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Whoa boy. So... this chapter is short and has no smut in it (Sorry Kai.) But, don't worry. There will be smut in the next chapter.

Btw, those who hate Blueberry won't like this chapter... 😅


"Al, suga'. Calm down." It's no use. Once Alastor gets that wild look in his eyes, there's no stopping the tirade that's certain to follow.

"Calm down?!?! That beaten down twit has been secretly watching me, and you're telling me to calm down?!?!" Alastor screeches and I wince at the ear grating static that fills the air.

Yeah, that's royally fucked.

Rosie told us that she's been having her shadows secretly follow Vox and Val since I gave birth. I'm not caught up on exactly why she started doing this, only that her and Al shared a look when she brought it up. A silent look that seemed as if they were having a unspoken conversation. Hell, for all I know, they could be.

I don't know all da mystical mumbo jumbo shit that comes with Voodoo.

Rosie learned that Vox and Val are up to something. Something big. And knowing them, it can't be good. She said she'd continue to keep an eye on them, and Alastor laughed. Saying that bit of news wasn't 'all that bad' and Rosie was losing her touch. It was then that she delivered an astonishing and upsetting blow. Revealing the true reason for her visit to the hotel.

Vox had somehow set up camera's in Al's house, and knew everything. Me being alive and back from Heaven. His blue look alike. Tracy.


What has my Husband in a tizzy, is the fact that Vox recorded Alastor and I being... intimate, and has been rewatching the recordings while pleasuring himself. Repeatedly.

His rage is understandable. This news is, in a word, disgusting.

I'm used to having rando's watch me get railed and suck freaks off, but to do this to Al? The one person who values his privacy above all else?

It's absolutely deplorable. Vile. Evil.

Alastor had said nothing at first. Then, with a snap of his fingers, he transported us to the front of his house. And, here we are.

He slams open the front door with a growl and freezes in the doorway. Blocking the view from inside, I can't see why he suddenly froze up.

Fuck I hate bein' short. I miss da height difference.

"How dare you lay a finger on her!!!" Alastor lurches forward, and I'm able to see Blueberry holding a sleeping Tracy in his arms, demeanor calm as he stands his ground.

Feet carrying me forward against my will, I throw myself in front of the raging deer, out for blood. "Stop! He's not hurtin' her."

"STOP DEFENDING HIM!" Crimson eyes glowing and pupils thinning to pinpricks, antlers branch out as Alastor's unnaturally long body looms menacingly over me.

"No." I reply firmly.

"Have you forgotten what he did to you. To us?"


"Then why waste a second allowing this cod to live? Why not take up a butcher knife and cut him open, dance on his maggot-infested corpse?"

"Because he changed!" Alastor's neck breaks with a snap as he cocks his head to the side at my sudden outburst. "Ova' da past few months, he's been very helpful."

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