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"Sweet strawberry buck." A vaguely familiar voice coos, warm breath tickling my ear. I remember that phrase. It's spoken with such tenderness. Such a warm sugary tone that melts my already fried brain. "There's my sweet Bambino."

My body aches and head throbs insistently with a raging headache, but I don't care. I could listen to that soothing voice for hours and never tire of it. Turning my face into something soft and warm, I snuggle up to silky fur. Soft smile curving my mouth.

"C'mon, open those pretty red eyes fer me."

Slowly, I peel them open, blinking to clear my blurry sight. Vision clearing, Angel swims into focus. "How long have I been out, Cher?"

" 'Bout two days. Ya were really out of it. On top of bein' hungry, horny, and drunk, I don't blame ya crashin' fer that long."

"Wait... what?" Horny? What is he talking about? The last thing I remember, is seating myself at the bar and demanding Husk pour me shot after shot of whiskey, letting the giggle water burn my throat on the way down as I drowned in my sorrow of almost killing Angel.

There are bits and pieces I can vaguely grasp at. Shreds of memory that feel surreal, but I know happened. Like Angel carrying me. Him whispering over and over in my ear that he forgives me while I clutched white fur, begging for him to say it again. And again. And again. Just so that I know for certain he forgave me for my hideous slip up. Other than that, my memories are hazy.

"I'm guessin' ya are confused 'bout da horny bit?" Angel asks, carding his fingers through my hair as I take in my surroundings. We are in the same room I brought Angel to in order to heal him. Between rushing back home or to the Hotel, this wretched place won out. Happy Hotel is closer when exiting the catacombs, and Angel was too weak to survive teleportation. As much as I'd rather rip the claws from my fingers than be near these halfwits, I had no choice in the matter.

Angel comes first. He always will.

"Yes. May I inquire as to what you're talking about?"

He doesn't say a word, just covers a smirk with one hand, and points down with another. I follow his gaze to the painfully obvious erection in my pants. Cheeks burning in embarrassment, I hide my face with my hands. 

"Nothin' ta be shy 'bout, Al. Yer jus' in yer rut. I've seen all of ya before. And let me jus' say, every inch is fuckin' perfection." Angel purrs, pulling hands from my face to plant a kiss to my heated cheek.

A snort of disgust leaves my mouth, lip curling up to reveal black gums in a snarl. "Nothing about me is perfect. I'm the furthest thing from."

"Stop it." He huffs and I shake my head sharply.

"No. You stop. Stop trying to see something that isn't there." I'm uncertain why I'm lashing out at him. Perhaps because I don't find my body pleasing to look at.

Father permanently ruined it. Marking me in such a viciously ugly way.

Fingers sneaking under my sleeve to feel a raised pale scar, I wince.

How can anyone find this perfect?

"Take it off."

Startling at Angel serious command, I raise a questioning eyebrow. He pinches the hem of my shirt with a thumb and forefinger, giving it a tug.

"Take it off, Al."

Confused, but unable to refuse my Beau, I unbutton the jacket, and the shirt follows shortly after. Laying topless on the bed, my gaze flickers down to my chest for a moment before I turn my head in shame. I know he's seen me naked before, but these scars fill me with shame and regret. I tried to save Mother, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. But every imperfection marring my skin, is a painful reminder of what young Albert went through. Such savagery and heartache.

"Look at me." Comes a low demand. I don't listen. I can't. I can't bear to see pity in those beautiful pink eyes. Strong fingers grip my chin and tilts my face up to unwillingly meet his gaze. What I find there, is shocking. There is no pity or sadness in Angel's eyes. Instead, love burns in that magenta gaze.

Without breaking eye contact, he takes my hand in his and brings it up so that my fingers brush against my chest, over each scar. "Ya say yer not perfect, and yer right. Because what I see, transcends perfection. As I've said before, every scar is a battle ya have won. These aren't scars, they are badges of honor. Bandages that say ya fought back and survived. Ta me, they are perfect."

Bending, Angel presses his lips to the one on my left peck, trailing down, kissing each one within reach.

"Angel, I..."

"Shh. Don't say anythin'. Jus' let me worship ya. Let me chase away every doubt with my lips and kiss away da pain."

I can't help it. My wretched eyes fill again and tears spill down my cheeks as Angel handles me with care, kissing each scar, as if it's a precious gem.

"Let it out, my powerful Radio Demon. It's okay. I'm here. I'll always be here."

As if waiting for his permission, a sob wrenches free from my throat, and shudders wrack my body. Sobs pour from my mouth as I cry out all the pain and heartache from childhood. All the beatings, all the screams, all the hunger pains from missed meals, all of it.

Somehow, I end up with Angel's arms around me and my face buried in his chest fluff. "Shh. That's it, Amore mio. I'm here."

"What did I do wrong in Father's eyes?" I wail with a hiccup.

"Nothin' babe. Absolutely nothin'. Ya jus' had a terrible Pop that didn't deserve da wonderful son he got. But hey, wanna know da good thing?" Sniffing, I scrub at my puffy wet eyes and nod. "There is a terrible pops club, and ya can join it! We have T-shirts!"

That has a surprised giggle escaping and I heave a shaky sigh. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Ya know ya love me." Angel teases back.

"I shall always love you, Anthony. Even when Hell freezes over and the sun implodes in the sky. Even after all life - human, demonic, or celestial - ends, the love I have for you will never die, only grow."

"Sappy bullshit." He laughs, but his tone wavers slightly, giving away loving emotion.

"Yeah. Who would want such ridiculous and frivolous happiness?"

Chuckling, Angel holds me tighter and I cuddle close, the ache in my heart, lessened by the man that I know without a shadow of a doubt, I can't live without. Alive and in death.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I know this chapter was a bit short, and I apologize. I wanted to give you all more fluff because our boiis have been through so much. The next chapter will be longer, I promise.

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