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"She's so adorable in that!" Molly gushes, taking a step back to admire Tracy in my arms.

Since Al left to rip souls from chests, or in his preferred words, "It is simply collecting souls I'm owed when a deal has come to fruition."

I invited Molls over and she came with arms overloaded with baby clothes. Her contribution to being what she calls, "Da fun Auntie."

"She looks very... bright." I mutter, glancing down at the offendingly bright color my sister bought for Tracy.

Bright ass yellow.

I wince, but keep a smile plastered to my face. She spent so long choosing outfits, and Molly just wants to be there for my daughter. Being sweet in her own way. So, I allowed her to put on the god awful neon yellow dress.

I'm not sure why I dislike the color, I've liked colors like this before. Is it because I've live in a house with all dark colors that blend well together? Maybe I'm used to the dark red Alastor wears and associate dark colors with him?

Either way, I just don't like bright colors anymore. I mean, even Blueberry isn't bright blue, but a dark sapphire. Nothing in the house is bright. Well... except for me. But even then, I'm a pale pink.

Molly picks up another bright dress, holding it up excitedly and I have to bite the inside of my cheek hard to keep a snide comment from escaping. Molls means well, she does. I have to remember that.

Gently laying Tracy down on the sofa, I sigh. Slow steady breath morphing into a sharp startled gasp when I feel something cold against the small of my back. Like frigid fingers ghosting up my spine.

Head turning sharply to look over my shoulder, I see one of Alastor's shadows pointing, and my gaze follows its black see-through finger to the doorway of the kitchen where Blueberry pokes his head out, waving a hand to motion me over.

Not Alastor's shadow. His.

Smiles always takes his shadows with him when he leaves, should he have use for them. Sure, he'll send them back to check on me and Tracy, but they mainly stay with their master.

"Tony, are ya okay?" Molly asks, noticing my sudden gasp and stiff posture.

"I'm fine, Molls. Go ahead and put that dress on Tracy, I'll only be a minute."

She notices Blueberry over by the kitchen and lowers her voice to a bare nervous whisper. "Is it a... I mean... that is... is it time ta feed her?"

Molly was clued in to the fact that my daughter craves blood, not milk, and at first, she was horrified. Truthfully, I'm still trying to grasp the bizzare concept. Alastor is a cannibal. He eats meat and guzzles blood like it's fine wine. In hindsight, it makes sense for his offspring to crave something like this. But it still feels... surreal to me.

When I briefly thought of having a kid, I never imagined it like this. But Tracy is a part of Albert, so I will learn to get used to it. For her.

"Possibly." I whisper back and the white of her face turns a sickly shade of green.

"Remind me again, what it is that ya see in yer Husband. I know ya love da guy, but I'm not sure I'd be able ta stomach watching him eat someone or feeding my baby blood." Molly has a hand over her mouth, fighting back vomit and glancing uneasily down at Tracy, who is gazing up at with wide eyes and a big smile that sports four sharp teeth. Two on the top and two on the bottom.

I found out about those little pointers shortly after I returned to the hospital when a finger was stoking her cheek and she pulled said finger into her mouth, biting down hard. I still have the scar. To say I was surprised that she was born with four fangs, is an understatement.

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