039, Late Night Talking!

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Denahi led Jake into the depths of a jungle

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Denahi led Jake into the depths of a jungle.

It was a secluded place on Awa'atlu.

And, it was behind the beach.

Nobody visited this place, and it was where their ikrans rested.

It was much humid than the beach, and back in the forest, and plenty more tiny insects.

But, it was a settling place.

Denahi dragged Jake towards a little pond before they both dipped their legs into the water.

"You can tell me anything, Ma'Jake. I am not here to.. judge," Denahi softly spoke before taking his hand into hers.

Jake sighed.

A sigh full of disappointment.

Like he was disappointed in himself.

He thought it would be easier for him to move, than it was for his whole family.

He had done this before.

Learn the differed ways between humans and Na'vi's— the Omatikaya people.

So, why couldn't he learn this?

"I know you are struggling," Denahi said.

Jake nodded.

Their hands rested on Denahi's thighs.

"I was Toruk Makto. I led our clan to victory. I felt like I could do anything," Jake explained.

Denahi's ears twitched, telling Jake she was fully listening.

"I feel— I'm," Jake didn't know how to explain.

It was hard for him to show his emotions.

And, Denahi knew that.

She knew him.

"Practice makes perfect," Denahi replied.

Jake smiled at that. They had only been there for a small amount of time, nobody was sure to get it perfect the first couple of times.

He now knew that— all he had to do was give himself time.

"I see you," Jake whispered.

Denahi smiled before leaning her forehead against his shoulder, "I see you."

Jake took Denahi's chin into his fingertips.

His hand lifted her head so she would meet his warm honey eyes.

His head inched closer to hers.

And, their lips attatched.

This kiss wasn't like any others.

It was completely passionate, and desperate.

Denahi realised Jake's scent was becoming different, it was more salty.

The amount of hours he had spent in the ocean during the day, had clung to his flesh.

But, to Jake, Denahi still smelt the same.

The same floral scent that made his knees weak.

Jake moved to pull Denahi's body atop of his, feeling her thighs seperate as she rested on just one of his.

The area between Denahi's legs had craved for stimulation.

So, she decided to hump Jake's thigh.

Her eyes fell shut, hands grabbing Jake's shoulders for some support.

His lips pulled away from hers.

The sight of Denahi's lidded eyes made him hot.

He felt the desperation in her movement, her nails digging deep into his flesh.

Her rocks were calculated, placing her full weight onto the muscle of his thigh for pressue.

Jake bounced his leg.

"Oh— fuck," Denahi whispered.

He smiled at her profanity, knowing Denani had learned it from him.

Jake's jaw clenched at the sight of Denahi working herself on his thigh, noticing how she could get off on his thigh alone.

Jake moved his lips down to her neck.

He sucked, nibbled on her smooth flesh.

Jake glanced down to his thigh— covered in Denahi's leaking slick.

The rough of her loincloth guided with his thigh, rubbing a perfect texture onto her clit.

Gasps left her mouth, "Feels— feels so good."

He smiled at that.

His hands placed onto her waist before guiding her hips into fast thrusts.

Jake lifted Denahi up, removing both loincloths.

He shifted her, so Denahi rested atop his dick.

Jake moaned at the sudden friction, feeling her grind as his tip poked at her entrance.

It was sensitive— too sensitive.

His fingertips dug into Denahi's flesh, knowing it would leave purple bruises.

"So close..." She whispered, breathlessly.

Jake took this as his chance to lift her hips and dig himself into her entrance.

The sudden tightness making him whimper.

Denahi leaned forwards, into his chest, at the fullness— plenty of moans and deep gasps leaving her mouth.

Jake began to thrust upwards, the motion of his hips making Denahi bounce on him.

Her eyes tightened, her mouth hung low.

Jake was thankful no one surrounded them.

They were sure to be caught with her volume.

The stretch of Jake's member making her squirm and whimper beneath him, she was a mess.

Jake had made her fully fucked out.

"Fuck.. 'M gonna cum, mama..." Jake whispered into her ear before nibbling on her lobe.

"Jake!" Denahi repeated as Jake leaned his thumb against her clit, creating a stimulation that had Denahi finish atop him.

Her eyes painted stars, teeth digging into Jake's shoulder as she grinded her orgasm out.

The feeling of her fluttering around his dick, sent Jake over the edge.

He grunted as his seed filled her, deeply.

Denahi lifted her head.

Jake looked at her, again.

Her ears twitched from the ringing, her mouth plump and red from biting, her flesh covered in thick sweat from the humidity and their actions.

She looked so beautiful— so fucked out.

Jake placed his hand to her cheek, feeling how flushed she was.

A chuckle escaped him, "So pretty. Pretty mama."

Denahi squirmed and groaned to that petname.

"We should do this more often.. this, our 'late night talking'," Jake spilled in a slur.

He was, too, full of ecstasy and pleasure.

Denahi tiredly nodded her head before resting it against his shoulder, "Mhm."

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