Alastor (Part 2)

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Yeah, this chapter has angst in it. Forgive me guys, for I have sinned with heart-breaking angst. But do not fret, the angst is only in this chapter. They make up in the next chapter, I promise.

Sorry in advance for the shortness of this chapter.


Screams grow in crescendo when I gently push open the kitchen door, smile impossibly wide. J's head is bent on the counter, directly over a cutting board. Angel cackles maniacally, the glint of silver shining from a butcher knife he grips in his hand.

Blood coats the blade, and his hand. Black gushes from two bloody stumps as J thrashes aganist the shadowy tendrils that pin him in place.

"It appears we are having arachnid for supper. Marvelous, my darling!" I boast, daring to inch closer.

Angel doesn't answer, just raises the blade and slams it down hard over J's neck. Bristled fur the only indication he heard me. Graceful and precise, the blade cuts clean through J's neck, a wide spray of blood splattering the cabinets and Angels pastel dress, head flying to hit the the wall from the force of the swing.


He doesn't say a word, just keeps plunging the silver blade repeatedly into the now dead corpse of the arachnid I once allowed to touch me.

"Angel, look at me."


"Look at me!"

His silence stings, and a sudden spark of rage bolts through my body, boiling my blood and charging every nerve with electrified irritation.

"That is it! I've held my tongue long enough, and can no longer keep this in. You, my dear, are acting like a spoiled brat! I healed myself. I disobeyed a direct order, yes. But are you forgetting who I am? I am the fucking Radio Demon! Feared by all! As a child, I've had to deal with abuse and neglect. Father taught me one thing that has stuck to my very being like the clingiest of glue. Never show weakness. And for so long, I've held that rule close like that of a reverent prayer uttered daily. My heart hardened. My expression became icy and lifeless. And a permanent smile of malice never left my face. You're hurt that I disobeyed you? Do what the blasted kids say nowadays, and GROW THE HELL UP!" Angel stands there, butcher knife in hand, arm hanging limply at his side. He turns slightly, eyes widening in shock at my harsh words, corpse laying forgotten on the dark tiles of the counter, crimson red gaze melting into dull pink. "I bend over backwards at every given moment to make you happy. I daresay I am the only one who let's you deface me in such ways, that would have most cringing or paying to see! I pathetically allow you to stomp all over me, just to remain in your good graces. For Lucifer's sake, I even had my former twin in my mouth for you, and it's never enough! How much more torture should I go through until you're satisfied? When will you finally treat me with respect?!?!"

Knife slipping from his hand and clattering to the floor, Angel turns his head to hide the flash of hurt crossing his face. "I guess ya got it all figured out, huh?"

"Yes, I do. I deserve the same kind of respect you do. This relationship has sacrificed much, can't it handle a smidgeon of respect? That is all I ask."

Lips peeling back to reveal his gold tooth in a sneer, Angel bends to grab the knife and tosses it behind him. Falling in a perfect arch, it lands in the sink with a ding of ear grating metal. As he marches past me, I grab his arm.

"Angel, I-"

"Save it, Smiles." He hisses and shrugs off my touch, cutting me off.

My heart sinks.


One word that packs so much disdain. A nickname he only uses when upset.

Why did I open my blasted mouth?!?!

"Angel." I frantically clutch his arm with both hands, holding on as if my afterlife depends on it while he attempts to shake me free.

"Let me go, Alastor. Before I say somethin' I regret."


My heart sinks even further. He almost never calls me by my demon name. Not even during casual conversations. It's always been Al. A nickname I've grown so fond of him saying.

"Anthony, please." I beg and sink to my knees, using his real name as a desperate attempt to control the pinwheeling situation.

"Ya said enough, and I don't want ta add ta da growin' tension buildin' around us. Ya either let me walk, or I say or do somethin' ya really ain't goin' ta like." Angel warns, glaring down at me.

"I didn't mean it." I blurt desperately.

In all honesty, I did mean it. But the crushing weight of possibly losing him at this moment, is too great. Too overwhelming. I can't lose him. I've lost him once already, I can't do it again. My bitter soul and fragile heart won't be able to withstand the suffocating pain.

In my anger, I selfishly hurt Cher, again!

When will I learn?!?!

Swallowing a sob, I relinquish his limb, hands falling limp to my sides, eyes cast downwards. He doesn't wait around. The moment I release his arm, I hear clicking of boots and the slam of a door. He's gone.

To where, I know not. All that is painfully clear, is that my heart hurts so much, it feels like Angel took that knife and plunged it deep into my chest.

If I believed in such wacky things, I would pray to the ruthless God above for yet another chance. To - for once - be deemed worthy in my Husbands eyes.

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