019, Sweet Moment.

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It was a sweet moment that didn't last long

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It was a sweet moment that didn't last long.

Denahi was woke by the sounds of crumbling trees, grass creasing beneath something heavy.

Her eyes flickered open, adjusting to the new light of the bright sun.

"Jake?" She asked.

Turning around to face him, she saw a huge machine coming her way.

"No, no..." She whispered to herself before feeling the sense of doubt fill her chest.

Her legs were still tired from the night but she decided to pull through the pain, squatting as she attempted to wake Jake.

"Jake!" She yelled, tears streaming.

One of the most sacred places being destroyed under their hands.

"Wake up, please!" She attempted to pull Jake's body away from the destruction.

But, he was too heavy.

Her trembling hands pushed at him again.

"Eywa, please, help!" She yelled into the sky, waiting for an answer.

And, that she received.

Jake's eyes opened to the sight of Denahi crying before him.

Instant protection kicked in as his hands moved to stroke her back, "What is it?"

Denahi pointed to the chaos behind them.

"Oh, shit," Jake exclaimed before standing to his stable feet.

"Go, get out of here," Jake pushed Denahi's body, wanting nothing to happen to her.

Denahi nodded and quickly moved out the way.

She stayed nearby, watching the scene unfold before her own eyes.

Jake climbed atop the machine, banging and telling them to stop.

Denahi's hand covered her mouth, in shock.

Nothing good lasted for long.

She clung to the tree, as if that machine was harming it.

"Jake!" She exclaimed, trying to catch his attention to move away as they continued to go.

Jake found a rock, simply smashing it into the windows of the machine— knowing that will blind the humans on the inside.

He climbed down the machine.

"Denahi?" He asked, trying to seek her.

She revealed from behind the tree and Jake ran towards her, immediately.

His arms covered her waist as she clung onto him whilst crying.

Jake spun their bodies around so she couldn't watch her home being destroyed.

Her home.

He did this to her.

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay," Jake comforted Denahi, a soft hand stroking through her hair.

"Our ancestors.. my parents, Jake!" Denahi cried, feeling her knees begin to buckle.

Before she even landed to the ground, Jake helped her stand strong again.

That was when Jake realised, though.

Denahi could hear her parents through these trees.

And, he had destroyed them.

"I'm sorry, baby," Jake kept repeating as he continued to cuddle her, do anything to help calm her crying.

He despised seeing her like this.

And, he wanted it to be the last time.

The last time tears fell down her cheeks, the last time her nose became blocked as she struggled to capture her breath, how her heart broke.

Jake would do anything to help her.

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