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It's dark when I open my eyes. Too dark.

Remnants of light filter through cracks from what assume is a window. Groaning, I press a hand to my throbbing forehead.

What da hell happened?

"Why am I always wakin' up in random places afta' passin' out?" The grumble sounds faint to my ears. Weak and thin.

I sit up as my eyes adjust to the dark. Something is wrong. My sight isn't as... sharp as it once was. Like I'm missing something. I can still see that I'm laying in a room decorated in crimson and curtains are draped over the window, blocking out most of the light from Hell.

Judging by the softness of the glow coming from the small opening in the curtains, it must be nighttime. Well, a sort of deep light that resembles a bit like night. In Hell, it's bright all the time. The only way you can tell if it's day or night, is by how harsh or soft the light is.

During my years down here, I've learned harsh bright red light equals daytime, and soft deep red light equals night.

Memories of cutting into Alastor, consuming his bittersweet soul, and just barely uttering the restoration spell before passing out from the unbearable heat and pain stabbing at me from the merging, rises from the deep recesses of my mind and I gasp, the tiredness of my sore body forgotten.

God, I hope Albert is okay.

I mean, he must be if I'm in his room... right? Someone had to bring me here and lay me on the bed. Al never let's anyone in his room but me. A chilling fact I'm all too familiar with.

Blocking out the memory of Madilene's wide terror filled eyes as Alastor loomed over her, red dial eyes blazing with fury, I quickly stand and walk over to the door. After two steps, I stagger and fall to my knees with a cry.

Something is definitely off. My feet feel as if they... shrunk. No. That's can't right. I press my hands to the cold floor, intending to push myself up, but freeze when I make a horrifying discovery.

I only have two arms.

It's dark in the room, but there's no denying what I see in front of me. Scrambling to my feet, I trip and scuffle to the door, using the wall and furniture to hold myself up.

Stumbling into the hall, I wobble as fast as I can towards the bathroom across from Alastor's room.

What da fuck happened ta my arms?!?!

Runs through my head with every uncertain step I take, until I'm in the bathroom. Hand fumbling against the wall, I finally feel the lightswitch and flick on the light.

To my absolute horror, a strange white doe stares back at me from the wide mirror over the sink. Pink ears twitch and instead of eight eyes, only two scared light pink ones look back at me.

"AAAAHHHH!" A scream rips from my mouth as I stumble back to hit a wall.

Where are my extra limbs? Why do I only have two eyes now? Where are my wings?

I'm still covered from head to toe in white fluff, but it feels softer than before. A tad more... coarse.

Pink stripes still cover my body and form a heart on my chest. To which, is still thankfully poofy and the same.

Shadows gather next to me and Alastor pops out like a crazy person, brandishing a spatula, red eyes wild as they dart around the room for any threats. "Angel, are you alright?"

"Am I alright? Am I alright?!?! Is that a fuckin' joke? Look at me! Do I look alright?!?!" I shriek, gesturing to all of me.

Dangerous Desires (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now