S2: Chapter Nine

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Hosan woke up to an empty bed. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom  to shower and get dressed for the day. He needed to run a couple errands and it was perfect for Hosan to see if Amber had really changed so she would be his driver for today. He made his way downstairs and began to prep dinner in the slow cooker. 

The door bell rang and he went to answer it. "Morning boss."

"Amber, you're right on time. Come in, I'm almost ready to leave."

Amber stepped inside the house and looked around at how homey it felt. It was unfamiliar for her. She sat down at the island and pulled out the iPad. "You have a lovely home."

"Thank you. I try my best. You clean up very nicely." Hosan said, noticing her outfit.

" Hosan said, noticing her outfit

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"Thank you. I tried my best to dress appropriately."

"You did good. Also I need you to add somewhere in the schedule today stopping by IBK."

"The bank?"


"Sure thing. I'll make sure to make it into the schedule. "

Hosan finished cutting up vegetables and put them in the cooker as Yoongi came out of his office.

"I don't give a shit what they trying to offer. It's no deal. I spent my life building this company and no damn Kim  is going to take that from me. I'm coming to the office now. Keep them entertained until I arrive."

Yoongi walked past Amber not even noticing her there as he kissed Hosan. "How you feeling this morning?"

"I'm okay. Sounds like you are busy."

"Kim enterprises trying to buy me out."

"Go handle it like i know you can. Dinner at nine."

"Got it, I love you."

"I love you too."

Yoongi turned around and locked eyes with Amber. "What is she doing here? I thought she was locked up."

"She was and now she isn't. She's my personal assistant. Go to work, we'll discuss this tonight."

Yoongi looked at her once more before leaving to work. "Let's hit the road."

Hosan grabbed the key and information sheet off the coffee table before leaving. Amber stopped by a coffee shop to get Hosan coffee and breakfast before they hit the road. Today Hosan was going to meeting up with designers for the layout of a school he was building. He wanted to give back to his community and build a school for kids like him who came from little to no money. 

He wanted to give kids the same opportunity as he did but for free a charity school that had sponsors to pay for the expenses so gifted kids  and their family could focus on their education. Amber pulled up to the construction cite and noticed the police out front. "Did I pull up to the right place?"

"Yes, come on."

Hosan climbed out of the car and went to the front where his construction team and police were gathered. "What's going on here?"

"Hey boss, I was about to call you. I didn't know if I should've called the police first or you."

"What's wrong?"

"We were digging and found a burial site with a bunch of bodies."

"You were right to call the police first. What's going to happen now?"

"Well construction will have to stop until we can determine if this is a historical burial site or a crime scene. You could be shut down for a few weeks or a few months. Maybe all together permanently."

It didn't make Hosan happy that he would have to stop but there was nothing he could do about it. "Help the officers lock down the site and answer any questions they may have. Any way that we can be helpful do it."

Amber was making calls as they walked back to the car. Amber switched to her Bluetooth ear piece as she handled business in regards of their schedule for the day. The main problem was everything that needed to be done had to do with the project that was just shut down so they couldn't do anything but cancel and wait to reschedule. 

Amber pulled up to the bank and parked the car. "I cancelled everything for today until we know when construction can start up again. This made room for us to the stop at the bank. Do you wish for me to go with you or wait here?"

"Wait here."

Hosan stepped out and headed inside. "Excuse me, I need to get into this safe deposit box but It belonged to my mother who passed."

"May I have the information for it and your ID?"


Hosan pulled out his driver's license and handed over the information slip. The clerk tapped away on her keyboard and checked his identity. After a moment she returned the items to him and smiled. 

"You have the key?"


"Follow me then. We actually have been trying to get a hold of you Mr. Lee. A few weeks ago, we had two people trying to get into your mother's deposit box without the correct information claiming to be her children. Due to your mother's instructions, we couldn't allow anyone in but you."

"May I see who they are?"

"Of course, I'll get a copy of the video for you."

She pointed to the box and left Hosan alone to open it while she got the footage. Hosan took a deep breath and opened the box. Inside, were five sets of keys with names attached to them, a government sealed letter, and a sheet of paper with bank information. 

"Here you go." The clerk said, handing him a disc. 

"Thank you. Could you tell me if this is a account for your bank?" He asked, showing her the bank statement.

"Yes, I can access it now and take a look at it."

"That would be great."

"Okay, come with me."

Hosan took everything from the box and locked it back, putting the items in his bag. The clerk looked up the account and got the information.

"This has two hundred and sixty million dollars in the account."

"I want to take out the money from the account and close it. I want to send five million to the accounts of the two claiming to be my mother's children if possible."

"I can take care of that. I'll just need your account info to send the money there as well."

Hosan gave the clerk everything she needed and after twenty minutes, it was completed. He headed outside and found Amber waiting for him. "Take me home and pick up lunch along the way."

"I placed an order for you but it'll be an hour, is that okay?"

"It's fine, just take me home first and then you can pick it up."

Hosan texted the girls group chat.

Meet me at my house, I need to relax.

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