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Alrighty guys, you are not going to like me for this one. But there is a smidge of angst in this chapter. Also gore! :D


The taste. This gloriously sinful taste.

His blood always has me going into a feeding frenzy. Pushing limits that I never thought possible. Anthony is both my strength and my weakness. And right now, his life blood is giving me a boost of strength. A rush of motivation to sink my fangs deep into white as snow fluff, latching on as if my afterlife depends on it.

Insatiable hunger festering deep within, it never fades. Never goes away. Only growing with each passing day until I can no longer deny what the beast inside wants. Bloody guts to gorge on. It's not a pretty sight. And for Angel to see me like this. This ghastly side of me...

Burying my face in the crook of his neck, a muffled whimper slips out.

"Feed, my big strong buck. Feed. I know Rosie said it wasn't smart ta allow ya ta, but afta' gorgin' yerself with one body, I figure ya may have a bit more self control da second time 'round." Angel murmurs, hand smoothing out the messy strands of my hair and kissing the top of my head.

It takes strength I didn't know I possessed to pull away from his neck, mouth stained opal with his blood. "What... what if I can't stop? What if I hurt you?"

"Are ya forgettin' who yer dealin' with here? Yer Husband loves pain, babe. Like ya, it turns me on. Trust me, I've been through far worse than this Suga'." When I worked fer Val.

The last part isn't spoken aloud. It doesn't need to be. The silent meaning is loud and clear. Like a haunted reminder of what once was. Now, to think of Anthony in the hands of that disgusting moth, makes me sick to my stomach. A body may not have been found, but the mere thought of Angel in that waste of space clutches, has me wanting to hunt down the purple corpse of that hazbin, and tear the flesh off his bones. Consume every vile morsel so that Angel needn't be afraid anymore.

He is mine! No Overlord shall lay claim to him, but me.


Teeth grinding together, a hiss of static escapes through cracks in my dangerous smile.


If anyone wants Angel, they'll have to pry him from my cold, lifeless, claws. I know I constantly screw up, but I'll never let him go. Never again. I'll prove to my Wildflower that I can be worthy of his affection, even if it takes a century.

"ALBERT!" I jerk at the yell of my real name and warm hands cup my face, turning me so that my red tinted gaze finds sugar pink ones.

"Yes, Mon Ange?"

"Ya get that look in yer eyes of bloody vengeance wheneva' ya get lost in thought. Ya only get that look when yer stressed or plannin' someone's murder. Which is it?"

"The ladder." I admit sheepishly.

"Do I want ta know who?"

"Probably not, my dear. My gory fantasies are best left as that. A fantasy."

"Ya... that is until ya bide yer time ta actually carry it out." Angel teases, bopping the tip of my nose with a finger and giggling.

I heave a dramatic sigh, curling my arms tight around his chest, smirk curving my lips. "You know me so well, Cher. Too well."

"What can I say? I can play ya like a piano."

"That you can." Tempting flashes of memories cross my mind and my bottom lip disappears between my teeth as I bite down, hoping the sting of pain will bring me back to reality.

Choked moans. Garbled static. Bodies rolling around on the ground, sticking to stone from sweat and filth. Feeling so unbelievably and deliciously full in every way.

No. Get ahold of yourself, Alastor! You are the Radio Demon. No one has the power to bring you to your knees.

White fingers brush back grimy hair sticking to my face from dried blood and gore. My heart melts as I stare up into that smoldering magenta gaze. Those eyes burn right to my soul, stripping it bare for its searching stare.

No one holds such power over me, but Anthony. I will only ever want him and Tracy.

The family I didn't know I craved from the very beginning.


Angel's shoulder is a mess of hanging tendons and broken bones. Sinew is wedged between my teeth. With a hiss, he digs his nails into my neck, scoring the flesh, and holding my mouth over the gaping wound on his shoulder, encouraging me to continue feeding.

Happily obliging to his silent request, I hollow out my cheeks and suck. More blood gushes into my mouth, and I swallow greedily. Gulping down the life essence he so readily offers. I can feel my heart racing and antlers branching out.

Such mouthwatering flavor.

The flesh is delectable. The blood surpasses any moral description. In a word, the sweet, thick, liquid tastes like happiness. Freedom.

More. I must have more!

"A-Al?" Hands tug at my hair, but I don't feel it. All that flows through my body, is hazy euphoria. Euphoria that I refuse to let slip through my fingers.

Mouth unhinging with a sickening crunch of breaking bone for my lips to cover the wound entirely, I sink growing fangs into flesh as an anchor to hold me there.

"Al!" Grunting, I ignore the persistent hands that struggle to push me away, claws pricking my flesh to pry me free like bothersome mosquitos. No pain, just irritating.

The blood flow seems to slow and a snarl of pure carnal hunger vibrates the bones my teeth grazes.

"Alb..." A voice slurs, the body slumping in my crushing embrace.

Something fists my hair and yanks me back viciously, ripping me from my prey. Twisting and spitting angrily, I tear myself from the unknown grip and spin on all fours to glare at a familar face. Inky black eyes scowl down at me, another set of fangs baring back with similar malice.

"Albert Guvione, what have you done?!?"

Sharp hissed words snap me out of my trance, and my chest heaves as I suck in stuttering breaths. "Rosie...?"

She glowers, arms crossed and heel tapping. What does she mean? What did I do?

It's subtle, but her gaze flicks briefly behind me, and then finds mine again. Almost as if she's ironically giving me a hint. Eyebrows scrunching in confusion, I look over my shoulder.

My heart stops.

There, laying so very still on the ground, is Angel. Black pooling around his head like a sticky, unforgiving, demonic, halo.

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