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Where is he?

Those three words cross my mind for the hundredth time as I wait half a mile away from the castle, where the ball is taking place.

Everyone is in position for the last phase of my plan. The very last step is the most important. Charlie wasn't able to lure her parents away to grab the spell, so everything must hinge on the backup plan.

Use the ball as a distraction to slink away and steal it while everyone is immersed in the delights of food and sin Lucifer offers there. Because she failed miserably in being of any use, I tasked Charlie with keeping her Father's attention elsewhere. Vagatha is to remain close to the entrance of the ballroom, phone in hand to text me if the king leaves the room.

I inwardly shudder at the thought of the vile device in my pocket. If this plan is successful, it will be maliciously destroyed.

Husk declined any sort of help and passed out behind the bar. To which, I brushed off his arrogance to keep my focus on the plan. I'll punish him for defying me later.

The plan will work with three.

Four, if my darling Angel can make it.

Once thought to be dead and unbeating, my heart thunders obnoxiously loud in my ears and sharp teeth pierces my flesh as I bite my bottom lip worriedly.

He has to come. He must!

This plan rides on him being here.

The spell is utterly useless if I'm unable to merge a piece of myself to an anchor. Angel being that anchor.

A bright light flashes across the crimson sky and my heart jumps to my throat as two figures fall from above.

Wait... two?

Eyes honing in on one of the figures wearing something red and covered with white fluff, I spring into action. Slashing my palm with a claw, I mutter a quick incantation. Shadowy tentacles emerge, curling around my body and shooting me up toward the falling forms.

Arms outstretched, I catch Angel in my arms, his sudden weight causing the tentacles to tremor.

"Catch him!" Pink eyes lock on mine for mere seconds before wildly looking around for the second figure.

I snap my fingers and a tentacle wraps around the waist of who I now see is James.

The messenger from weeks prior.

Once we reach the ground safely, I drop James hard onto the cracked sidewalk and set Angel gently to his feet.

"Stupid wings. What is their fuckin' purpose if they don't work through da portal durin' certain times?" Angel gasps, spinning to look at me with wide eyes. "Holy shit, I can cuss again! Fuuuuuuuuuck that makes me so damn happy!"

Chuckling at how excited he is at having the use of foul language again, I cradle his face in my hands and press my lips to his.

So adorable.

With a small noise of protest when I begin to pull away, he curls his fingers around my throat, yanking me up to deepen the kiss.

Moaning, I welcome the lack of oxygen and pain of his fingers digging into my windpipe, standing on my tip toes and reaching up to happily twine my arms around his neck.

Heaven. Absolute bliss.

How I have longed to be reunited with my Husband. My lover. My Heart. My soulmate. My Anthony.

Pulling away to catch our breath, I open my mouth in an attempt to express my exhilaration at having him back, and freeze when a sweet scent wafts up. Inhaling deeply, the unforgettable smell fills my lungs.


I know that smell. I reveled and soaked in it whenever I dined on his flesh. Whenever I drank deep from the offered blood that filled my mouth of the one person I can't live without. Anthony.

This is his blood that I smell.

Grabbing his arms, I raise them to inspect every inch of him closely. Looking for the source of that addictive scent.

"Al, whatchya doin'?" Angel asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you hurt, my love? Tell me where the wound is this instant! I will not have my husband hurt while in my care."

"Still not makin' a lick of sense hun."

"I smell your blood." I state simply, continuing to search for any weeping wounds.

"Ah, that's... not me. It's him." Angel gestures to James laying on the ground, having just awoken from the fall.

"No, this is your blood I smell." I answer, confusion causing static to jump in my voice. "I would know its scent anywhere."

"It's my blood on him."

I can't move as I process this new information.

His blood is on...

Static rises in volume, ringing in a shrill crescendo until everyone within five miles of us, is clamping hands over their ears.

Unable to control my voice from pure rage, radio channels flick by so fast, it's garbled nonsense. Black transforms my eyes into trembling dials and I snap an unnaturally long limb out to grab James throat.

"Yo°u da°re tast°e of the d°elect°able e°ss°ence th°at is m°y An°thony? Th°is is a°n unforg°ivable act th°at w°arre°nts yo°ur i°mme°diate d°emis°e." The heavily popping static of my tone coats every word with deadly malice.

"It was part of da plan ta wear my blood ta escape so I can make it here. He helped me." I can hear Angel's voice, but my rage won't allow me to let go of the throat being crushed in my grip.

"Your blood is a delicacy. A right. An Honor to be sampled. He doesn't deserve the honor to even see it, let alone wear it. That right belongs to me." I growl, tone barely understandable through the hissing static.

"And ya have that right. My blood is only yers, my love."

I tighten my grip, watching the angel flail his limbs in an amusing effort to free himself.

"Albert." One word. One word from my Beau, and it rings with cold dominating clarity.

A delicious shiver races up my spine and I turn my head to gaze upon my beautiful, dominant, demanding Angel.

"Put him down, now." He taps his foot impatiently, jabbing a finger down at the ground.

"But... my Wildflower-"

"Don't ya Wildflower me, Albert. Do what I command." Angel barks.

Glaring at James, I hesitate.

"Don't ya want ta be my good lil' deer?" Ears perking at his sultry question, the lower half of my body moves from the force of my tail wagging so fast, it's a blur.

Damn it!

I'm not a dog!

Yet, my tail does not seem to care as it wags eagerly for Anthony and his praising words.

Grumbling, I release James and he falls to the ground with a gasp. "Thank your God you were spared this night, for it shall never happen again. Now, get out of my face."

Shooting me a glare, Angel helps him up. "Are ya goin' ta be okay with that blast ta da chest?"

Blast? What happened up there? And why was he being shot at?

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just a flesh wound. It will heal soon. I'm just glad the plan to get you here, worked. Now just make sure it wasn't in vain." James gives Angel a small smile and with one hand clamping over his chest, he leaps into the air, powerful wings lifting him higher until he is a spec on the horizon.

Arms curling around Angel possessively, I glare at the spec. My plan will work. I will make sure of it. I refuse to have my Beau stay with the likes of him!

I step back, offering my arm with a big smile. "Shall we, my dear?"

"We shall." Taking my arm, we make our way to the Ball.

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