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Oof. As you guys predicted, Alastor does not take it well. Any guesses on what he'll do once he finds Blueberry? =P



Alastor doesn't say a word as my confession sinks in. Then - ever so slowly - he shows signs of movment. First, his eye twitches as antlers begin to branch upward. Then, ears flatten, fur standing on edge. Pupils thin into trembling dials and grin widens until it appears his mouth has unhinged like a snake. Black tar-like substance leaks through cracks in his yellowed fangs, and not only do strange symbols appear around him, what looks like static you can see manifests his silhouette into a hazy and blurry shape.

Eye still twitching in a constant spasm, Alastor straightens and peels off his silk gloves.

"W-What are ya doin'?" I ask nervously when he hands me the gloves with red dyed tips. His signature brand.

He still says nothing. His ear flicking is the only indication he heard my question. "Al?"

His red blazer is the next to go, and my confusion only grows as he hands me the firmly iron pressed garment.

"Al, please say somethin'."


"Smiles, yer scarin' me. Ya know I hate da silent treatment."



He moves to step around me, limbs elongating and growing with each step, but I stand in front of him, hands pressing to his stomach to halt his progress. It's a futile attempt. Downright moronic. The Radio Demon against a short doe such as I?

There's no chance in Hell.

I know that. Maybe in my old body, I stood a slim chance, but not like this. I know for a fact that if he wanted to move me, there would be no stopping him. I'm simply another obstacle in his path. But there is one reason I continue to stand my ground instead of shrinking in fear at those cold, lifeless, red eyes.


Stupid blind faith that my Husband won't bowl me over or hurt me in this state. I'm not afraid of any of his monsterous forms. Nor am I scared of who he truly is. No. What terrifies me, is what he must be feeling. How he'll act with this new information. He won't lash out at me, but I fear what he may try to do. To the city, to my family, to the unsuspecting demon citizens, to Blueberry...

Fuckin' Hell!

I loathe the fact that I love him. I do. But I can't change it. I don't want him dead either.

Without breaking stride, sharp dagger-like clawed hands curl around my arms, gently picking me up and moving me to the side.

"Will ya answer me!?!" I find myself shouting frantically as he passes. "I'm worried 'bout ya!"

He finally answers, but the voice that tumbles from that toothy maw chills me to the bone. It's inhuman, garbled, icy, deep, and holds a dangerous edge so sharp, I physically recoil as if it alone, cut my skin.

"I꙰t꙰ i꙰s꙰n꙰t꙰ I꙰ y꙰o꙰u꙰ s꙰h꙰o꙰u꙰l꙰d꙰ w꙰o꙰r꙰r꙰y꙰ y꙰o꙰u꙰r꙰s꙰e꙰l꙰f꙰ w꙰i꙰t꙰h꙰ A꙰n꙰t꙰h꙰o꙰n꙰y꙰. F꙰e꙰a꙰r꙰ f꙰o꙰r꙰ t꙰h꙰e꙰ g꙰r꙰i꙰f꙰t꙰e꙰r꙰ t꙰h꙰a꙰t꙰ c꙰o꙰n꙰t꙰i꙰n꙰u꙰e꙰s꙰ t꙰o꙰ g꙰e꙰t꙰ i꙰n꙰ m꙰y꙰ w꙰a꙰y꙰. I꙰ w꙰i꙰l꙰l꙰ n꙰o꙰t꙰ r꙰e꙰s꙰t꙰ u꙰n꙰t꙰i꙰l꙰ h꙰i꙰s꙰ p꙰e꙰l꙰t꙰ i꙰s꙰ m꙰o꙰u꙰n꙰t꙰e꙰d꙰ a꙰b꙰o꙰v꙰e꙰ t꙰h꙰e꙰ f꙰i꙰r꙰e꙰p꙰l꙰a꙰c꙰e꙰!"

Alastor's seething explanation mashes together into a confusing jumble of screeching static. I didn't understand a word of it.

"Al, wait!"

The front door slams open on its own, as if invisible fingers turned the knob and angrily threw it against the wall, completely off its hinges. Pausing in the doorway, Alastor briefly glances over his shoulder at me, teeth seeming to grow into deadly tusks that protrude past his chin and curve upward towards his nose, jaw dislocating with a crunch if bone and cartridge.

"Hold onto those for me, darling." He gestures sharply at the gloves and blazer folded in my arms. "I don't want to sully them with that charlatans blood."

With that, he turns and stalks outside into the scorching heat of Hell like the deadly predator he is. Uncaring that a gentle acid rain has begun to fall.

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