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~ WARNING: Slight nsfw... only a tad. ~


Blueberry gazes at Angel with a soft look and my eyes narrow, jealousy surging through me like a hot poker twisting my insides.

He catches me glaring and lowers his head, eyes fixating to a spot on the ground. My smile sharpens and eyes flash dangerously, holding a promise of slow torture should his gaze wander again.

Putrid scum.

Attention focusing on Angel, my smile softens when he looks over at me with a smile that melts my heart and my body. All I want is to be forgiven. To hold him in my arms again as we drift off to sleep. But, I'm still confined to the couch.

I don't blame him. Because of my insecurities with my Father, I did the very thing I told him I wouldn't do. I left. I ran and stayed in a seedy motel at the far edge of Hell, just to gather my thoughts. To do my best to push the hurtful and venomous words of my Father to the deepest recesses of my mind so they'd never resurface.

Not for a long time.

I've perfected doing this when I was in my teens. Granted, it requires absolute silence and a bit of time, but I was successful in regaining my composure. A week long mission to piece myself back together like a complicated and intricate puzzle.

I regret that I had to step away, causing Anthony grief, and I see the way Blueberry glares at me when he thinks I'm not looking, biting his tongue as to not spew the rant I'm sure he's dying let loose. In a way, I understand why he's upset. I hurt Angel. The man he supposedly still loves.

But that does not merit his opinion.

No. He doesn't get to weigh in on our fights, nor does he have the right to exist. He lives only to serve my Beau. And for that reason alone, I allow him to live.

Regardless of the dislike I have for our useless maid, one thing is for certain. I must make up my absence to Mon Ange, but how?

Leaning back in my chair, thumb and forefinger going up to stroke my chin thoughtfully, an idea forms in my head and it takes sheer willpower not to jolt upright excitedly.

Of course, why didn't I
think about it before?

I did buy it and as much as it makes me shudder to think what I must do with the wretched goop, a devious smile curls my lips.

Lets just hope dear Anthony
didn't eat it all.


I double check the room, making sure everything is perfect. Curtains drawn, check. Candles, check. Bed made, check. Music...

Summoning my staff from thin air, I gently lean it against the nightstand next to the bed, switching the station so that it plays soft jazz music.


The mood is set. Now, for the hard part.

Holding up the squeeze bottle of chocolate I swiped from the kitchen cabinet before hurrying to the bedroom, I grimance as I read the big cursive writing on the front.


Odd name, but this is from the store that restocks their shelves from the mortal world above, so it must be decent... right?

Before I can talk myself out of it, I slip out of the red silk robe I had on, completely nude underneath, walk over to the bed to lay down, pop open the top and upturn the bottle, drizzling the unbearably sweet smelling brown liquid all over my legs, waist, and chest. Making sure to add a dollop over the tip of my cock, watching it trickle down the shaft with distaste.

Personally, I don't want this stuff on me. But drastic stuff like this has worked before.

"Lllliikkke whhhhennn youuuuu worrreee hiisss llliiinggerriie?" A low hissing voice of amusement asks and two of my entities appear in the room. Deep golden light from the candles making their glowing features eerily sharp.

Ah, right. That was an... interesting experience to say the least. It snapped Angel out of his mechanical trance, so it was a success in my book. Even if it's like I can still feel those awful thin straps scraping against my ass and thighs. A sort of phantom reminder of the length's I'm willing to go through for him.

If there is a chance this will help me regain his trust, I have to try. I miss Mon Ange. I miss my Husband. Having the pregnancy dropped on me was startling, yes, but I refuse to leave again. I will be better than my father. I will do right by this child.

And it starts with that first step. An apology that can't be ignored. Even if that apology is not accepted and he needs more time, I will remain in this house until he is. I won't leave him again.

My ears twitch at the sound of Angel's happy voice as he says goodbye to his sister and the front door closing.

This is it...


Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter guys, I promise Angel's will be longer.

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