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I know, it's a Blueberry chapter. But it is kind of a fluff one. Fair warning, there is a bit of blood in it.


I can't help but smile warmly at the energetic child laying on her stomach on the carpet of the lobby. Legs kicking back and forth as she hums merrily to herself, blank page in front of her as she uses a pen to scribble on it.

Such pure innocence.

Shortly after Angel and my twin left, Molly showed up at the door with Madilene and Tracy, saying they'd wait there until the others got back. By now, Molly is used to me being around and although faint, there is a bit a trust there. It's nice.

I watched Tracy while Molly freshened up and cleaned Madilene from a white powder puff treat, who then snatched Tracy from my arms to croon and watch over her. Granted, I'm not allowed near Tracy, but I can't help it. Like a moth to the flame, my heart aches to hold her. To just care for the young lass in a way my own Mother never did.

It also doesn't help that she astonishingly resembles Angel. Hair white as snow with glowing magenta eyes that stare into my very soul. Intelligence shines in those small eyes. Almost as if she knows you better than you know yourself. Features similar to Angel's, with red ears, red tail, and dark olive skin, Tracy is a beautiful sight to behold.

It stands to reason why they want to keep her hidden from the world outside these walls. For out there, it's truly monstrous. Unfit to raise such a pure beauty in an ugly place like this.

Claws picking at the hem of my maid costume, my eyes shift from Madilene, to Molly and the baby sitting on the sofa. Molly makes a silly face, and Tracy gives a gurgling laugh that melts my dead heart.

Never in all my years as an Overlord, has a baby made me feel this way. She's not even mine, and all I want, is to protect her. To shelter her from the ugly truths of the universe. To tuck her in this house, away from prying eyes and the blatant horrors that await outside the front door.

I feel... like a father.

It's absolutely mad to claim as such, but to feel like a parent... well it's the most undescribable feeling. Like watching over them, brings you great joy and crippling dread. Dread that has you moving all sharp objects in sight, to the nearest closet, never taking your eyes off them for a second for fear of something hurting them.

"Mommy, I'm hungwyy." Madilene's whine has Molly looking up from Tracy as her daughter gets to her feet, bottom lip out in a pout and eyes going into a wide pleading look.

"I can whip something up, my dear." I offer, lifting my skirt and dropping into a quick curtsey before turning in the direction of the kitchen.

"No, it's okay. I'll grab it." Molly's tone holds a hint of uncertainty. As if she's not quite sure to trust me with feeding her child without poisoning it.

That stings, but I understand.

If I'm to start fresh and earn back her trust, along with Angel's, I must take essential baby steps. So far, things have been going well. While my mirror half was gone for six months, I've been helping out in every way I can.

Cooking. Cleaning. Dusting off the many antiques my twin has in a hidden room inside a hallway closet. Even clearing the cobwebs that began to gather in the basement. A shiver raced up my spine as I cleaned and sanitized the torture daggers, knives, chains, and other miscellaneous items that had dried, crusted, blood on them. The memory of my time down there causing my blood to run cold.

Over time, I started to notice Angel smiling more at me, being more open. Trusting me a little bit every day.

Of course, I didn't want him to ever find Alastor, hoping him dead or gone forever. But, I still told him of spots I frequented in my Dimension, smashing any hope of that into bits.

How could I not?

He may have warmed up to me a little, but there was still soul crushing pain shimmering behind those pink eyes, festering just below the surface. He would put on a brave face, but the heartache was obvious and unbearable. So, I gave away any information that could help.

Thankfully, the last place I could think of, was the answer to Angel's silent suffering. When he returned to the house, practically half carrying Alastor as he supported his weight while holding closed a dirty blanket around his naked body, I gave Angel a bright grin and a small nod to show my support as they staggered upstairs, when inside, it felt like a dagger had plunged deep into my heart, reopening old wounds. But for one brief moment, a warm smile was directed at me. Me.

Bruised, broken, and crappily stitched back together, that smile meant more than any entertainment in the World. My heart may be battered, but I'd happily allow it to be trampled on again, if it meant I could glimpse another beautiful smile.

"Come on honey, let's go ta da kitchen. You'll hafta wait fer a bit 'cause mommy can only do so much with da baby."

"Allow me to take her. It's time for the little darling to eat anyways." Holding out my arms for Tracy, I hold my breath as Molly hesitates.

No, I'm not allowed to hold her, according to my twin. But in last few months, Angel has let me hold her here and there. Even allowed me to watch her while taking a nap a few times when Molly wasn't around. Proof that his trust in me is growing.

"Okay. Should I grab da bottle in da fridge?" Molly asks and I shake my head in response.

"It's quite alright. She will feed from me. I find that sweet Tracy prefers fresh, hot blood, not heated up in a pan." Color drains from Molly's face and I can see her physically swallow bile that threatens to spew forth. Only managing a nod, she hands me Tracy, and I immediately tuck her into the safety of my arms.

Lip trembling, Tracy let's out a shrill mewl. A heart breaking cry of hunger, confirming that it is indeed her feeding time.

"Shh. It's alright deary. I have what you want." Holding her close in the crook of one arm, I lift a wrist to my mouth, biting down hard to break the skin. Blood wells and coats the tip of my tongue with a tangy, sweet, flavor. Licking my lips free of blood, I lower my wrist to her wide, waiting, mouth. The moment my blood touches her lips, Tracy bares her tiny fangs and lurches forward to clamp them around the wound, eyes glinting savagely as she feeds.

I can feel the blood drain from my body, flowing into Tracy's mouth to provide sustenance. An honor I'm able to provide that has warmth spreading in my chest. Angel prefers for her to drink blood from the local butcher shop in one of the bottles stored in the fridge, only to be warmed once taken out and poured into a pan to heat it. For me, I feel like the poor dear craves fresh blood over processed. Which is why I feed her my blood when he's not around.

Don't want the little one going hungry or getting cranky when what she wants is so easy to provide.

Crooning softly to her, a soft melody springs unbidden. A melody that has not crossed my lips in a very long time.

🎼 "Father told me to stay strong,
He sang that souls are never wrong,
Through mist and shadows,
they cry out all night,
until you find the warming
embrace of light,
Can you stay with little one,
Stay with me until the light is gone." 🎼

Tears sting my eyes as I stare down at the tiny miracle in my arms. Father may not have been able to give me much, but that mattered not. He loved me, protected me. And that, is worth its weight in gold. The sorrowful lulluby dies in my throat and I choke back a sob.

This is why I want to do right by this sweet baby. To be in her life and watch her grow. Because of the caring, gentle, and honest man my father was. To not be cold like Mother.

A soft snore jolts me from my thoughts, and I look down to see Tracy has fallen asleep from the soothing and morbid melody. Pulling my wrist from her mouth, I gently snap my fingers to heal the gaping wound, careful not to jostle her. I use a thumb to wipe a black trail of blood that dribbled out from the corner of her mouth while she fed, a warm smile curling my lips.

No matter what happens, I will always be right here if you need me, little starlight.

My ears pick up garbled shouting from outside and I heave a sigh.

The parents are home.

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