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Hands on my hips, I inspect the bedroom. Red covers every inch. The obnoxious color, everywhere. Red curtains are drawn. Burgundy covers sit wrinkle free, not a pillow out of place.

My eyes land on a picture frame, and my piercing gaze softens as I slowly walk over and pick it up, thumb tracing over a bright happy face.


It shows of them side by side, holding each other. Him wearing a stunning wedding dress, and my twin wearing a deep red suit. Angel's eyes shine with happiness while looking at the camera. Alastor's gaze isn't directed at the camera, but on Angel. Intense, protective, and pure love burning just below the surface of his wide smile and unforgiving gaze.

This very picture, shows a side of the Radio Demon that never sees the metaphorical light of day. A side that only Angel brings out.

As I stare at the photo, envy burns my veins like bitter ice freezing me from the inside out.

I want what my other half has.
I want it all.

I want a life that's out of my reach, and crave a man I can never have. I took away everything from Alastor, but it wasn't enough. In the end, he got what he wanted.

A Husband. A family. Everything.

Even a love that is rare to find in Hell. Love that blossomed in their human life, and continued to grow even in death. Heart stopping and beautiful love.

The kind of love I feel for Anthony, and always will. No matter how much it hurts to see them together, I shall remain by Anthony's side.

But I can't help but wonder... what if?

What if I could be granted a kiss?

Just one. It doesn't have to be much. Just his lips on mine. A simple feather light brush. That's all I want. All I need. All I crave.

Is just one kiss with Anthony.

One kiss will sustain me for years. One kiss is all I want.

I gently set the frame down, turning to take in the quaint bedroom they share, sorrow building in my heart like a broken song until I can hold it back no longer.

🎼 "When does a comet
become a meteor?
When does a candle
become a blaze?
When does a man
become a monster?" 🎼

Static jumps as I sing, voice
catching as tears blur my vision.

🎼 "When does a ripple
become a tidal wave?
When does the reason
become the blame?
When did I become
the monster?
Will he ever look at
me the same?
Why didn't I see the
warning signs?
How could I snuff out
that bright pink flame?
Forgive me Angel, I'm to blame.
I have become the monster." 🎼

Wiping my eyes, I march over to the bed, bending over the pillows to search until I find what I'm looking for. I pull out a small white handkerchief and place the red and black hairs on the silky fabric, folding it and putting it back in my suit jacket.

"Forgive me, Anthony. I am the monster that needs just one taste." I whisper, turning towards the door to see Alastor's shadow glaring at me, head cocked and red eyes blazing.

"We are not telling anyone of this, lest we take a little trip to the void, are we?" Gaze widening, the shadow bows its head ever so slightly into a nod and disappears.

While Alastor and I can easily escape the void, those who we put in it, have a zero chance. Even our shadowy entities.

A ear splitting crash sounds downstairs and I quickly leave the room, making sure I left everything the way it was before snapping my fingers to wear the maid costume I'm required to have on, I hurry downstairs, patting the front breast pocket of the dress where the handkerchief sits with Alastor's hairs, in reassurance.

Skidding to a stop, I balk at the strange sight by the entrance. A round table and chairs sit on its side, Angel on his back with wide eyes and my twin covering his lower half with the tablecloth.

"What da fuck was that, Al?!?" Angel yells, taking the hand I offer to help him up.

"You know what that was, my dear." Alastor replies and stands with a flourish, tablecloth wrapped around his waist like a towel.

"Transportation could've hurt Angel or the baby, you imbecile! Have you no brain cells left in that thick skull of yours?!?!" Acid drips with every word as my eyes shift into radio dials, arm unconsciously going around Angel's waist, and fingers gently touching his stomach to make sure he's okay.

"It wasn't transportation. It was a void jump, you uncultured swine! I knew void jumping was safer than transportation and we needed to leave a risky situation." Alastor takes a threatening step forward. "Now, unhand my Husband."

"Blueberry, it's fine. I'm okay and so is da baby." Angel tries to reason, but my grip only tightens protectively.

"Are we going to have a problem, dear?" Head snapping to the side, red glowing eyes widen into dials, antlers growing and smile grotesque.

"Let go. Remember, ya are my property, not da otha' way around." Angel warns with a venomous undertone.

Relenting, I let him go and take a step back.

"Bow." My ears flatten at my twin's sudden command. "Did I stutter? Bow to me."

I look over at Angel and he raises an eyebrow expectantly. "Ya take orders from me and him. Ya may be my slave, but my demand is that ya follow his commands too. If he says ta bow, ya betta' do so."

Grinding my teeth, ears flat against my head, I bow from the waist, hands going up to grip the bottom of my dress in a curtsey.

"No, dearie. You seem to be mistaken. Get on your knees and bow."

Grumbling to myself, I drop to my knees, plant my hands on the ground, and bow low to my insufferable twin, humiliation burning my face.

The heel of his shoe comes down on my hand and I hiss in pain. "That's right, you are nothing and I am superior. Far more superior than you. You are worthless. Putrid scum beneath my shoe. Your afterlife, your very purpose, is in my Beau's hands. You answer to him. And if he isn't around, you answer to me."

He presses down harder on my hand and I swallow a whimper of pain. He does not deserve to hear my pain. I won't let him have the satisfaction.

"Alastor, why don't we finish what we started at da club? If I recall, ya were really close ta explodin'." Angel purrs, worried eyes briefly looking down at me.

"As you wish, Mon Ange." Alastor murmurs, pulling his foot away.

I jerk my hand back, cradling it against my chest as they walk hand in hand upstairs.

As the bedroom door clicks shut, a smug smile splits my face, and determination hardens my resolve.

I will get that kiss.

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