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Swiping a hand over my red rimmed eyes, I scowl as rundown buildings pass by in a blur. Switching from a stroll to a fast-paced walk, my teeth find the flesh of my bottom lip to gnaw on.

You, my dear, are acting like a spoiled brat!

Alastor's angry words ring in my ears and I suddenly find it hard to breathe.

...Bend over backwards for you.

No matter how hard I try, I can't escape his words. Shaky breaths puffing from my numb and bloody lips, I reach into the breast pocket of my dress and withdrawn a pair of white headphones. They belong to Molly, but I forgot to return them after she allowed me to borrow them last.

Great, yet anotha' thing ta feel guilty 'bout.

And there's so much to feel guilty about already. Alastor is right, I've been behaving like a child. Petty and whining demands.

I'm so ashamed.

It took him yelling at me to see how unfair I've been treating him. Regardless, it still hurt like a bitch to hear. The distaste. The anger. The utter defeat that shone in those tired red eyes. It caused something to snap.

I had to get out of there before I too snapped. Lashing out just to see him hurt like I am. Because I love him, I left. Practically running out the front door and down the street just to get plenty of space between me and the Happy Hotel. I knew Al wouldn't follow me. He knows I need time when I'm like this.


Alastor's buzzing voice bounces around in my skull like vengeful phantom echoes that promise nothing but pain and misery.

I shove the headphones in my ears and plug the jack into my phone, randomly flipping to the first song that pops up in a futile attempt to drown out the voices. After awhile, I begin to softly sing along to one of my favorite songs in my playlist.

🎼 Do ya want ta meet all my monsta's?
Think yer tough?
I know they'll drive ya bonkers,
Meet 'em once and they'll foreva' haunt ya,
There's no heroes or villains in this place,
jus' shadows that dance in my headspace,
Leavin' nothin' but phantoms in their wake 🎼

Fingers carding through my hair, I look up at the burning red pentagram in the sky, glowing as a haunting reminder of where I am. Of the horrors I have yet to face in this cesspool I have no choice but to call home.

🎼 There's parts of me I cannot hide,
I tried and tried a million times,
La da da de dah,
La da da de dah,
La da da de dah,
Cross my heart and hope ta die,
Welcome ta my darkside 🎼

Beat drumming in my ears, I glance around to take in my surroundings. Still dark and shady as fuck, but I know where I am.


Not much of a nice place, but it has a strip of little shoppe's on both sides. All ranging from skimpy lingerie, to dicy sex shops. Bright purple catches my eye and I turn to see a flower shop at the corner.

Stop and smell the Roses, The sign reads.

The first smile since leaving the hotel curls my lips, and I quickly enter the shop. Immediately, I'm hit with dizzying citrus and floral scents. Some overpowering. Some pleasant. Normally, I'm not one for flowers, but the sea of variating colors beckons like a siren call.

And ya know of someone who likes flowers.

Head bowing guiltily and cheeks burning, I browse the many flowers. It's true though. Even while alive, Albert loved to plant flowers. Especially roses. Yellow, Blue, Red, or white, he had so many in his garden. They were his pride and joy. The only blue rose bush he had in the garden, was in memory of his Ma. When he told me that, it revealed him in a new light in my eyes. A softer one. One that showed he wasn't as monstrous as I first dipicted him out to be. That underneath all the carnage and ruthlessness, is a gentler side that is rarely ever seen. It was then that I knew I was starting to fall for him.

Now he can't even touch flowers without them wilting. Alastor plays it off like it's nothing, but I can see the devastation in his eyes every time we passed a bushel of roses while walking together - back before the Heaven fiasco - and they died as he walked past. Flowers were Al's passion. And as part of his punishment down here, he can't enjoy them anymore.

It's absolutely heartbreaking.

Rows upon rows of flowers and nothing speaks to me. Huffing in annoyance, I tap my foot impatiently as my gaze sweeps the little shoppe. These flowers must be special. And they have to last for a long time. A flash of purple has me freezing for a moment, before barreling over to an array of wide open petals.

Midnight purple with a splash of blood red, the flowers sit cozy in a potted plant. Mesmerized, I reach out to gently touch one of the glistening petals. Soft but hard.

These are fake flowers.

The thought has excitement bubbling up my throat and I bite back a whoop of glee. These are exactly what I'm looking for. Beautiful and will last forever. I delicately grab a pot and dash up to the counter, headphones swinging with every step as they dangle around my neck. The imp clerk looks up with a kind smile, and I give a small one back.

White hair and slightly hunched, the woman looks older, so I bend to place the pot on the counter. "Jus' this please."

"That'll be $20.33, sweetie." She even sounds like a grandma. Tone sweet and warm. It makes my heart ache for my gram.

I place two twenties on the smooth glass and pat her hand softly. "Keep da change."

"Thank you." She beams. "Such a sweet young man."

Oh, my heart.

Tears stinging my eyes, I give her a bright grin and walk out of the store, my newest find clutched tight in my arms like a precious treasure.


Hushed whispers sound from the next room as I silently close the front door behind me, flower hidden behind my back.

"Alastor, you need to talk to someone. Not drown yourself in booze." Says a light concerned voice.


"Charlie, stay back. He looks unstable." Comes Vaggie's worried tone.

Stalking across the lobby, I peek through the slightly cracked open door. What I see, breaks my heart even more. Alastor is sitting at the bar, hands planted on the smooth wood and glaring at Husk, who is refusing to give him the malt liquor in his fist.

"Give it to me! What was the point in materializing this hunk of wood if I'm not allowed service?!? Preposterous I tell you!" Alastor growls, heavy static coating his irritated tone.

"Al, talk to us." Charlie prods, hanging back for fear of sending him into a tizzy. "We care about you."

Long black claws dig into the wood with a screech and radio channels flicker from opera's, to garbled gibberish, melding together with sharp laughter spilling from Alastor wide, gaping, mouth. "Care? Why would anyone care? I could care less if you or this ridiculous establishment goes up in flames. From the beginning, my only intent was to watch you fail to bring about 'redemption'. Seeking glorious entertainment that a silly air-headed girl like you would surely provide. Why would you of all people, care about an overlord that will never have your best interests at heart?"

More unforgiving laughter.

The room sits in silence for a beat, and I release the breath I'm holding as Alastor goes back to staring down husk, silently summoning a shadow to creep up behind Husk and grab the bottle of booze.

Time ta intervene.

I open the door just wide enough to poke my head in, throat clearing uncomfortably. "Uh, Al? Can I talk ta ya fer a second?"

Alastor startles at my voice, knocking over the stool he was sitting on as he spins around, red eyes latching onto mine. "YES!"

Holding back a chuckle at his eager response, I notice Charlie fighting back a weak smile at his reaction, still unsure on how to feel about Alastor's earlier outburst. Ears flattening from his desperate exclaim, Alastor quickly makes his way over to me, eyes shimmering with hope. It's not hard to tell by the way he almost runs over to me, that he just wants to be forgiven.

But it's not Alastor that needs ta be forgiven... it's me.

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