030, Raiding Trains.

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Jake had told Denahi to stay

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Jake had told Denahi to stay.

But, she'd do anything for her people.

Denahi tried to push past the nausea in her stomach as she flew on Riti.

Her core was strong whilst raising herself up to shoot an arrow at the train driver.

It landing straight into their chest.

She smiled before continuing to fly around, the crashes of the train overlapping any other sounds that could be heard.

She landed on the ground, watching as her people began to raid the train.

"Go, go collect!" She yelled.

They obliged her orders— collecting as many guns and weapons as they could carry.

"Gunship's inbound. Fall back!" Jake yelled through their comm.

She scowled at the gunships before hoping back onto Riti.

She stroked her neck before allowing herself to fly into the air, bow and arrow at the ready.

Many arrows smashed their glass.

Stabbing them in their flesh.

Killing them.

The sight was almost becoming too sickly and the flames from the fire choking her out.

Ordering Riti to fly higher, she excelled in killing as many Sky-people as possible.

Until, they had all finished.

And now, the war raid was over.

Jake ordered the clan home— those who managed to keep alive, anyway.

Denahi couldn't wait to return home back to Kiri, Spider, Tuk and Malhua.

How she had missed them dearly.

Landing Riti on the border of High Camp's rocks, she felt four hands tap her body.

"My little babies!" Denahi cried before kneeling down to their level and bringing them in a hug.

Malhua buried her face into Denahi's stomach as Tuk rested on her shoulder.

"Mama's back, I'm home," She whispered before stroking their little, braided locks between her fingers.

She stood up and took Malhua into her arms.

"Fall in!" Jake exclaimed.

To his sons.

Denahi sighed before inching towards them, holding onto Tuk's hands.

"You're supposed to be spotters— you see bogeys and you call them in, from a distance! Does any of this sound familiar? Get here!" Jake began to shout.

Denahi flicked her eyes between her two sons.

How disappointed they looked.

"Jesus. I let you two fly a mission and you disobey direct orders.. Kiri, can you go help Mo'at with the wounded," Jake said.

Kiri looked up at Jake, "My brother is wounded."

Denahi placed her hand onto Neteyam's body and traced over his wounds.

She cursed herself, thinking she allowed this to happen to him.

"Babygirl, please," Jake replied.

Denahi moved Neteyam's braids as she searched for more wounds that needed Mo'at's attention.

"Tuk, Mal, go with her," Jake ordered.

But, Malhua cuddled tighter into Denahi.

She placed her hand around Malhua's head, knowing she was scared of her dads tone.

"Ma'Jake..." Denahi warned.

He closed his eyes and tried to regain himself.

"I'm sorry— just go, please," Jake said.

Tuk held back onto Denahi's hand as they walked into Mo'at's tend with Kiri.

"It is okay.. Your brothers are hurt and Dad is only scared, okay?" Denahi said as she tried to comfort her daughters.

Jake doesn't show his emotions recently.

But, Denahi could read him like a book.

She knew everything about Jake from his mannerisms.

How his voice was raised, he was holding onto his attire, his eyes becoming glossy.

And no doubt, he'd give Lo'ak a punishment.

"I am sorry," Denahi apologised for Jake.

For scaring Malhua and rushing Tuk and Kiri out of the place, when all they wanted to do was care for their eldest sibling.

Malhua continued to cuddle into Denahi.

Tuk and Kiri taking fascination into wounded warriors.

Asking questions and seeing if the person was able to continue.

Of course they was.

Anything for their people.

Calm Before The Storm,   Jake SullyWhere stories live. Discover now