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Sorry guys for the short chapters. I've been going through a lot and I wanted to post something so you would see I'm not dead. Lol.


Dank and dismal, the place I'm held prisoner, echoes with distant screams. Fog covers every square inch, and it's difficult to see the hands in front of my face.


My heart skips a beat.

I know that sound. I've grown too familiar with it during my time here. Although I may have spent a short time here in reality, it feels like an eternity. Empty. Bleak. Aching. There is nothing around me. Yet, familiar screams has blue ears flattening against my skull.

The blood curling screams of my Mother and Father begging for their lives before disgustingly wet squelching noises give the indication that someone or something has torn them apart, piece by gruesome piece.

I know it's not real. It can't be. Mother is in the Hell I left behind. Burning in the fiery pit I dumped her in. Father is no doubt in Heaven. Yet, the sounds of them screaming, is unbearable.

It's literal Hell.

I was in Hell before. But this... this must be where the truly horrid people get placed. Tortured for all eternity. And honestly? I deserve it for all the awful things I've done. Dying a second time, I never could figure out why I woke up in a different place. A place I'm unfamiliar with and am still uncertain of its purpose. If this place is to be my punishment for my sins, so be it.

I just wish they'd use the screams of someone else to haunt me with...

Raw and piercing, they start up again.

"Wait, no! Please!" Screams Mother.

"Run lad, run!" Father cries out.

"No. No. No. No. No." The broken one word chant spills from frozen lips as I curl up into a tight ball on the frigid floor, hoping the chant will ground me enough to drown out the devastating screams.




There are the heartbreaking sounds of bodies being torn apart once again.

Make it stop!


Faint, I can still hear the sound of a footstep drawing near. Sharp and unmistakably inhuman. Death. That is what follows after every step of those claws.

"Run, lad. Run!"

With a whimper, I drag myself to my feet and do what Father tells me to do. I run. So fast that the thick, swirling, white fog seems to part to allow me to flee. Before the curtain of fog closes behind me, I make the mistake of looking back. What I see, chills me to the bone.

Long black ears, glowing red eyes, fangs that protrude past its chin, only a skull sitting atop a floating mass of black vapor, and bird like claws. It's something straight out of a nightmare.

I push myself even harder, panting as I run. After what feels like forever, I skid to a stop, palm seeming to press against the wall of fog. Only for it to part, revealing what appears to be a long vertical mirror. Gasping, I stumble back, my own terrified eyes reflecting back in the smooth glassy surface. I hesitate for a moment before reluctantly reaching out to touch the mirror again.

What in blazes is a mirror doing in a place like this?

My reflection morphs in front of my eyes, melting until a completely different scene than the one behind me, is shown.

A looking glass.

That's what this is. I was able to communicate briefly with Angel completely by chance when I found one similar to this near a clump of discarded body parts. The sound of his voice, was like an immense relief - a balm - to my soul. Even if it sounded terrified, it was still Angel.

Why this place has looking glasses throughout its eerie, dim, and empty reaches is beyond me. But I'm glad they're there. It gives me glimpses of the one my heart yearns for. Like the scene before me. It makes my stomach churn, but I'm still relieved he's okay.

The longer I stare at the carnal displayed behind the glass - they thankfully are unaware I'm there at all - the more difficult it is to quell the urge to open my mouth and allow the song buried deep within, to arise. I clench my teeth, but it's no use.

🎼 Spiteful and ruinous,
I'm all the things you feared I was,
Another villian in your story,
You think that all I do is destroy,
you should,
Afraid that I'm a monster,
That's good,
If I wanted to end you again,
I could,
I'm sinking down,
if only you knew how hard it is,
for me climb out,
I'm kicking and screaming,
but no one can hear me,
so what happens now?
I didn't ask for this. 🎼

Low static hums in the air, buzzing like angry hornets, and a deep sapphire glow emits from my narrowed gaze.

🎼 Take what's left of
my fractured heart,
Blood stained because the
pieces are so sharp,
I'm sinking down,
if you only knew how hard
it is for me,
to climb out,
I'm kicking and screaming,
but no one can hear me,
so what happens now?
The shadows are creeping in. 🎼

Click. Click. Click.

Ears twitching at the approaching steps, danger looms over my head like that of a sharpened butcher knife, and my fur bristles. With one last look at Angel in the throes of ecstasy, the last of my bitter words leave me in a hushed whisper as I turn and begin running again.

🎼 Never forget, I
didn't ask for this 🎼

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