051, Goodbyes Aren't Forever.

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Goodbyes aren't forever

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Goodbyes aren't forever.

Denahi washed the blood from Neteyam.

She covered his wound with multiple petals and wraps of fabric.

Her fingers moved to remove his necklace.

She placed it around her own neck, fingertips holding it softly almost like it would break.

Malhua held Neteyam's waist tight to her.

Multiple tears fell down her cheeks as she leaned into her brothers side.

She wrapped his arm around her waist, hoping he would wake and cuddle her back.

But, he didn't.

He was gone.

The night was darker than before and it was time to finally lay his body to rest.

They moved him atop a huge leaf.

He looked so peaceful.

He could finally be at peace.

Denahi jumped into the water, followed by the rest of her family, as she carried Neteyam.

The flow of water seemed to soak a layer of the leaf, wetting Neteyam's body.

They all moved to help Neteyam off.

Denahi and Jake holding Neteyam's arms.

They both breathed before dipping below the water and swimming to the bottom.

The last time Denahi would see his body.

And, it was being covered by yellow tendrils.

He didn't deserve this.

Neteyam still had a great life ahead of him.

Bubbles of air escaped to the top as Denahi let out a large cry.

Eywa holds all of her children in her heart.
Nothing is ever lost.

Jake held onto Denahi's hand before they both reached the air again.

She instantly leaped into his arms.

Jake placed his head atop of hers, allowing himself to finally cry those tears he had been holding back for many hours.

The next day was filled with sorrow.

Denahi and Jake held hands as they waited in front of the Spirit Tree.

They both nodded their heads and connected their tendrills.

They were back in the forest.

Back home.

Neteyam's little self was at the river.

His arms wriggling as he held a giant fish to Jake's face, "Dad! Look what I caught."

Jake smiled as he kneeled to Neteyam.

"Wow. That's a big one," He told Neteyam.

Neteyam smiled brightly from the fond praise off of his father.

Denahi watched from the sidelines, waiting her turn to join the memory.

"He was in the pool, by the rocks. Right where you said..." Neteyam pointed.

Jake nodded his heas as cold tears slipped down his cheeks.

Neteyam looked up at him, "What is it, dad, why are you crying?"

Jake leaned forwards before placing his hand onto Neteyam's cheek.

The boy absentmindedly leaned into his fathers touch with a smile to his lips.

That same smile Denahi would often miss.

"I'm just happy to see you, son..." Jake whispered to him.

Neteyam blinked, "I'm happy to see you, too."

Denahi took this as her chance to walk in.

She stood and held onto Jake's shoulder before leaning down to Neteyam's height.

"Momma, look what I got!" Neteyam exclaimed as he held his capture towards him.

Denahi clapped her hands together, excited for his enthusiasm against catching the fish.

"That is so good, sweet one," Denahi told him.

Jake nodded and leaned his head into Denahi's arm as he continued to cry.

"You want to show us how you did it?" Denahi asked, remembering how this exact conversation went back home.

Neteyam shook his head before handing the bow to his dad, "Dad will show you! He is better than I am."

Denahi's head turned sideways.

"Do not tell yourself that, Teyam," Denahi whispered to the boy before tickling his sides and hearing his soft giggles.

Jake stood straight, "Leave any for me?"

Neteyam shrugged, "Hmm.. maybe!"

Jake laughed at his words.

Denahi also chuckling, too.

Jake let the arrow fly into the water, "Yeah, check that out! See?"

Denahi felt as Neteyam's head rested against her stomach, her hands holding his shoulders.

She was happy to hold her son again.

To see his usual happiness.

This she was going to miss forever.

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