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This chapter is short, but I promise the next one will be longer! Hope you enjoy! 💕



The door to my 'borrowed' office bursts open and in walks a pissed off looking Angel. Pink eyes blazing, crimson flashing in his iris's. As per usual whenever I see him, my heart skips a beat. Sappy grin threatening to replace my cold and unamused smile.

"Ya son of a bitch!" Unable to hide the physical wince seizing my body, I grit my teeth.

"Dear, we've discussed this. Please refrain from using such language-"

"Fuck yer stupid modesty! How da Hell did yer fucktoy find ya?" Angel crosses his arms, hip cocked.

"My what now?!" I splutter, eyebrows shooting up to my hairline in shock.

"There is a demon in da lobby, lookin' fer ya. Da douchebag told me it was none of my fuckin' business what he's come ta talk ta ya 'bout."

"He did what?" My gaze trails down to the gauze around his hand, and a glitchy hiss escapes. I jump to my feet, chair skidding back to slam into the wall behind me.

Raging past Angel - with just the barest brush of my thumb against his arm - I march out of the room, down the hall, and into the lobby. When I see who it is, I freeze in my tracks. "What in blazes are you doing here?"

J stands off to the side, four arms folded and expression nervous. The moment I step into the lobby, his eyes brighten with excitement, and a shudder of disgust races through me. I left the depraved, deplorable, and disgusting things I did behind after reuniting with Angel as an executioner. That included J. Now here he stands, like a misguided and lovesick puppy.

How revolting.

"I-I came to find you. You haven't been by in a long time and I figured I'd come find you. I...I miss you."

Before I have the chance to open my mouth and verbally bash his poor misdirection or arrogant foolishness in merely seeking me out, Angel - seemingly to appear out of thin air - launches himself at J, fists flying.

"Ya rat bastard!" Comes his howling yell. A battle cry of promised vengeance.

With surprising swiftness, Angel barrels into him and twists so the force of the hit slingshots him up and around J's back. Legs locking around his waist, Angel curls one arm around his throat and starts bashing his face in with the other.

"Ya really think ya can come here and steal my man?"


"All ya were was a booty call!"


"I'm back now and no one but me will touch a red hair on his head!"


Hands clamped behind my back, I watch on with gusto. Fluent movements, precise hits, attacking with the green monster of jealousy whispering promised feats of bloody wrath, should he wish to continue ripping apart this dolt. It truly is a beautiful sight to behold.

"What is going on?!?" Charlie races into the lobby because of the racket, shocked expression switching to one of horror when she sees Angel's beautiful savagery. Her wide eyes shift towards me. "Why aren't you stopping this?"

"No need. Angel has it covered." A hiss and claws gouging flesh, black stains the ridiculous red suit J has decided to wear in a moronic attempt to impress me.

"He's amazing, isn't he?" I murmur, gazing dreamily at my fierce, brave doe, who is now sinking his fangs into J's neck with a snarl.

That is my mate. Mine. So very beautiful. So perfect.

"Angel, stop!" Charlie cries out, distracting him.

Seizing the small window of opportunity, J reaches behind him and grabs Angel's neck with two hands. He heaves Angel off him, throwing him bodily across the room and into the wall with a sickening crunch. A rib or two most definitely broken.

This isn't entertaining anymore.

Going to take a step forward, dial eyes flickering with rampid rage coursing through me, everyone pauses at the sound of sudden laughter. Harsh and cruel, it sends a shiver of delight down my spine. For that laugh, belongs to Mon Ange. Body shaking with laughter, Angel slowly looks up to reveal glowing blood red eyes. Mouth pulled up into a sinister grin. Blood coats the pearl sheen of his teeth and bones snap as he pulls himself upright.

No indication of pain shown on his sneering face.

"Aw suga', ya left me alive." In the blink of an eye, he's across the room and leering up at a terrified looking J. "Big mistake!"

Hand snapping up to fist his hair, Angel begins walking in the direction of the kitchen, J being dragged behind him, kicking, screaming, and legs flailing. J digs his nails into Angel's arms, legs, anywhere he can reach, but it's no use. Malicious smile firmly in place and crimson glow from his eyes lighting the way, Angel frog marches down the hall and into the kitchen.

As they disappear from view, I can't stop the lovesick grin from streching up to my ears. Sappy, yet evil. For I know exactly what Angel is intending to do. He called upon my powers to invoke his wrath on the poor sap that didn't take my absence as a hint. Seeing him that way, bloodthirsty and craving delicious torture, gory death, has my cock twitching and tail wagging with helpless fervor.

Such a breathtaking look
upon those delicate features.

Toe-curling screams sound from the kitchen and I lean my head back with a shit-eating smile, breathing in the stench of fear joyfully.

"Alastor!" Charlie exclaims in horror, eyes latched to where Angel dragged J. "Do something!"

"And why, my dear, would I wish to? The chap should've known better than to seek me out. Consequences always befall those who seek me... or cross my Husband."

"Listen here you vindictive..." Vagatha's voice fades as I walk away from them and in the direction of my love. Charlie can be heard struggling to soothe her frazzled girlfriend. I don't care. For days I've been sleeping in my old room in this wretched hotel, accounting for paperwork and other issues. All on Angel's demand. I don't blame him for being angry, nor dishing out a harsh punishment. I'm the one who didn't listen. And because of that, I've been cast aside in frigid detachment until Cher sees fit to forgive me. To which, I shall wait patiently.

Strolling down the hall with a low whistle, I follow the sinfully tempting screams to the kitchen.

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