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Okay guys, you have asked and like a merciful God, I shall provide! For the 'Blueberry must die' club, he does in fact die in this chapter. But be warned, the next chapter or two will have high angst!


Such glorious carnage.

The smoldering aftermath of the porn studios lay in ruins around me. Yet, I cannot find any joy in the chaos I wrought. No entertainment to be found in the very thing that once brought me comfort.

It's always goin' ta be him.

Six words. They are but meaningless sounds strung together to form a coherent message, and still they manage to cut deep like a sharpened blade.

I stand atop a pile of rubble overlooking the damage. Smoke billows up into the red sky. Tendrils of black announcing the severity that one cannot come back from. Ears picking up faint rustling, I peer down to see rubble shifting to the side and a figure clawing its way out of the wreckage, body broken and bloody.


To say the two halfwits were surprised at my sudden appearance, is an understatement. What really had me cackling with glee, was their expression when I showed up in my true form. Blue suit and everything. I could've worn my disguise, but where was the fun in that?

"What are you doing here,
and why are you blue?"

"Did you get t-ttired of the
co-olor red?"

Came their sneering replies as I entered the disgusting place of debauchery and sin. To which, I gave no answers. Simply called upon my entities and gave an order to tear it all down. Leave no survivors. Of course I slaughtered those who tried to escape.

Poor saps. Wrong place, wrong time.

Standing outside and watching the building crumble to dust was truly a sight to behold. A marvelous spectacle that no doubt will surely be plastered all over the 666 news in no time at all.

Carefully picking my way toward the struggling Valentino, whose body is half stuck in the rubble, and half out, two arms pinned at his sides, the other two clawing for freedom. I watch him thrash in amusement as I inch closer. A sweeping gaze confirms that Vox is nowhere in sight. Perhaps crushed under all the debris or managed to escape. It matters not. This fellow is the only one I care about ending with my bare hands.

"You are going to regret this." Valentino snarls.

"No, I don't think so. Your demise was inevitable. Certainly you of all demons, saw this coming." I chuckle.

"This has to do with Angelcakes, doesn't it?" His voice switches to a haughty purr, all trace of hostility gone. Replaced with smug glee.

Baring teeth in a threatening sneer, my hands snap out in a blur and fingers curl around his neck, thumbs crushing his windpipe. "My dear, you don't have the privilege to speak his name, let alone let it slide on that vile tongue."

Valentino's hands reach up, hands prying at mine. Realizing that my grip is too strong, he automatically wraps his hands around my throat in an attempt to strangle me.

It doesn't work. Slowing my breath until I'm not sucking in humid air anymore, I summon shadowy tentacles with a demanding thought. They wrap around his wrists, jerking them away from my throat. Tip of a claw nicking the flesh, I don't flinch. Desperate now, Valentino bucks like a frantic wild animal, but I keep my hands in place. Slowly squeezing precious life from this putrid cockroach. Life he doesn't deserve after harming Angel.

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