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WARNING: Hey guys. So sorry for the long wait, I'm on vacation right now and I'm typing this when I get free time. Anyways, I have decided on a plot twist for this fanfic that a lot of you will loathe me for. Lol! This chapter is the start of the plot twist. Enjoy!


Mouth pinched into a pout, I stand behind the check-in desk for the hotel. For days, I've been avoiding Alastor. After the shit he pulled in healing himself when I specifically told him not to. I'm furious. Not really for healing himself, but for going against my wishes. Disobeying a direct command. Not to be a primidona, but because I care about his well being. He's never disobeyed me before. Not with a direct command. It feels... weird.

Destroying his prostate was the goal. I used dark magic to enlarge my dick. I called upon some scary shit that had the deepest parts of my being, leaping for joy. Needing not to just be free, but to be unleashed onto this miserable Hellscape. The bloodlust runs so deep, it has taken root within my very bones. A side I try desperately not to let out, and I damn near did when I silently called upon Al's powers. I risked that scary side emerging - and I'm pretty sure it did briefly towards the end - just to help Albert rid himself of his rut for a month so he wouldn't be so miserable. Only to learn, that the jackass healed himself shortly afterwards. His punishment? The cold shoulder and helping Charlie manage the hotel. Stacks of paperwork, sorting financial issues, etc.

Maybe that will wipe da smug smile off his fuckin' face.

I must admit, the look on his face after dinner that night, after he told me he healed himself, guilt apparent in his expression, was absolutely hilarious. I was livid, of course, but that look of pure horror when I straight up told him that he is going to stay at this hotel and help Charlie manage the hotel for two weeks, all while not being able to so much as touch me, was priceless.

Charlie - being as transparent as usual and oblivious to our squabble - was thrilled when Alastor begrudgingly said he love to help out with anything that needs to be done. I say begrudgingly, because his ear was twisted in two fingers and yanked viciously by me, just so he'd behave and speak to the princess.

Fist pressed to my cheek, I doodle little hearts in boredom on the top of the hotel registry. Naturally - to make sure Al stayed in line - I offered to help them too, and received a loud and obnoxious squeal as an answer. To which, I winced, ears automatically flattening against my head at the harsh noise. She placed me smack dab behind the guest check-in desk, filled me in on what to do when a guest showed up, and left. Saying that she'd check on me later.

Way ta go Anthony, fer openin' yer big mouth.

Heaving a sigh, I begin scribbling crude shapes of shaded-in penises. Charlie will not like that dicks cover the top half of the registry, but at this point, I don't care. My job every day is to man the check-in desk and occasionally go from room to room and see if any needs to be cleaned. Even though I make the rounds, they are always clean. No doubt, thanks to Niffty. Such a rambunctious little demon, in a good way.

I miss my lil' bambino...

When I headed home that night and filled Molly in on what's going to be happening, she immediately offered to watch Tracy and Nuggsie during the day and bring them back when I'm done at the Hotel. Right then, I wanted to cry.

I don't deserve such an amazin' sista'. I almost lost her once, and that was enough ta make me not eva' take her fer granted.

Flashes of blue rise in my mind, and the pen clatters onto the desk as I bring my hands up to cover my face. Blueberry. Was he over the top and downright savage at times? Yes. Did he deserve to die? Many instances point to an obvious affirmation, but...

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