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First off, thank you to everyone that supported me though a tough time yesterday. I was ready to give up, but you all wouldn't let me. And you guys are right, I shouldn't let others take away my joy in writing my fanfics. So, this chapter is for you!

FYI, it involves red lingerie and a brief meeting with a famous succubus. See if you can guess who she is! 🤪


"In a nutshell? Ya done fucked up."

Wincing at the crude language, an eyebrow raises at the white spider demon sitting across from me. Distasteful pop music pours from a broken down jukebox, its upbeat notes like sour nonsense in my ears. Hushed whispers can be heard when the beat skips every few notes and I casually pick off lint on my sleeve.

A brightly lit diner isn't my cup of tea to meet, but at this point, I'll do just about anything... within reason.

I'm also not sure how I feel about Tracy being watched by her husband, along with playing with Madilene, but one thing at a time.

"Can we refrain from the crass language, my dear? It is rather unpleasant."

"No. Ya royally fucked up and ya need ta hear it. What in da nice circles were ya thinkin'?" Molly hisses, eight eyes narrowing angrily.

"Dear, only one thing was on my mind. Vengeance. Absolutely delicious and gory vengeance. To which, I delivered. And it was glorious." A thrill of excitement hums just beneath my skin as I recall the look of resignation on that imposter's face when he realized his afterlife was over. Ended by the very demon that was better than him in every way. He may have worn my face, but in the end, he never would've beaten me.

I must admit, the fact that he gave in way too easily and without an entertaining fight, bugs me more than it should. Blueberry deserved to die, yes, but I wanted it to at least be a fair fight. In the last few moments of his miserable afterlife, I allowed the rage to consume me. To give in to the urge to slash a claw across his exposed throat.

I was going to leave it at that and just toss his body where even the hellish buzzards couldn't find it, but then he did something that had my rage exploding into an inferno of searing hatred. As he laid dying, the bastard smiled.

Last precious moments fading away, and this cod smiles as if embracing death like an old friend. Normally, I encourage my victims to go out smiling.

You're never fully dressed without one.

But something about his, had the last of my self control snapping like that of thin membrane. Stringy and fragile, the thread of my sanity broke like a wet spaghetti noodle. Snarling, I snatched the body up by the throat with my teeth and bit down hard. Bone crunched and tendons snapped as I used my teeth to practically saw the head from his worthless body. I left the body there and took the head to a friend who owed me a favor. Had him rip out Blueberry's skull and organs, replace it sawdust and glass eyes. Permanently replacing his smug smile, with a look of pure terror.

The same expression he wore shortly after I swiped at his throat. Moments before he smiled that wretched smile. Never in my life or afterlife have I hated a smile as much as I did in that moment. The very sight had me wanting to rip the lips from his face, gouge the flesh so it can no longer haunt me with its smugness.

Instead, I had my friend change his expression.

If I'm going to look at it every day, I may as well change it to an expression I'll enjoy looking upon. A reminder that against all odds, I ended his life. My love triumphed over the phoney love he claimed he still had for Angel.

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