S2: Chapter Eleven

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Hosan and Yoongi got up early for their first therapy session. Hosan would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He wasn't sure how the first session would go and it made his anxiety bad. He took a deep breath and got himself ready, leaving first.

He had to get expresso before going in. He gulped it down and made sure to go inside with an open mind.  Yoongi met Hosan at the office and was sitting in the waiting room. A beautiful woman opened the door and smiled. "Mr. and Mr. Geun?"

"Yes, that's us."

"Come on in."

Hosan was in awe of the office once inside. It smelled of sandalwood and cedar, reminding him of the farm when his father would take him and his mom camping under the stars. 

"Have a seat

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"Have a seat." The three sat down, Hosan and Yoongi on the couch while  Emilia sat across from them. 

"My name is Dr. Emilia Jung and I'll be your marriage counselor. I've been a therapist for over 20 years and have saved countless marriages over the years and I'm very excited to work with you both. Now, Yoongi has given a brief summary of what's been going on but I would like to hear from you Hosan."

Hosan was mentally cursing his husband. "Um okay."

Hosan took a deep breath and began fidget with his fingers. He glanced over at Yoongi before speaking. "I don't really know what to say to be honest. I don't know exactly when our marriage took a turn. Maybe it was fighting just to be together. Maybe it was the loss of our son. Maybe it was having different opinions on it. I just knew this wall began to form and it the more time that passed, the more the wall grew and the more distant we became."

"You mention the loss of your son and having different opinions on it. Could you tell me more about that?"

"I don't think our son died, I believed he was taken from us."

"Tell me more."

"I carried my son for nine months . I held him in my hands when he was born. He had a birthmark behind his ear like me. When they told us he died and i held that baby, it didn't feel right. The baby I held didn't have the birthmark anymore. I knew then that that baby was ours but no one believed me."

"How did that make you feel?"

"Hurt. I'm still hurt. I mean I get the hospital not believing but Yoongi is my husband how could he not trust me on it?"

"How does that make you feel Yoongi?"

"It wasn't easy. I love him and I stand by him but I just couldn't stand with him on this?"

"Why not?"

"It was easier. It was easier to believe that he had passed then to believe the hospital made a mistake and someone had taken our son away."

Hosan looked at Yoongi with shock. It wasn't that Yoongi doubted Hosan. It was just easier for him to deal with by thinking their son was dead rather than taken from them. Yoongi turned to see the hurt and pain in Hosan's eyes. 

"It was easier for you to make me feel like i was losing my shit than to comfort me and reassure me?"

"I didn't mean it like that-"

"Exactly how did you mean it Yoongi? Do you have any idea how much I've hated myself over the years for this? Do you know how much I blamed myself and felt like a failure to you especially when I couldn't give you anymore children? Did you even care?"

"Of course I care, Hosan." Hosan shut down at this point. 

"I can see that we have a lot to work on. Let's stop here today. Shall I see you same time next week?"

"Sure." Hosan stood up and stormed out. 

"Thank you." Yoongi bowed before running after Hosan outside. "Hosan wait."

"I don't wanna talk to you right now."

Yoongi pulled out his umbrella, covering Hosan.

Namjoon was holding an umbrella as he and Mocha walked down the street in the rain. He looked up and noticed Hosan ahead. "Isn't that Lee Hosan?"

"It is. Let's go say hi." The two walked closer and Namjoon shouted, "HEY TEACHER!"

Hosan turned around to see Namjoon. "HI, NAMJOON!"

"Namjoon?" Yoongi asked, confused. He looked up and saw a boy that looked exactly like him with Hosan's eyes. Hosan looked back and Yoongi and saw his face. "It's not what you think-"

"You mean to tell me it doesn't look like you know a boy that LOOS LIKE HE'S OUR SON WITH HIS NAME?!"

Yoongi took a step back, giving Hosan the umbrella feeling confused and trying to understand what he was seeing.

"Yoongi wait!"

"FUCK OFF HOSAN!" Yoongi shouted as his vision began blurry from the rain. He began walking away to his car. He needed to get away from them right now to understand what he saw.

"Mr. Lee?"

"Just a moment Namjoon." Hosan stated as he ran after Yoongi.

Yoongi couldn't see the street and walked out to the middle of the road. Hosan saw it and dropped the umbrella as he ran faster. 

"YOONGI GET OUT THE ROAD!" Yoongi rubbed his eyes to see a car coming. 

"YOONGI!" Tires screeched on the slippery road and Yoongi was hit.

"YOONGI!" Hosan rushed to Yoongi's side, holding him in his arms.

"CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE!" Hosan pushed Yoongi's hair out of his face, trying to wipe the blood from his face. 

"Baby, it wasn't what you thought. It's really not, I promise to explain everything. I'm so sorry. You have to be okay. Help is on the way."

Yoongi knew he misunderstood and wanted to hate Hosan but all he could think about was his head. It hurt like hell and his vision was turning into darkness. He wondered if it meant he was dying. 

"I'm cold." 

Was all Yoongi could say before losing consciousness, tears falling from his eyes. 

"YOONGI!" Hosan shouted, trying to wake the male up. Namjoon and Mocha stood across the street, wondering if because of wanting to say hi, they just killed someone. 

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