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WARNING: This chapter is short, it's not the long one. That one will be coming up soon. It's all building up to something, I promise.


"Run that by me again, Rosie dear?"

"You heard me. Before I reveal what I have... overheard, I want you to apologize to miss Morningstar here." Smile light, there's an edge to her tone, sharper than any blade and radiates with a dangerous vibe. A vibe not be trifled with. A condescending and motherly sort of tone.

"I shall do nothing of the sort. Honestly Rosie, why ask such a thing?" Nose upturned, Alastor scoffs as if the very notion of apologizing, is ludicrous.

"Oh yes, you will." Elbows resting on her knees, her black eyes never leave his, daring him to disobey. What appears to be dark smoke, curls around Rosie's boney frame, pulsing as if alive.

Alastor's fingers steeple, smile growing until it stretches the skin taunt, leering grin reaching up to his ears.


I know this look. This is the look of a determined man who will not back down. He will stand his ground until he gets what he's after. While alive, Albert wore an identical expression when his favorite Jazz club stated that all seats were full, leaving no room for him and I to enjoy the festivities and simply relax on our first official 'not' date in public. To which, we were merely going to act as good friends, of course. I knew the moment the waiter said that, chaos would ensue. All I could do, was step back and watch everything unfold.

And because every person there was a witness, everyone had to die. We're talking over fifty people. Slaughtered by nothing but a butter knife and a fork. I know that sounds impossible, but trust me, Alastor found a way to make it work. He moved around that club so fast, no one had any time to think, let alone scream. The graceful and light steps, the precise stabbing motions, all of it was elegant and morbid. After witnessing that and seeing him standing in the middle of the crimson soaked stage - his deadly dance bringing him into the bright spotlight - drenched in blood, chest heaving, and wearing a smile of exhilaration, it made me impossibly hard.

It was then I knew that Albert was the one for me. Because even past the gory bloodlust - a sexy bonus for sure - I was still in awe that he created such carnage, for me. For us. All because the club was full and he wanted our first outing to be perfect.

Alastor lost himself, but I didn't care. That night, we shared a passionate and bloody kiss that set my nerve endings on fire. That was the night I took his virginity.

I still remember the hazy, dark, look of desire in his green eyes, feel his callused hands cupping my cheeks as we leaned in close, lips hovering inches away...

"Angel, are you okay?"

I jump at the sudden voice in my ear and a shriek escapes. "Jesus Christ!"

"I should hope not, or we'd all be nailed." Alastor chuckles at his own joke and I let out a long, slow, breath, turning to glare at Charlie who lurks behind the couch I'm sitting on.

"If Vags doesn't get ya a collar with a bell on it, I will!" Vaggie raises an eyebrow, frown deepening at the nickname, but doesn't say a word.

"Why would I need a collar?" Charlie asks and this time, I smack a hand to my forehead with a groan.

Clueless goodie two shoes.

"Do ya ever use shit in da bedroom?" I venture with a scowl.

"Why would I use anything in the bedroom?"

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