013, The Perfect Kill.

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Denahi watched with a heavy chest

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Denahi watched with a heavy chest.

If Jake succeeds in this kill, she will give him the pass to start his Iknimaya.

"Remember what I told you?" Denahi whispered as she held onto Jake's arm.

He smiled at the slight touch, "Be quiet and stealthy. I got it."

Denahi nodded before watching as an hexapede slowly tracked its way into their view.

Jake held the bow like Denahi had taught him, strong and confident. He inhaled some air before letting the arrow fly.

Denahi smiled brightly before taking Jake's hand and dragging him towards the hexapede.

"I see you, brother, and thank you. Your spirit goes with Eywa, and your body stays behind to become part of the people," Jake stabbed his knife in the airway of the hexapede, completely ending his life.

Denahi tilted her head before Jake looked up at her proud expression.

"Jake..." Denahi whispered before moving a stray piece of hair from Jake's face.

His eyes followed her soft touch before taking her wrist into his palm, allowing their hands to fall onto his lap.

"You are ready," Denahi told him.

Jake smiled to himself.

"I am?" He asked in return before they both stood up, still hand-in-hand.

"Tomorrow. I will come with, if you would like," Denahi said before Jake nodded his head.

They continued to walk, dragging the hexapede behind them for the Na'vi's feast.

"Has he done it?" Mukata asked whilst rushing towards them, his friends followed curiously behind him.

Denahi nodded proudly, "I didn't doubt him a second, Kata."

Mukata couldn't help but smile.

Sure, he still was wary of Jake, but, after their hunting, Mukata and Jake figured they'd get along.

"We should drink.. to celebrate!" Mukata said as he pressed down on Jake's shoulders.

Denahi gasped at the sentence as Jake only laughed from her reaction.

"You are sixteen! Too young to drink, idiot," Denahi dragged Mukata's hands from Jake's shoulders before pushing him back to his friends.

"If I find out any of you have been drinking, I'll tell your parents," Denahi warned them all.

Mukata knew she was only joking.

He could tell from the tone of her voice.

And Denahi knew they were just teenagers, experimenting and looking for fun times.

Something that she wanted to do, but couldn't.

"C'mon, bro, let's go!" One of them yelled before they all ran from the area.

Denahi turned round to Jake's confused expression, "What did you say to them?"

Denahi shrugged, "Only a little warning."

He laughed in return as they continued to walk through the floors of Home Tree.

"Tsu'tey, we have to talk," Denahi said as she inched towards Tsu'tey, watching as he turned to face them.

He wasn't alone, however.

Next to Tsu'tey, was Otanu.

It was a known fact Otanu was looking for a mate, and since Neytiri was bound to Tsu'tey, Denahi would be a great choice.

They hadn't spoken much, the last time they spoke was when Jake walked into their home.

Somehow, Jake's arm snaked around Denahi's waist and his palm rested on his side.

"Jake has passed his clean kill. He is ready for his Iknimaya," Denahi announced.

Tsu'tey nodded whilst Otanu laughed.

"What is funny?" Denahi questioned Otanu as she held onto Jake's hand.

His skin was becoming warmer with frustration before Otanu shrugged his shoulders.

"He is ready for his Iknimaya! Him?" Otanu asked in disbelief.

Denahi's eyes squinted as she looked at Tsu'tey for some sort of help.

Jake couldn't understand their language all that well yet, meaning he couldn't defend himself the way Denahi knew he would.

"All because it had taken you many years and Jake only a few months," Denahi said which made Otanu change his mood instantly.

Tsu'tey watched with wide eyes at Otanu sucked on his teeth.

"Fuck," Denahi whispered to herself before dragging Jake, and herself, away from them.

Denahi was pissing everyone off today.

"So.. tomorrow is your Iknimaya," Denahi announced after a couple minutes of silence.

Jake only looked down at her and laughed.

"You're not going to explain that situation before?" He asked before she quickly shook her head, escaping a squeak of detest.

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