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"I'm sorry. You want to what?" James asks, mouth dropping open in shock at the gold trimmed invitation I hold up.

"I want ta go ta that Ball. I was invited, aren't I allowed ta go?" I wave the invitation impatiently.

"Since you were invited... I suppose. But you need to gain clearance to go from one of the right hands of God. Only they can give the green light."

"What are da chances they let me go?"

"Not high." He sighs and I blow out a puff of exasperated air.

"Then we need ta resort ta plan B." Hip cocked, I plan two hands on my hips, using another to stoke my chin in thought. I figured plan A wouldn't work. That's why I told him of an idea I have for plan B, days ago. Sure, it's winging it a bit - pun intended - but I don't care what it takes to get back to Albert.

"Are you sure about this? I don't want to be caught in the middle if this blows up in our faces." James replies, nervously wringing four hands together.

"I can do it by myself if ya want. Yer right, I shouldn't have asked ya ta do this." I mutter, gaze lowering in shame.

He's right. This plan will be dangerous. I can't ask him to risk everything to help me.

"You are my friend, so I'll help. I just don't want it to backfire. If you do this, there is no going back. You must be sure that this is going to work. Because if it does, there could be dire consequences when you return." James clasps me on the shoulder, eyes flashing with worry.

"I'm certain this will work." I hope. "Don't worry. Afta' tonight, I won't be returnin'."

Even though I'm smiling, my tone and body language lacks confidence. In all honesty, I have no idea if my plan will work, or if Alastor will be successful in keeping me in Hell. I'm absolutely scared shitless. But I have to trust Al knows what he is doing.

Otherwise, we are all fucked.


Heels click against marble as I creep along the hallway, back pressed to the wall. The path to the Stone arch portal has been relatively clear so far.

Shut da fuck up, Anthony. Don't want ta jinx yerself and have yer one shot at seein' yer husband for real, slip away.

Sure holding Albert in my dreams is nice. The mind blowing sex is amazing too, but I want to be able to see him for more than an hour. To be able to wake up with him by my side. It's been two weeks and now it is finally time to jump into action.

My plan is pretty straightforward. James will distract the guards and I will run like hell towards the portal, pull the lever to change the location of the portal to Hell, and jump.

Peeking around the edge of the hall to the side door that opens out into a garden with a wide marble platform, I silently count two guards.


Looking over my shoulder, I give James a nod. I had to improvise with how he will distract the guards, so I cut both palms and smeared my blood all over his arms and chest, dampening his fine light blue shirt. As per usual of the perfectness of Heaven, my wounds healed quickly, but the blood remained. Thankfully.

The plan is for him to run outside, screaming that he just saw one of the right hands to God, brutally stabbed, and lead them away from the portal.

I pray ta everythin' holy that this works.

Taking a few steps back to hide myself from view, I give James a thumbs up. The moment I do, James's expression switches to one of horror and he takes off, bursting through the door.

"Help! Help! I saw one of the right hands on the ground with multiple stab wounds! Come quick!" I hear his pleading voice carry into the hall and I stifle a chuckle.

Amazing actin' skills. I'll have ta send him a thank ya basket if I make it through this unscathed.

Heavy footsteps echo harshly as James and the guards rush through the door and down the hall.

Concealing myself in the shadows to not be seen, I wait until they disappear from sight before hiking up my sparkly red dress and take off down the hall, through the door, and down the marble walkway leading up to the portal.

I grab the silver lever and struggle to move it all the way down towards the capital flaming words that spell out HELL.

Come on!

The lever feels too heavy. Even with all my weight on it. After a minute, I can feel it start to move agonizingly slow downward.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

The chant repeats like a fucked up mantra of desperation.

I promised Alastor I would be there tonight, and I will keep my promise!

The progress is so slow. So painfully slow. Tears stinging my eyes, I grit my teeth and force my shaking jelly arms to push, doubling my efforts.

I have one job. One!

Show up. That is all I must do. Alastor said he'd take care of the rest.

Come on, Anthony! Come on!

"What are you still doing here?" James appears in the doorframe, eyes wide and wild with worry.

"I... I can't move it. It's too heavy." I pant.

Darting down the walkway, he jumps up and adds his strength to the struggle. Between the two of us, the lever finally shifts down and I stumble to my knees, chest heaving as I catch my breath.

The portal shimmers and turns from blue, to a blood red. Indication that the location has been set to the fiery underbelly of Hell.

Our relief is short lived.

"Hey! What are you doing?!?" I turn in horror to see a guard standing in the doorway, spear raised.

"Fudge!" I yell, scrambling to my feet.

Irritation at yelling the wrong curse word from Heaven's censoring, is cut short as blue light shoots from the end of the spear itself, like plasma blasts.

One of the blasts hits James square in the chest and he tumbles back, hitting me with his heavy weight.

"Shitockimushrooooooooommmmss." I scream as we fall backward into the portal and sucked down a long red tunnel leading to Hell.

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