S2: Chapter Thirteen

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"What the hell do you mean he might not remember me?"

"Hosan calm down-"

"How the fuck can I be calm when he's implying that Yoongi doesn't remember me. I'm his fucking husband. Over twenty years I've been with that man and you wanna tell me he can't remember any of it?"

"Appa, you have to calm down so he can fully explain what he means."

Hosan took a deep breath, listening to his daughter. "Please Explain what you mean."

"Yoongi suffered a serious head injury when he was hit by the car and fell on the pavement. While it physically didn't do any major damage, we don't know what it may have damaged mentally. We won't be able to run any tests or exams until he awakes. Only then would we be able to determine those things. I have to mention to you Mr. Lee given you are his spouse and it is a factor of concern."

Hosan didn't like the idea that Yoongi could forget his entire life. He had been with the male since he fifteen. Both spending the majority of their lives together. If Yoongi lost his memory, how much of their life would he forget?

"Can I see him?"

"Yes, you can. Follow me." Anxiety filled his chest as he got closer and closer to Yoongi. So much regret of how he handled things began to fill his mind and he was terrified. 

"Mr. Lee?" Hosan turned around to see the detective that he spoke to earlier. 


"We got the results back from the DNA samples." He turned to the doctor. "Just a moment."

The detective made his way over to Hosan, with a sheet of paper. "We ran the test three times and confirmed that you and Namjoon are father and son."

"What?" The detective handed him the paper and there it was in black and white. 

"We have officers speaking to him now about the woman who has been raising him. Once we get enough information we will start searching for her immediately. We are releasing him into your custody. I would highly recommend changing hospitals."

"Thank you."

Hosan felt like an idiot and was in shock. He felt a bond to the boy but didn't realize that it was because he was the son he believed was alive somewhere. He was conflicted and had so many questions but he needed to focus on one thing at a time and Yoongi was number one.

"I want to request that my husband is transferred to a different hospital immediately."

"I will make the request myself. This way he's just through those doors."

Hosan took a deep breath and went inside. "Hosan."

Yoongi looked fucked up. He couldn't lie. Half of his body was in a cast and his face covered in cuts from the asphalt. 


"Your hair is longer."

Hosan smirked, thinking the male was teasing him. "No it isn't."

"It definitely. Yesterday, it was just on your shoulders." Hosan's smile faded. 

"Yoongi what's today's date?"

"April 3rd, 2018. We are supposed to be chilling by the ocean right now. I'm not even sure how I got here."

Hosan's heart ached. Yoongi's memory was dating back to when Hosan was seventeen and Yoongi was nineteen. They had spent the week by the ocean in Hawaii. A trip Yoongi insisted on taking Hosan to that he practically dragged him there before Hosan accepted going. Yoongi had already had the fallout with his father by then and he had bought his first house by then. Hosan's parents were still alive. 

"Hosan, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Hosan hadn't realized he started crying while lost in his own thoughts. He wiped away his tears and smiled, sitting next to him. "Nothing, I was just really worried about you. You scared me to death."

"I know you're lying to me. I noticed the wedding band on your hand. I'm wearing one like it. What aren't you telling me?"

"I think you should wait for the doctor to explain-"

"Hosan don't do that. I want you to tell me."

Hosan's eyes began to water. "You were in a car accident because we were arguing. It's not April 3rd, 2018. It's June 22nd, 2048. We're married."

Yoongi was quiet for a moment. Thirty years. Thirty years of his life that he couldn't account for. He couldn't remember. Looking at Hosan, seeing him about to cry, knowing the younger male was probably blaming himself for whatever happened, hurt him. He hated seeing Hosan in pain. 

"It's okay. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself and please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry baby boy. We'll figure this out somehow."

The doctor returned with some forms. "I just need your signature on a few forms and then we can transfer him. Everything is ready and the hospital will be expecting you."

"Okay." Hosan signed some papers as they got Yoongi to transport him. "I'll meet you at the hospital don't worry. I'll be right behind you."

"Okay. Just come here for a second."

Hosan leaned down and felt Yoongi use his left arm to pull him into a kiss. "We're gonna be okay, I promise. I don't know how but we will. Just put your trust in me. I love you."

"I love you too."

Once Yoongi was gone, Hosan crouched down and began crying. Everything was so fucked up and out of place. He just didn't understand how did they get there and why was all of this shit happening right when they were trying to get things back on track?

Hosan wiped away his tears and and walked back out into the waiting room where their friends and family were waiting for him. "Yoongi is being transferred to another hospital because I simply don't trust the people here. I told him I would be right behind him. Um, Eunhae take Namjoon over to his house so he can get his things. He'll be living with us now. The guest room across from your bedroom should be fine for him. Minsu go with them. Just in case they need protection."

He paused for a moment, checking his feelings so he could speak properly. "For right now, I think the rest of you should go home. Yoongi's memory isn't great right now. He thinks we're on spring break of 2018."

"The trip he took by himself to Hawaii?"

"He wasn't alone. I was with him."

"But he was like-"

"Nineteen and I was seventeen. He remembers cutting off his dad and the past thirty years, he doesn't remember."

Sofia pulled up to a crummy motel and booked a room for the night. She was trying to get out of the country. When she saw Namjoon sitting with Hosan at the hospital, she knew the jig was up. "That ungrateful little shit. I gave him one fucking room to stay away from Lee Hosan and that fucking brat couldn't even do that. He fucked up everything. My plan ruined."

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