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Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA lately. With deadlines on my other books releasing on Amazon soon, being in my Hazbin discord chat, and working on fanfic commisions, I haven't had time to update my other brain babies. So, here is an Angel chapter. Yes it's short, but I wanted to give my amazing readers something.

I will try to make the next chapter longer (and yes, it will be a nsfw one!)


Hiccuping giggles echo in the lobby. Sweet, pure, and innocent. The kind of sound that melts your heart and brings a smile, unbidden, to your lips.

As pale red light filters through a window, bathing the room in a soft crimson glow, I bounce Tracy on my knee. High and low, then softly tickling the small expanse of stomach shown whenever she lifts her arms, resulting in a peeling shriek of laughter. Although she has red ears and tail like Alastor, she retains pink eyes that will sometimes flicker with the barest glow of internal fire. A fire that both Alastor I share. The very smoldering flame that brought our sweet little doe into this fiery scape called Hell.

Tracy giggles again as I brush a thumb over the momentarily flash of skin of her stomach. I can't help it. Her skin is dark and soft. It reminds me so much of Alastor's when he was alive.

My sweet Albert...

Sighing, I bring my daughter close to cuddle into my chest fluff, eyes wandering around the room as memories fight to surface. Achingly sweet memories that have me craving the impossible.

A different life.

One where I can live out the rest of my days with Tracy and Albert, while listening to the gentle sounds of a gurgling stream or musical songs of birds. Where I spent most of my days with Albert, that cabin tucked away into the quiet, peaceful bosom of mother nature, that was our little slice of Heaven. Our Utopia.

The cabin sat in the middle of the woods, a swamp about a mile away that Albert loved to visit. Throwing cut up body parts into the murky waters to feed the gators and hiding evidence of his latest kills, washing off blood drenched clothes from said victims, soaking in the gentle noises of nature, or simply visiting just because, you name it and he was there. Albert was always a closed off person that loved to keep to himself. Occasionally sharing things that interested him with others - should he deem them worthy enough.

Being alone felt... normal to him. Like second nature to just find solice in the peacefulness felt by self isolation. Albert still liked to sometimes go out and mingle, enjoy a good Jazz rich environment. But where he felt truly happiest, was by himself in the woods. I suppose that's what drew me to him. Underneath all the glitz and glamour of a fulfilling life of bright city lights, I too found myself isolating from others. Wanting to be alone.

Dapper, charming, and giving an air of quiet intelligence with an edge of uneasy, honeyed, bitterness, Albert became my safe haven. My quiet place. Of course, being in the woods by ourselves helped my anxiety tremendously. I was able to get away from it all. The stress of being the Don's son. The excruciatingly high expectations of being part of a mafia family. All of it.

I guess I jus' miss livin' by ourselves. Jus' us in da world, surrounded by a cool, crisp breeze, and gentle nature sounds, instead of da wretched screams of da damned.

Sighing, I subconsciously rock back and forth, effectively lulling Tracy into a light slumber and calming the piercing ache of the life I left behind.

It's not like I hate my afterlife. I just wish I could grab my little family, and run far away to our own slice of paradise. Free from danger and conflict. To just live peacefully. Every minute spent in Hell, runs a risk of me being found by arch angels, Tracy in danger, or something else out of my control.

Crossing my legs and causing the baby blue robe I'm wearing to shift, I carefully card my fingers through Tracy's hair while staring into the hellfire in the fireplace. Gaze going from the dancing flames, to the empty spot on the wall above the fireplace, a grimace pinches my mouth shut. The first moment I got, I removed Blueberry's head from the wall. It rests in the hallway closet, hidden from prying eyes. Especially Tracy's. Unable to handle the fact that he truly is gone, I couldn't bear looking into that pair of blue terrified eyes every day. All that remains, is a nail embedded into the drywall.

Suddenly, a chill races up my spine, and a shadow emerges out of thin air before my eyes. Realizing it's only one of Al's, I start to relax when I notice something is wrong.

The shadow that looks so much like him, has its ears back, and the outline of its body fades in and out. Almost as if it can't stay still. As if its... trembling. That can't be right.

"Where is Al?" The question flies from my mouth in a panic as I clutch Tracy close, doing my best not to disturb her while swiftly standing.

The shadow lifts a hand in a 'wait' motion, and then points down. I follow its translucent finger towards my robe.

"Yea, it's my robe. What's da point?"

Its hand disappears for a moment as it brings it up to its face as if smacking its forehead. It then points again, jabbing a finger lower and I look down at my robe pocket. Confused, I cradle Tracy in one arm and slip my hand into the pocket, fingers grazing over something smooth and hard.

What da...?

Pulling it out, I stare down at it in bewilderment before I burst out laughing, waking Tracy. A remote. The very same remote used on Alastor during dinner at the hotel so long ago as a task. I completely forgot about it.

Last night after I returned covered in blood from the turf war with my new friend Moxxie and his wife Millie, Alastor had already put Tracy to bed. Bragging to him of every single kill shot I landed as I changed out of the bloody clothes - soaked from the unfortunate saps - Alastor became more and more agitated, until he finally snapped and tackled me to the bed, ravaging me three times that night. During the third round, he begrudgingly agreed to wear the vibrating cock rings I had retrieved from my old room at the hotel. Remembering them with both fondness and hatred, Alastor started to warm up to them halfway through.

He must still have da rings on. Forgettin' 'bout them while he left ta da store ta grab more ingredients fer dinner tonight.

Stifling a giggle while bouncing Tracy in my arm to soothe her, I click the top button, increasing the speed with a smirk.

Oh, this is goin' ta be fun.

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