020, Clan.

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Walking back to the clan was sorrowful

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Walking back to the clan was sorrowful.

Jake rested his hand around Denahi's body as she leaned her head onto his arm.

The tears had now dried, and Jake wiped them away for Denahi.

But, all the emotions were still there.

"Tsu'tey will lead the war party!" Eytukan exclaimed over plenty of cheering people.

Denahi stepped away from Jake but his hand captured hers before she could walk to them.

"Give it a minute," Jake whispered to her.

Grace was trying her hardest to diffuse their anger towards the Sky-people.

But, nothing seemed to work.

"Tsu'tey, don't do this!" Jake yelled.

Tsu'tey scowled before inching towards the two.

Otanu following close behind.

"Have you mated with this woman?" Otanu questioned.

Denahi furrowed her brows, "I have a name."

"You have no name when you are mated with a demon," Otanu responded before Denahi felt this anger fuse her body.

Otanu lunged forwards to push Jake.

Denahi watching with wide eyes as he hit the ground beneath them.

"You have no right telling me what to do," Denahi hissed at him before noticing Mukata join them.

He watched in confusion.

"You have mated with Jake?" Mukata asked, trying to hide the smile filling his face.

Denahi nodded, "We are mated. It has been done before Eywa."

That was when Otanu got more raged.

He watched as Jake stood up, going to push him again but Mukata held him back.

"You do not understand what you have done," Otanu shouted but it was only confusing them all.

What had Denahi done?

She mated with someone they claimed to be their brother.

He was one of The People, now.

"You were promised to me!" Otanu exclaimed.

Denahi looked back at Jake.

He stood there more muddled than anyone.

"I haven't made any promises to be mated with you, Otanu. Neither have you made an effort to prove that..." Denahi explained.

Otanu changed his expression into something of anger, and disappointment.

She didn't understand.

Since when had Denahi been promised to him?

There had been no arrangements, nothing.

"Your parents made that promise," Otanu responded before Denahi looked at Mukata.

Her head tilted to the side before looking back at Jake, watching as he stared at her.

Denahi moved her feet.

Closer to Jake.

She wrapped her hands around his arm and rested her cheek onto his shoulder.

"I have already chosen him, Otanu," Denahi said before Jake swallowed thickly.

"You had no.. reason for me to 'belong' to you. You haven't showed me once," Denahi explained as Mukata stepped closer to them.

Seeing Denahi happy, made him happy.

"Brother, please, do not attack the Sky-people. Many Omatikaya will die if you do," Jake began to talk.

Tsu'tey was clearly furious.

He watched his friend battle this loss.

All because of Jake.

"You are not my brother!" Tsu'tey exclaimed before lunging at Jake with his knife.

"Tsu'tey!" Denahi shouted, trying to break him.

Luckily, Jake dodged the knife and sent Tsu'tey flying towards the ground, "And I am not your enemy! The enemy is out there, and they are very powerful."

Denahi felt as Neytiri pulled her away from the commotion, protecting her.

"I can talk to them," Jake said.

Tsu'tey shook his head, "No more talk."

He lunged forwards, this time, slicing Jake's shoulder with his knife.

Denahi watched from afar, tears welling her eyes.

"Tsu'tey, stop!" She wailed.

But, now Jake defended himself.

He faught Tsu'tey's attacks, sending him to the floor again.

This was when Denahi took her chance. She ran in the middle of them, holding her hand around the handle of her knife.

"If you want to fight him, you have to go through me first," Denahi said, pulling her knife free.

Tsu'tey scowled from the ground.

Mukata joining Denahi's side, ready to fight.

Tsu'tey had a chance with Jake.

He was useless when it came to the ways Na'vi fight, but these two, they knew.

Tsu'tey stood from the ground and hissed at Denahi, knowing he wouldn't fight her.

"Listen to him. Listen to what he has to say!" Denahi warned before pulling Mukata back and standing with Jake again.

"I am Omatikaya, I am one of you. I have the right to speak," Jake began.

Denahi nodded at him to continue.

"I have something to say, to all of you. The words are like stones in my heart..." Jake said as he looked at Denahi, feeling her hold his hand to calm his nerves.

Suddenly, Grace fell to the ground.

"Grace!" Neytiri yelled, checking her body.

"Okay, look. I was sent here to—" Then Jake's body fell to the grass.

Denahi gasped as she fell with him, his weight being too hard of a pull.

She tapped his cheek, "Ma'Jake?"

Tsu'tey chuckled to himself before climbing onto Jake, holding the knife to his neck.

"No!" Denahi said before using all of her strength to kick him off.

Neytiri ran to Tsu'tey, holding him back.

Neytiri understood Denahi made her choice.

That choice was Jake.

Denahi hissed at Tsu'tey, "Do you really want to fight me with, Tsu'tey?"

Tsu'tey growled in frustration as he turned to Neytiri who still held him back.

"He is a demon, in a false body!" Tsu'tey argued back with Denahi.

"He has a spirit. A soul..." Denahi replied.

Nothing was going to stop her defending him.

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