S3: Chapter Nine

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The next morning, Hosan was in the kitchen, making breakfast for his family. It had been a while since he had his entire family under one roof so he took the opportunity to make a meal for them. Namjoon was the first to wake and was on his way to the kitchen. "Good morning Appa."

"Good morning, Joon."

"You making breakfast?"

"Yes, I'm making extra so you can take some over to Catalina. I'm sure she's starving."

"Do you want any help?"

"Make the coffee for me, if you don't mind."

"Of course Appa."

Namjoon walked over to the coffee maker and began making four cups of coffee. As he was making the second one, his phone began to ring. "Good morning mamas."

"Good morning Joonie, how did you sleep?"

"I drank a little bit last night but I slept alright, what about you?"

"It wasn't the same without you here."

"I'm sorry baby girl, I'm about to grab breakfast and bring you some."

"Okay, um just to let you know Mocha never left and is still here."

"Fuck my life. Alright baby girl, I'll be headed back to the house in about thirty minutes, sound good?"

"Yeah, I'll just go take a shower."

"Make it a bubble bath. Spoil yourself. There are flower petals, bath bombs, and bath salts under the sink on the left side. Just relax and turn some music on to tune her out. I'll be there soon."

"Okay baby, I'll do that. I love you. See you soon."

"Love you too mamas. See you soon."

Namjoon hung up the phone and heard someone say "Awe, that's so cute." He turned around to see both his dads and sister had been listening to his conversation. "You stalkers. Why are you listening to my conversation?"

"Because you sound adorable."

"Noona, I will fight you." Eunhae began laughing. "It's cute to see how quickly you and Catalina have gotten close. We've just never seen like that before is all." Hosan mentioned as he plated the food. 

"So Mocha is at your house?" Yoongi asked as Namjoon handed him a cup of coffee.

"Unfortunately. She followed us from the hospital and I snuck out the back. I left Catalina there but I wanted her to rest which is why i didn't ask her to come with me. I didn't expect her to still be there this morning."

"Well drink your coffee and I'll pack your food to go."

"You don't have to Appa, I can stay for breakfast."

"While I would love that, I don't think you should leave you ex and your gf alone together for too long."

"Yeah, you have a point there. So I'll see you guys at the baby shower Saturday right?"

"Yes, and don't forget to bring Catalina with you and that you are in charge of the gender reveal."

"We will take care of it today, so it'll be ready on time. Will you let them know I'm coming to get it today around noon."

"Yes, here you go sweetie. See you Saturday."

"Bye guys, Love you." Namjoon kissed both Eunhae and Hosan's forehead and hugged Yoongi before leaving and heading back to his house. He stopped by the coffee shop getting an ice cream cappuccino. He pulled into the driveway, seeing Mocha banging on the door shouting. 


"Could you stop banging on the damn door? Catalina couldn't sleep because you. Normally when people don't answer the door, it's because they don't wanna be bothered and normal people leave not camp out all night in the damn driveway."

"But how? I saw you go in the house? I never went to sleep. When the hell did you leave?"

"Last night through the backyard. Now move the fuck over so I can open the door."

Mocha moved over and let Namjoon open the door. "Mamas, I'm back. Where you at baby girl?"

Catalina came down the stairs and smiled when she saw Namjoon. He leaned down, kissing her as he grabbed a handful of her ass cheek. He smirked when he realized she wasn't wearing any panties under her robe. He whispered, "Are you naked under that robe?"

"Si, papi."

"Lemme get rid of her first and I'm going to devour you."

"I can't wait."

"Let's get this over with Mocha. I got shit to do. Come on mamas. I got you breakfast and coffee."

The trio walked into the living room sitting on the couch across from each other. Namjoon placed a blanket over Catalina's legs and began eating. "So what do you want?"

"Does she have to be here?"

"You're cutting into our time. She doesn't give a fuck about what we talking about. We're eating so yeah she's gonna stay."

 "Okay. I came over because I wanted to apologize. i know things haven't been great since our break up-"

"You mean the one that you caused after admitting to cheating for three months while giving me shit for finding someone attractive."

"Who you fucked the second we ended things."

"Because I was pissed off with you. Wanna keep going?"

"We're getting off track-"

"Then please enlighten me the point of this conversation."

"Look, our friends miss you. You don't hang out with any of us and i get you not hanging with me around but you don't try to hang out with them at all and they're blaming me. So I wanted to call a truce so you could hang out with everyone."

Namjoon finished eating his portion and wiped his mouth before speaking. "Babe you can finish that off." He leaned forward looking directly into Mocha's eyes.

"These so called friends miss me but yet they knew from the beginning about your cheating and said not a fucking word to me. Friends who were your friends before they were ever mine. The same mothafuckas who claim we friends but no one checked on me after our breakup or even wondered why I have been distant. Because yes everything revolves around you and it couldn't possibly be because I have show coming up, my sister has cancer, my girlfriend was assaulted or the fact that my parents are pregnant. But you right, i stopped hanging out because of you. I have a fucking life and those people were never my friends. They are yours and you can tell them everything I just said. Anything else?"


"Then please show yourself out. I have things to do."

"Can I use your bathroom first?"

"It's to the left."

"Thank you." Mocha stood up and exited the living room, shutting the doors behind her but leaving it cracked. 

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