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"Are you absolutely certain?"

The strange metal device echoes harshly in my ear as Charlie squeals her confirmation and I wince, holding it even further from my twitching ear.

Personally, I despise the use of any technology in my house, but the Princess insisted that I keep what is called a Hellphone on my person at all times to reach me, saying mirror portals are a waste of time.

Working with that airheaded and ridiculous girl is a waste of time.

A means to an end. That is all she is. Once I perform this spell - should I acquire it - she won't see me again. I'm going to transport Angel and my house to the far reaches of Hell, and shut us both in for eternity. Where I will do nothing but submit, worship, feed, and care for him until Hell freezes over. I will become a recluse if I must.

Because when I am able to hold Anthony again, I am never letting go again.

"Then it is imperative that we act swiftly. Now that we know it exists, I will need you to provide a distraction or lure your parents out of the building so I can steal it and-" I'm cut off by a screech of disbelief from Vagatha in the background as she begins ranting about the nerve I have to ask such a thing.

"Vaggie, it's okay." I hear Charlie whisper in a soothing voice to calm her partner. "She is right though. To get them both out of the house... it will be very difficult."

"Find a way." My tone crackles with sharp static, giving away my frustration.

"You still haven't told us this magical plan to get Angel back. How do we know this isn't a sick game?" Vagatha's acid voice sounds in my ear, an indication that she grabbed the phone from Charlie.

"I have stormed into the hotel, caused damage to both it and the princess, resorted to outside help when Angel went missing, and rained down destruction when he died. My patience is thinning with every stupid question that comes from your mouth. If this is a game, I'm sure as Hell am not winning." I deadpan, leering smile curling into a sneer. "I will be over later to discuss the details of the plan. See to it that you leave your condescending attitude at the door or I will tear the tongue from your mouth for even a moment of blissful silence."

I pull the phone away from my ear, clicking the big red button to end the call mid-rant. Holding the device between two fingers and away from my body as if it's some disgusting piece of candy, I drop it onto the sofa.

Contemplating on whether or not to go down into the basement to rifle through more spell books, a sudden knock at the front door has my eyes narrowing and senses on high alert as I walk slowly towards the entrance.


I inch ever so closer.


Eyes shift into dials.


My antlers lengthen and ears twitch.


I curl my long fingers around the doorknob and yank it open to reveal an Angel. Black wings fan out behind its back. The black mask it wears, glows neon green in color, spear clutched tight in its hand.

Why would an angel knock?


Heart lurching at the thought, I take a hesitant step forward, static hissing through my clenched teeth as I tune into several different radio waves. Each one, an emotion clashing together with hopeful fervor.

Dangerous Desires (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now