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Arm draped over my eyes while laying on the sofa, I grumble to myself. My skin still tingles and hurts from scrubbing every inch of my body raw in the shower last night. I felt dirty.

And midst the shame consuming me, I couldn't face Angel. Not because of what he asked me to do - I could never stay mad at him - but because I didn't want to see him upset with me for submitting to another man. And with the very demon who took his own afterlife no less.

I don't like submitting to anyone but Anthony. If it's not him in my mouth, I don't want it. But, I did agree to the task and future ones. I am the one who instigated it.

If the prize is his forgiveness for my brash behavior and disappearance, then it's worth it.

Soft clicks coming down the stairs announce Angel's presence, and I remove my arm, risking a peek. He doesn't look upset, merely sad. Regret swims in his eyes, and he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Al, I know yer upset, and ya have every right ta be. I'm so sorry." A small whimper escapes and he brings a shaky hand up to cover his mouth.

Jumping up, I stride across the lobby and hug him tightly. "Don't ever apologize for being dominant, my Wildflower. I did ask for you to give me tasks. I should've thought it through more clearly before I did, but what's done is done. Yes, I never thought something like... that, would happen, but I'm the one who agreed. You gave me the choice and I accepted. Honestly, it's a fitting punishment for leaving. Chocolate and the very being I despise? You thought like an Overlord. And for that, I am proud."

Angel sniffles, arms going around me. "It was kinda hot."

Although muffled, there is a bit of laughter in his voice and I roll my eyes.

"Just... don't ask me to do that again, alright? Once is plenty for me." I feel him nod and my body sags in relief.

Blueberry walks into the lobby wearing a blue suit identical to mine, bright smile streching across his face. His grin wavers and stride falters when he sees me, but he quickly regains his composure.

"Are you ready? Baby Gap will close soon and there is still a few things we need to grab." He asks, stopping a few feet from us.

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm comin'." Angel says and pulls out of my embrace with a watery smile. "Blueberry and I talked briefly last night before I went ta bed, and we decided ta head out ta go baby shoppin' before da baby arrives. Make sure we have everythin' we need."

"You and him, hmm?" Sizing him up as he taps a deep blue broach on his bowtie, I narrow my eyes as he seemingly morphs into that of a black arachnid. The same arachnid I sent into the void when I found out Angel is my Anthony.

Now I understand the reason as to why he was smiling smugly at me while being pulled in.

He is me. Precisely the same... give or take the horrid color choice. I'm uncertain of the past human life this version of me had, and I frankly don't care.

I learned way too much about him last night, erasing all interest or curiosity I have about my twin. As long as he keeps to himself, I'll keep to mine. And, of course, doesn't get too close to Anthony.

"I shall come along as well." I reply smoothly and a laughing soundtrack plays when I see Blueberry physically deflate. "But I'd advise a disguise, my dear. You may be in doe form, but you still look like the same angeldust as before.

Even with two arms, two eyes, ears, and hooves, Angel does still bear a striking resemblance to the arachnid he once was.

"I can help with that." Blueberry replies, placing a hand on Angel's arm.

I bite my tongue hard to hold back a hiss of displeasure upon seeing the contact. He closes his eyes and begins muttering something too soft to make out. White fur transforms into black, as if someone dumped ink all over Angel, staining his beautiful white body.

Now, he looks like himself... but not. The darkness of his fur helps his features blend in, giving him the appearance of a shadowy entity.

Interesting choice.

Sudden panic sweeps over me and I quickly touch the baby bump. "Is the baby alright?"

"Yes, my love. Da baby is fine." Angel murmurs, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

I sigh in relief and shoot Blueberry a scathing glare. "What would've happened if the disguise hurt the baby? How could you do that without double checking to make sure it's safe for them?"

"Calm down. I know what I'm doing." His response angers me even more and I march over to slap him hard upside the head. Which is difficult because of the new size difference.

"Calm down?!? Dark magic is tricky and has all sorts of rules and consequences!" I shout.

"You honestly think I would put him and that baby in jeapordy? How little to you think of me?" Blueberry bends to press his nose to mine, eyes narrowing threateningly.

"I think absolutely nothing of you. You spineless, good for nothing, twit!"

"Enough!" Angel yells and stomps over to us, one hand going up to yank my ear and the other one grabbing Blueberry's hair in a tight fist. "Now, ya two are goin' ta be good boys and get along while we are out. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Anthony." Blueberry and I say at the same time and he releases us.

We leave the house and begin walking on the sidewalk, the baby store only two blocks away, according to my twin. We both agreed teleportation could be hazardous to the baby and decided walking would be better.

With Angel in disguise, I don't have to worry so much. As we walk, my ears twitch as they pick up the faint sound of a car approaching, intending to pass us. Idea suddenly crossing my mind, my smile sharpens dangerously as I casually and deliberately slow my steps to catch up with Blueberry, who walks behind us a few feet.

"This is for having your disgusting, foul, and revolting essence in my mouth last night." He looks down at me questioningly at the hissed words.

I snap my arm out, hand pressing firmly to his side, shoving him with all my might onto the street just as the car passes.

The screech of tires, a scream, and then nothing but silence.

So much for keeping to myself, I think with smug satisfaction.

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