da sudden? Ya were fine with them before."

"I'm not quite certain myself. Seeing the bath had a sudden violent urge to flee course through me. I suppose the... other half of me... doesn't like cleanliness."

"Would it help if I got in there with ya?" Head bobbing in answer, Alastor turns when we arrive in the bathroom, face immediately going to my chest to cover his flushed expression.

Stripping is difficult with him in my bosom, but I mange. Being in the porn industry, I've faced much trickier situations. Alastor pulls away as I slide into the tub, hot water relaxing my tense muscles, opening my arms in invitation to join. Sighing, he climbs in after me, resting his back against my chest, sinking low into the water so the size difference isn't an issue.

"My poor sweet buck." I croon and reach up to rub his ear. "Ya need ta relax, don't ya? Need ta let yer doe take care of ya?"

"Yes. I... I need my doe." Alastor whimpers, head falling back on my shoulder as I pet his twitching ear. Something soft brushes against my cock and I bite back a laugh when I realize it's his tail wagging.

I stop petting Alastor's ear to grab the shampoo bottle, and giggle at his whine of protest. Squirting shampoo in my palm, the smell of lavender and strawberries tickles my nose.

Citrus sweet with a faint hint of bitter musk.

Albert's scent when he was alive. I didn't buy this shampoo, so Alastor must've just to keep something in the bathroom in case he ever felt like showering or bathing. Seeing how, when I first started dating Alastor, he smelled only of death, mahogony, and decay, I'd say he never really used it. In the shower, there is another bottle of shampoo. One that I've smelled and used before with Al. One that smells of rich mahogony with a splash of rain.

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