S1: Chapter Thirteen

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Three weeks later

Hosan was anxious. Today was the big day of he first art exhibit. He woke up to his nipples being sore and sensitive but he didn't know why. He got nervous when they looked like lumps were growing. He was now sitting in the doctor's office waiting to be seen. "Lee Hosan?" Hosan stood up and followed the woman to the back. She took his height and weight before handing him a cup.

"You put on your sexual orientation that you are a homosexual. Is that information correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright then, so I need you to pee in this cup and put it in the door on the wall. I'll be waiting for you when you finish."

Hosan took the cup and went to the restroom, doing as she instructed. Once he was done, he washed his hand and met the woman outside.

"Follow me."

She led him to a room and had him sit on a table with a weird looking machine he was positive was used for a sonogram. "What are your main concerns today?"

"My nipples. they've been sore lately and really sensitive to touch. Then this morning I noticed I had lumps when I woke up."

The nurse wrote down his concerns and smiled. "I will let the doctor know and he'll be right with you."

It was only a few minutes before the doctor came in. "Hello Mr. Lee, I'm Dr. Cho and I'll be looking at you today. I see your concerns are about your nipples so I'm gonna go ahead and have you remove your shirt for me so I can examine them."

Hosan removed his shirt and the doctor began to touch them. He would wince a little when the doctor would squeeze them. Dr. Cho paid close attention to Hosan's reactions to his touch makes notes.

"You can put your shirt back on. Lay down for me and leave your stomach uncovered."

Hosan laid on the table and waited. The nurse returned and whispered something in his ear making him raise his eyebrow. "You checked it twice?"

"Yes sir."

"Prepare a information package for me."

"Yes sir."

The nurse left while Cho turned on the machine and poured some warm gel on his stomach.

"So, Mister Lee the good news is I don't feel any lumps in your breasts so it is safe to rule out breast cancer or any kind of tumor. I am checking to confirm a test that came back positive before I inform of what I found."

Cho looked at the monitor and took a few clicks before printing. The nurse returned with an envelope.

"Thank you." The woman left, shutting the door.

"Mister Lee, You are pregnant."

"I'm what?"

"You are what we like to call Male Pregnant. It is uncommon but every now and then a man becomes pregnant. Based on the scan you are about eight weeks pregnant. You see this dot right here?"


"That is your baby. In this folder I'm sending you home with it will tell you everything you need to know about male pregnancy. If you wish to terminate this pregnancy, you have four weeks to decide before it isn't an option for you. If you are keeping the baby, I will meet with you in four weeks for your twelve week check up. Do you have any questions for me?"

Cho put the ultrasound photos in the folder and placed it next to Hosan. Hosan didn't know what to say. He was confused and in shock.

"I um don't have any right now. I can call up here if i do, right?"

"Of course."

"Can I leave?"


"Thank you."

Hosan grabbed the folder and made his way to the parking lot and got in his car. He opened the folder and pulled out the pictures of the ultrasound.

Hosan broke down in his car. Out of all the things that could happen, the last thing he expected was that he was pregnant. He had heard of Male pregnancy but he didn't think it could happen to him.

"What the fuck am I gonna do? How the fuck am I gonna explain this shit to Yoongi?"

Hosan wiped his tears and made the drive home. He was calm until he was in the driveway and saw Yoongi's car parked outside. Anxiety kicked in and he began crying again.


Hosan managed to calm himself down and dry his face though he couldn't hide the redness from his eyes and nose. He walked in the house to find Yoongi on the couch watching tv with Mark and Younha.

"Hey Hosan." The couple said to him, smiling.

"Hey bab- what's wrong?"

Yoongi got up, concerned when he realized the male had been crying. "Are you nervous about tonight?"

"No, I'm scared and I'm freaking the fuck out, Gi. Look."

Hosan pushed the folder into his chest and Yoongi opened it pulling out the photo. "Is this yours?"

"Yes, Gi." Yoongi looked at the photo and down to Hosan's stomach.

"Come with me. I'll be back guys." Yoongi took Hosan to their bedroom and shut the door.

"You're pregnant."

"Eight weeks." It made sense to Yoongi because it was the night they had a quickie before Hosan's shift.

"What the fuck are we gonna do? I wasn't expecting to be pregnant. I didn't know i could get pregnant."

Hosan was scared and Yoongi could see it clear as day. He sat on the bed, pulling Hosan between his legs. "Look at me. Breathe. This is a lot. Tonight is all about you. It's your big debut. That is the focus tonight. We can worry about this tomorrow."

Yoongi pulled the younger male in his lap, kissing him. "Everything is going to be okay. Tonight is going to go amazing and remember, I'll be by your side all night. No matter what we have to face tonight and moving forward, I got your back baby boy. I won't let you go through anything alone."

Hosan nodded his head, understanding what Yoongi was saying. "Okay."

"Now, go take a nice bubble bath and relax before we have to get ready."

Yoongi knew that Hosan needed a little bit of time to himself to process things and he needed to get rid of Younha and Mark.

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