S1: Chapter Eighteen

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Every day like clock work. Work. Hospital. Home. Work. Hospital. Home. It's the same routine Yoongi has been following for the past six months. That's how long it's been since Hosan went into a coma. He was now thirty five weeks pregnant. Yoongi even found out the gender and decorated a room for her. A little girl they were having. Today he wasn't needed in the office so back to the hospital he goes.

Yoongi showered putting on sweatpants and a sweatshirt. It was early December. He slid on his boots and grabbed his keys, phone and wallet before heading out to the hospital. He picked a cup of coffee to go before heading into the building. He greeted the nurses before heading inside Hosan's room. "Hey baby boy, I came back early today."

Yoongi kissed the male's forehead before putting his things down. he took a sip of his coffee before changing out his flowers and opening the blinds to let in the sunlight.

He rubbed the male's stomach and felt a kick. "Good morning my little princess. Appa didn't forget you."

Hosan's leg cast had been removed a month ago so Yoongi did physical therapy with him everyday. "Let's work on those legs baby."

Yoongi pulled the blanket back and began doing leg exercises with him. He worked from his legs, to his arms, and fingers. He did this everyday so that the muscles wouldn't go stiff and become weak.

When he was finished, he got a rag and a bowl of warm soapy water to give him a bath. He smiled as his little girl kicked from the inside from his touch. "I can't wait to meet you too sweetie."

He continued bathing Hosan before going into the bathroom to dump the water out. He put on fresh clothes and noticed the fluid in his catheter wasn't it's normal color. He stepped out and found a nurse. "Excuse me but can you look at my fiancé, his catheter looks weird."


The nurse entered the room and looked at the fluid. She quickly hit the button on the wall. "Everything is fine. The fluid is from his water breaking. Your baby is coming."

"What do I do?"

"Probably get ready because your daughter is coming out today."

A group of nurses kicked him out the room and went to work. Not sure what to do, he headed back home and grabbed a baby bag he had prepared for the occasion. He grabbed the car seat he had bought last week and installed it in the backseat.

He looked around the house and realized, he still needed to unpack some things. He would do it later. He sped back to the hospital and waited in the hall. A few hours later, A nurse came out. "Come on in dad."

Yoongi came into the room and saw the nurses changing the bed and Hosan's clothes. A nurse turned around holding a little girl. "She's beautiful." Yoongi carefully picked up his daughter and held her in his arms.

"What's her name dad?" Yoongi looked down at his daughter and smiled. "Eunhae. Geun Eunhae."

"Such a beautiful name." He looked over at Hosan. "Can she lay on his chest?"

"She can." A nurse sat up the bed so Hosan was sitting up slightly. Yoongi carefully laid Eunhae on his chest, using one arm to hold her. "Baby, this is our baby girl, Eunhae. Can you feel her in your arms?" Yoongi pulled out his phone and took a picture. It looked like Hosan was just sleeping in the photo.

He wished that Hosan was and could just wake up. Everyone quietly exited the room when Yoongi began to cry. He felt lost without Hosan next to him. Not hearing his voice, his laugh. Seeing his smile, holding him in his arms when they made love. He missed everything about the male that it was all he could focus on. He couldn't even focus on finding who put Hosan in the hospital. He was more focused on being there for when he woke up.

Yoongi picked up his daughter and gave her a bottle. He burped her and put her in the bassinet to sleep. He laid down on the couch and decided to take a nap. When he woke up, a nurse was giving Eunhae a bath. "We'll need to observe her for the next week but once she's giving the green light, she can go home with you."

"Will she get checked by a pediatrician while she's here?"

"Yes, I'll make sure that she does."

"Thank you."

Yoongi grabbed his things heading to the door. "I'll be back tomorrow. Will she be okay?"

"Yes. We'll have a nurse assigned to this room to care for her. It will probably be me."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." It was night time when Yoongi left the hospital. He drove home and looked around at all the packed boxes. He put his stuff down and started to unpack the kitchen. Yoongi had sold his house a few months back. He found it unbearable to keep living there after what happened. He moved to a gated community in the suburbs, a normal family sized house.

 He moved to a gated community in the suburbs, a normal family sized house

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His goal was to unpack the kitchen and living room for tonight. He began unpacking boxes and putting things in their proper place when he came across an old wind up camera. The roll was full but never developed. Yoongi put it on the kitchen counter next to his keys. He would develop the film tomorrow. With the living room and Kitchen completely unpacked, he decided to call it a night.

The next morning, Yoongi when to the backyard and went into the shed. He turned on the heat and began to unpack it. It was Hosan's new art studio. He wanted to make sure, it was at least unpacked before Eunhae came home because he wouldn't be able to do much unpacking.

 He wanted to make sure, it was at least unpacked before Eunhae came home because he wouldn't be able to do much unpacking

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Once he was done, he dropped off the camera and headed back to the hospital to see his baby girl. He had missed her cute face already. She had stolen his heart. He called his parents and told them to come down.

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