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WARNING: Woah boy. To say you guys won't like me for this one, is an understatement. I decided to tweak it for you guys so Alastor didn't end up having sex with Blitz, just made out hard with him, only about to go further had Angel not stumbled in. I did it for you guys so your hearts can handle something else angsty.

Oh, and there is blood and gore.


The breath leaves me like a deflating whoopie cushion. As if someone sucker punched me hard in the stomach, and I can't suck in much needed sulfer demons breathe in Hell.

I followed him. I called up Molly to watch Tracy, who coincidently was already on her way to the house for a play date with her and Madilene, and followed Al shortly after he left to collect a soul because he seemed... off. And okay, maybe a small part of me - a very tiny part - wanted to see my man in action. But like the putz I am, I got lost in an odd little town, to which a street sign labeled as Hiltun.

A loud piercing scream brought me over to the last few buildings at the edge of the town, but I was still lost. A flash of red and a tail disappearing into the corner building, and here I am. Absolutely mortified at what I'm seeing through a thin crack.

In my frantic desperation for air, my hip pushes against the cracked door, and unoiled hinges creak as the door slowly swings open to reveal the scene in heartbreaking detail.

Alastor laying on the shaggy yellow carpet of the floor, body of an unknown imp draping across his sweaty chest as they both seem to catch their breath.

When the door swings open, red eyes widen in horror the moment they latch onto my horrified ones. Eyes that I'm certain reflect disgust and betrayal.

"Angel..." He trails off, tone giving way to staticy alarm as he glances down at the imp, dial eyes growing in panic.

"H-How could ya?" It feels like I'm talking with molasses stuck in my throat. My words slow, deliberate, thick, and coated with bitter disbelief.

"Angel... please forgive me!" Alastor shoves the imp off his chest, expression mirroring mine in disgust. Landing with an unceremonious oomph on the ground, the imp grumbles.

"Christ on a stick. You don't have to be such a cunt!" It hisses in low baritone, tail stiffening into that of a lightening shape, the tip shaking with a sharp rattle. Black spikes rise on the patchy red and white skin of its back.

"I'm da ex-pornstar. I'm da one who others would'a thought ta do this. Nope. Not fer da infamous Radio Demon. No, my cheatin' asshat of a Husband was da one ta go off da rails and do somethin' disgustin'." Tone dripping with acid, I can't stop the rant pouring from my numb lips like watery bile. "Alastor had ta sully our relationship, dirty da love we had. I was da shameful and deplorable one. I... I changed fer ya. Ya saved me from Val. I..."

Swallowing thickly, I suddenly can't find the right words to express the sheer agony that rips through me in that moment.

Our love was supposed ta...

Alastor opens his mouth to speak, but the imp cuts him off with a huff. "Oh, boo hoo! Your Husband wanted to switch it up a bit instead of dealing with the same boring glory hole. You should thank me for trying to fuck him, not whine like a little bitch."

Aw, fuck no!

Simmering rage explodes into a inferno of twisted, ugly, hatred, and I close the distance between us in the blink of an eye, hand going around his throat, fingers crushing his windpipe. "And what is da name of my Husband's affair?"

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