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~ WARNING: I must warn you, this chapter has some heavy NSFW content in it. You know what that means. Those two knuckleheads get to see each other in this chapter. Well... sort of. Lol! Read on and find out what I mean... ~


I'm standing in a field of daisies. Sun warming my shoulders as I look around in wonder. It's the exact same field Albert and I would meet in when we were alive. Where we would waste the day away just soaking in the sun and reveling in each other's presence.

Strange. In Heaven, one doesn't really sleep like those in Hell. But somehow, I'm in a deep slumber in my room. Somehow I managed to fall asleep and was brought to a special place I keep close to my heart.

I can feel tears run hot down my cheeks as I get to my feet. In this dream, I'm wearing a stunning white lacy dress that billows gently in the breeze, hair curled into ringlets around my face.

I don't know how long this dream is going to last for, but I'm going to soak in every second until I wake up.

"I miss ya, my Radio Demon." I mutter, words floating carelessly in the wind.

"I always miss you, Mon Ange." A whisper carries back to me and I jerk in surprise, spinning around to see the very person my heart longs for.


"Albert?" I choke out, voice catching. "Is it really ya?"

"Yes, my love. It is really me. Although, I prefer not to meet under such... draining circumstances." He jokes, but continues to hold his look of determined concentration.

"What do ya mean?" Almost as if in a tunnel, my voice echoes and carries in the dream, sounding loud to my ears.

"I have managed to wedge myself into your subconscious. Allowing you to be able to see and interact with me."

"In English, Al. Ya know I can't understand ya when ya get all excited like this when explainin'." A giggle escapes when he rolles his red eyes, a genuine smile tugging at his lips.

"I'm visiting your dreams." He replies simply and my heart leaps to my throat.

He's really here?

Hiking up my dress, I race over to him, closing the distance with six giant leaps. Without an ounce of hesitation, I reach up to press a finger to his cheek. Alastor's cheek feels warm and real. "Yer really here? But... how?!?"

"Refrain from poking me, and I will tell you."

I, of course, don't listen, and raise two hands up to play with his ears.

"Angel..." Alastor's tone shakes and his ears twitch as if happy to be petted again.

I wrap two arms around him and yank his head close to rest on my chest fluff while stroking his ears. "I fuckin' missed ya."

He melts into my embrace, hands resting on my hips and eyes closing. "As I have you, my dear."

"How is this possible? How are ya here?" I have a million questions. Questions that buzz restlessly around in my head, not letting me have a moment of peace.

"I came across a spell in Mother's Grimore, called a Visitation spell. It allows me to visit the dreams of anyone I choose, alive or dead. It requires a belonging of that person and a sacrifice to do so, but here I am. I had to see you again." He murmurs, nuzzling my chest affectionately.

"What belongin' of mine do ya have?" I don't have many things that belong to me.

"Your wedding ring that bonded you to me. It acts as a tether, an anchor of sorts, to ground me, allowing simple pleasures. Like sight and touch."

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