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"We need ta talk."

Four serious words that has dread coiling in the pit of my stomach. Bouncing Tracy in my arms, I give a nod to continue.

"Albert... do ya love me?"

"Of course, my Wildflower." I respond without hesitation.

"How much?" Crossing the short distance between us, he holds out his arms and I place Tracy gently in them, her eyes move under her eyelids as she doses, blissfully unaware of the tension vibrating in the air.

"Angel, you were the one true love of my life, and continue to be even in my afterlife. I can't imagine or bear the thought of existing in Hell without you. It says love finds you... and it did. My dear, I am head over stylishly leather clad heels, deeply and manicly in love with you. So much so, that it borders on deadly obsession. For that is how all of this started. Detranged, kooky, and addictive obsession. When I knew you as only Angeldust, you ushered in things I hadn't felt since the humid air warming my shoulders while basking in the screams of those deserving of a slow and painful death in New Orleans. Things that only a certain blue eyed, blonde haired man made me feel. I'm scarcely afraid of anything darling, but you... you managed to claw your way under my skin and burrow deep into the heated chest cavity where sluggish oily blood struggled to keep my cold dead heart alive. Somehow, you managed to make that useless, lifeless, husk of an organ, beat. Throb and ache in your mere presence. I don't fear anything, but Angel, you scared me. Because you did the one thing that no demon or overlord could do, you made me feel alive. In that moment, the obsession started. Right then, my dear, I had to learn more about you. Like a puzzle with several missing pieces, I was going to scour for those delightfully tricky, hard to find pieces, until I found the bloody, gaping, and gory holes the pieces clicked to. To mash them together, make them fit even if they didn't belong. But as I learned every tidbit of information, I felt... confusion. You started to do little things that reminded me too much of the man I adored above. Subtle things that I overlooked before. The slight twang to your accent. The dominant way you hold yourself, taking control so effortlessly, easily switching from shy, crass, pornstar, to dominant savage ruler. Having my powers for that short time... it was as if you were an avenging God, raining down chaotic and vengeful wrath that none dare mess with. My Wildflower, you were breathtaking as you reveled in it. Power truly suits you, my dear."

"Ya... ya were there that night?" Angel asks, the spark of defiance in his eyes melting into something softer. More incredulous.

I open my arms wide, sweeping them into a flippant gesture. "Of course I was, darling. And I daresay, that was a most enticing performance indeed! Bathed in that wretched Sinner's blood as my power tore him apart. I witnessed beauty that night. True savage beauty!"

When I felt worried about his safety that night, I had sent a shadow to look for him, and it did. I watched such glorious mayhem through the distorted tunnel vision of my entity as it hovered in the shadows closeby.

Absolute breathtaking beauty the vision showed of Anthony bathed head to toe in blood, black staining his pink candystriped suit, reveling in my gifted power. So in touch with his true illustrious bloodlust.

A side of him that deserves to shine and be revered by all.

"Yer jus' tryin' ta butter me up and change da topic." Angel bows his head, finger stroking Tracy's cheek to distract the turmoil of emotions I'm sure is storming in the depths of those pink eyes.

"Quite the opposite, dear." Daring to step forward into the scorching wrath of my beloved, I reach up to cup his cheek. "Angel, you seem to remain unaware of just how much of an affect you have on me. How much control you truly grasp in those beautiful fingers of yours. Ask for the corpses of your enemies, I shall lay them at your hooves. Ask for the sun, I shall travel to the mortal world and pluck it from the very sky."

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