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~ WARNING: Okay, so this chapter is NSFW. It doesn't have penetration or heavy nsfw in it (yet), but it does have nsfw content and 18+ language! ~


Thumbs flying over the keyboard on my phone, I sit back on the arm of the sofa, legs up on Alastor's lap as he flips through a pile of books next to him.

I've been in Hell for a week now, and the first thing I begged Alastor to do, was get me a Hellphone so I can text Molly and keep up with the gossip of Social media.

The first news article that popped up on my timeline once I logged back in, was an image of a tech store in flames, and Alastor leaving the explosive wreckage. Eyebrows knitted in irritation and smile straining as he clutches a small white bag to his chest.

That was two hours after he came back from the tech store to buy me a Hell phone. I wanted to come with, but he had me stay here for my protection.

Everyone thinks I'm dead, it's best they think that for the time being.

So, I reluctantly agreed and waited until he came back. White bag in hand and covered in soot.

"Don't ask." Was his only response as he handed me the bag, so I held my tongue.

When I had looked in the bag, I squealed so loud, Alastor spun around on high alert, body tense, until he realized I was just excited and relaxed.

Alastor bought me the most expensive Hell phone in the store. Wrathstone III. Lightweight and thin, it can fold and fit in the smallest of pockets.

I'm pretty sure Al wasn't really looking and just threw the first phone he saw onto the counter, but I don't care. I'm happy with my new phone.

I don't know what happened to my old one. Maybe it was buried with me, who knows?

I shudder as I think about my old body decaying a few miles away, six feet under.

Don't think 'bout it.

Now, here I am, with my hooves on the Radio Demon's lap as he scours every book he brought up from the basement, relentlessly searching for a way to get back my missing dick.

It's so incredibly sweet that he's trying. He really wants me to be happy, and that sends a thrilling rush through my strange new body. A rush that starts from my toes, and shoots straight to my pussy.


Never going to get used to that word. Nor will bile cease to rise in my throat at thinking it, much less saying it.

I respect women and all, but I don't want a pussy of my own. I'm constantly secreting foul smelling, sticky, white stuff that I learned is called discharge. Apparently, it's normal.

My emotions also seem to shift randomly. Going from happy, to sad, to angry like a switch flipping in my head. And the past few days has completely fried the circuit. Denting said switch and allowing frustration and helplessness to bleed through the cracks.

On top of that, I will get humming jolts rushing through my body, always zapping straight to my core, when Alastor does something sweet. Like kiss my forehead, lift my hooves up to rest on his lap as he begins reading, or murmuring soothing promises to return what I lost. The gathered heat at my sex, causes it to clench on air, desperately seeking something to fill it.

After four days straight of it, I've come to understand what it is. Arousal. When I was a boy, my cock hardened and heat would act like a coiled rope of need around my balls and shaft, desire making my entire body pulse.

Now, the only thing that pulses, is my quivering pussy. And it only does that when I think of Al or when he does something unintentionally sexy. Like casually run his fingers through his hair as he reads, bottom lip out in a thoughtful pout.

Stop it, will ya?

I silently scold my throbbing sex when another rush of heat courses through me. But it's like it has a mind of its own.

God damn it!

It's not like I haven't... explored a bit. I have. But very carefully in inspection. I haven't played with myself or anything. I did notice though, that a tiny hooded bundle sits above the slit. Something I had to look up to find what it's called. A Clit. Not sure of its purpose.

So fuckin' weird.

Alastor shifts, hand absentmindedly going to my leg to run his gloveless fingers through the fur on my legs. More heat. Such unbearable heat battering my delicate new body.

A sudden image springs unbidden in my mind and a flush of embarrassment burns my face. I'm picturing Al on his knees with my legs over his shoulders, tongue licking over pink folds of my sex.

I can feel my ears twitch as I hide my face in my hands, new tail starting to wag. Why the hell am I thinking about this so much? Think about something else!

I'm still pissed off at him fer the fiasco with Lucifa'.

With the spell, crazy body change, and emotions, I had completely forgotten about that mishap until a few days ago.

He did explain when I accused him one evening after remembering, that even though he did kiss the king, he never allowed it to go further than that. That it was all a ruse to get Lucifer off his back so he won't come snooping. Buying us some time to figure out what to say about my change from executioner angel, to demon doe.

In all honesty, I'm not really angry at him anymore. Once he explained, I visibly sagged. Relief weighing me down like a sack of potatoes. Deep down, I knew it all was a ruse. I just needed to hear him say it. Confirm aloud that he only kissed the king to ease my frantic mind. Tone thick with static and full of regret, I knew he was telling the truth. I trust him.

Damn it!

Thoughts straying back to Alastor's red eyes peering up at me while licking and nibbling on my pussy, a small eep escapes as my face burns.

Why da fuck am I so horny as a broad?

It was never this bad when I still had my dick!

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