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We've had fluff chapters, so here is a VERY NAUGHTY sexual chapter! Like I mean, very sexual. HEAVY SEXUAL CONTENT AHEAD!!! You have been warned. Enjoy!


"Blood on my shirt, heart in my hand." Alastor starts to thrash, mumbling in his sleep. "I wish to give it to you. Why? Why... must you torment my every thought, Anthony?"

Jerking at the mention of my name, I hover over him in confusion.

"You... you sleep in the next room. Yet, I find myself so hungry for your touch. Ack! Daisies... so many daisies..." His eyes dart back and forth under his eyelids, mouth pulling down into a thin frown, and hands balling into fists at his sides.

The next room? Daisies?

Pondering on what in Satan he could be dreaming about, it suddenly clicks. Like the pieces of a puzzle, it all makes sense. When alive - not long after I agreed to work for him in exchange to remain alive after witnessing him brutally murdering a guy - I slept in an empty room next to his. At the time, it was boarded up and musky with dust and cobwebs. A room I came to later learn, belonged to his Ma. As for the daisy nonsense he's whispering, it puts me in mind of the daisy field I first ran off to be alone, and Alastor would find me there. It became our safe place.

Alastor is dreaming of our time spent together as Albert and Anthony. From the looks of his head tossing and turning, he isn't remembering it fondly. Truthfully, I don't blame him. At the time, we were strangers. Complete opposites. Him, a ruthless cannibal that others call 'The Ripper of New Orleans.' Me, the sad, pathetic excuse of a son to the Don of the Russo mafia.

The longer I worked for Al, the more I started to develop feelings for him. It terrified me at first, and I never acted on them. But... it didn't hurt to pine from afar. Soon after I figured out how I felt, Albert started acting weird. More friendly towards me. Starting to cook me meals. Making sure I got back safe by waiting at the halfway point that branched off from the city, leading into the woods.

That was when I started ta suspect if he liked me back. At least, I did before...

Shaking my head with a sharp twist, I shove down the painful memory. It's in the past, and that is where it will stay. I refuse to remember something so awful.

"NOOOO!" Alastor bolts upright with a scream, red eyes snapping open to glance around the room, disoriented.

"Al, babe, it's okay. Shh. It was jus' a nightmare." I murmur, gathering his shaking body in my arms and pulling him close.

"Not a nightmare. A memory." He whispers, snuggling closer.

I don't say anything. Instead, I wait for him to initiate conversation. This topic - although it involves the both of us - is painful. So, I will wait until he is ready.

A sudden, venomous, hissing, groan, vibrates my body, and I look down worriedly. "Are ya okay?"

"It's this wretched heat! I wake from a fright, only to be helplessly aroused for absolutely no reason! It's exhausting." Pulling away to place his face in his hands, Alastor sucks in a shaky breath. "I wish this rut would just go away so I'm able to form a semi coherent thought."

An idea forms, but guilt coils in the pit of my stomach for even thinking it. I hate to see him so forlorn, but I do have a solution to help. Even if it is painful, I have to try.

"Remove yer clothes and get on yer hands and knees, I have an idea."


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