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"Must you be so stubborn?"

Agitation rings clear in Blueberry's tone as his arms reach out, hovering around me as if the house itself is out to get me.

"I'm jus' goin' ta get a fuckin' glass of water." I snap my teeth at him, tired eyes barely staying open.

"Then allow me to. You are in no condition to move around after a traumatizing event such as birth. Alastor said the doctor gave specific instructions for bed rest because you refused to stay in the hospital."

"I'm not a bloody doll. I ain't fragile like porcelain!" Growling, I push myself up from the banister, hoove out to take another step down the stairs.

My leg is shaking so badly, I don't realize my mistake until my foot comes down on air and I'm stumbling forward.

Thin, strong, arms curl around me and I'm crushed to a chest as I fall backward. With a grunt and tangle of limbs, I shove myself upright to look up into a pair of worried sapphire eyes, lips a hairbreadth away from his.

Blueberry broke my fall.

Begrudgingly, my heart jumps at how close we are, and memories we spent together spring unbidden to my mind.

Back when he wasn't hellbent on keeping me all to himself. Before he killed me out of spite. Out of jealousy. In the brief time we spent together... it was wonderful. Sometimes, downright magical.

"Just kill me. I can't do it anymore."

His heartbroken plea cuts through the good memories we have together. Slicing everything decent and humane into ribbons of regret and sorrow.

He's da one who killed ya!

He loved you so much, it pained him to be without you.

He came back ta this Dimension!

Blueberry allowed you and your husband to beat the ever living hell out of him to show us he could be trusted... that he regrets what he did.

For da love of God, he changed his appearance with voodoo magic jus' ta sneak a kiss!

He didn't want anything more than a kiss. Just one last simple sweet act because you are all he cares about. All he thinks about.

For every angry thought I have, a rational reasoning response follows shortly after.

It's frustrating.

Blinking slowly, I pull away, face burning with embarrassment for leaning close for too long.

Good thing Al is too busy holdin' da baby ta have witness our lil' tumble.

It's been like that for days. Alastor will wake up in the wee hours of the morning to tend to Tracy and put her to bed every night. Don't get me wrong, I love the extra sleep-in time I get, but I'm starting to miss that snuggle time with my husband. And he hardly let's me hold my sweet baby. Always saying that I need the rest to heal. That to restore my manhood, I need to be fully healed so nothing goes wrong with the spell.

It's gruelling, but I'm able to stand on my own now. I can walk around for a good couple of minutes before I need to return to bed, sweat beading my brow.

The only one that's really been around to check on me and dash into the bedroom when I ring the bell Alastor put beside the bed, is Blueberry.

Granted, the bell was meant to signal for Alastor to come check on me, but I guess I can't complain. It provides me with fun entertainment to bully and torture my maid. My obedient servant.

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